STATIC ELECTRICITY Date: __________ ATOMIC THEORY All matter is _____________________________________________ Atoms are composed of ____________________and _________________________ Every object carries an __________________________________________________ is said to have an equal charge CHARGE LOCATION MOTION Protons Electrons Neutrons STATIC ELECTRICITY: - occurs mostly in ________________ - is a ______________ ______________ - is caused by ________________ being ________________ from their atoms protons - occurs when two insulators ________________ - ________________ (________________) helps increase the contact area, but it is not the cause - static has little to do with remaining stationary because the electrons are ________________!! - the _________________________________________________, they are locked in the nucleus CHARGES: net ________________ charge: when there are ______________ electrons than protons net ________________ charge: when there are __________ electrons than protons Law of Conservation of Electric Charge: - for every region of negative charge, there is an ________________ region of positive charge. ________________________________: a list of substances ordered according to how ___________ they hold on their electrons. acetate glass wool fur, hair calcium, magnesium, lead silk aluminum, zinc paper cotton wax ebonite plastic carbon, copper, nickel sulfur, rubber platinum, gold Conductors: - materials whose atoms hold on to their electrons _____________________ - this means they contain __________________________________ - electrons in metals _____________ stuck to individual metal atoms Insulators: - materials whose atoms hold on to their electrons _____________________ - they contain ________________________________ - electrons in nonmetals _______ stuck to individual atoms Law of Electrostatic: (Law of Attraction and Repulsion) says: like charges ___________, unlike charges ________________ charged objects attract neutral objects What happens when these charges meet? - negative and negative _____________ negative and positive ______________ - negative and neutral ____________ positive and positive - positive and neutral ____________ neutral and neutral ______________ ________________