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Web Evolution: From Information to Application Medium

• Originally the Web was designed as a purely
informational medium.It is now increasingly evolving
into an application medium (Ginigeand Murugesan
2001a, Murugesan et al. 1999).
• Web applications today are full-fledged, complex
software systems providing interactive, data intensive,
and customizable servicesaccessible through different
• they provide a facility for therealization of user
transactions and usually store data in an underlying
database (Kappel et al. 2002).
WEB 1(Read only static page)
• Web 1.0 is an old internet that only allows
people to read from the interne
• First stage of the World Wide linking web
pages and hyperlink Most read-only Web.
• It focused on companies home pages
• It means Web is used as “Information Portal”.
Everyone has their personal own little corner
Facts about web 1
Web 2.0(read write interactive web)
Web 3.0