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Education Philosophy Essay

Education is a beautiful art, and it takes a special soul to be able to do it
effectively. Morals and values are very important; as a teacher, I believe, that a teacher needs to
be one that can adapt different ideas into one idea, differentiate between the abilities of
individuals, and be a determined goal to act as a guide. Classroom setting, to me, is also
important when it comes to the student learning experience. Students are going to learn better in
an environment that is supportive. Lastly, knowledge and understanding are going to set the
stage for me as a teacher. First being the knowledge I present to them, and secondly, how well
my teaching style makes the students effectively understand that information. Education is a
remarkable thing, it presents knowledge and understanding, how the role of the teacher helps the
students, and the philosophy of my teaching values.
Knowledge and understanding are the means of education, and is the purpose for why a
teacher presents the material and learning styles of their choice. Knowledge is the material,
skills, and information that a student acquires. Understanding is how much of those materials,
skills, and information a student retains and is able to use on their own. Knowledge and
understanding is the most important thing for a student. It is one thing to see the information and
know it but it is another thing to be able to put it to use in the textbook problems and real-life
problems. Also, I think that the material that is important to further your education is important.
Mainly the Information that is going to benefit your ability to further your education and the next
education level is the most important. Going along with that, another thing that matters a great
deal is the way the information and knowledge is delivered to the student. That is a big thing that
helps a student to understand the information. In conclusion, understanding and knowledge are
the main structure of the education.
Knowledge and understanding sets top the basis of education, but there is a catch. The
role of the teacher in delivering the knowledge is very important, and it presents how well the
students will understand the information. Coming from a personal experience from my previous
teachers, I think it is very important to have a open, airy, and engaging classroom. This means
not to many distractions on the wall, plenty of colors to make it feel open, and have just the right
amount of encouraging words throughout the classroom. I want this to be my classroom because
that will help the kids be more focused and relaxed while I am delivering their education. I, as
the teacher, will go over the information in a fun and engaging way. I want the learning
experience to be hands on because if a student can see and feel the information they are more
likely to remember it at a later time. The teaching philosophy that stands out most and the one
that I will incorporate into my philosophy is essentialism. I want to teach what will actually be
put to use in their real-life situations. I will go more in depth that just the basic skills needed, but
I won’t overwhelm my students with information that they will not need to know if they do not
understand it. In my opinion, teaching goes way beyond knowledge and understanding. I will be
willing to incorporate many learning styles into my instruction to be able to accommodate any
child that wants to be in my class, I will do my best to make the learning experience as hands on
and fun as possible, and I will teach them useful information without overwhelming them so it is
more easily understood.
To conclude, education is a huge factor in today’s world. Knowledge and understanding
are key factors of education. I was to be a teacher that sticks to real-life needed knowledge. As a
teacher, I will comfort my students and make them feel welcome and unique. I will be adaptive
to anyone who steps foot into my classroom. Essentialism is my main teaching philosophy with a
few of my own touches. Education in my classroom will be fun, evocative, and supportive. This
is my goal as a new upcoming teacher, and as I grow I know this philosophy is subject to change
and that will forever be a good thing as that means I am learning new ideas.