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Stig of the Dump: Chapter Summaries 4 & 5

Ch 4 – Gone A-Hunting
* Lou had gone hunting with a neighbor (w/ North Kent Foxhouds)
* Barney remembered Stig’s spear in the broom cupboard
* it was Winter; Barney wore rubber boots, mackintosh, sou’wester
* at first Stig didn’t recognize Barney with all his rainwear
* Barney drew a fox, hounds,horse & rider to show Stig about hunting
* person on top of horse in Barney’s picture excited Stig the most
* Stig took bow & arrows; Barney had the spear
* simile for Stig was like a dog, excited about his walk
* there were chestnut trees & oak trees
* Stig first raised his bow to shoot squirrel but Barney stopped him
* Stig tried to shoot wood-pigeons; his attempt failed; next cock
* Barney wasn’t comfortable to hunt the pheasant because he thought
it’s not part of the hunting sport to do so, or that pheasant could be
* Barney & Stig hid on the bank where there was a cave
* Stig let a fox go because he only hunt something for food; he thinks
that foxes don’t taste good; Barney was very angry
* hounds smelt the fox that went near Barney & Stig & growled at Stig,
undecided if he was human or animal
* Stig growled back at the hound; then took “lightning spring” & darted
toward the hound & bit it on its ear
* Barney was upset that Stig seemed to do everything he wasn’t
supposed to; also didn’t know what Stig would do next
* Stig was then excited by the sound of the horses nearby; Barney kept
feeling that something worse would happen
* when the white horse charged out, all the other horses went wild too
& there was a stampede
* Lou was bored up until the stampede
* Lou seemed to have seen an arrow in the white horse that came
running out; she also seemed to have seen Stig (an odd creature,
naked with rabbit skin in the middle)
* Barney told the story to Grandma & Lou; Lou sort of half believed him
(she didn’t say anything)
dense weeping grey clouds
wintry, rainy, damp, miserable weather
proud, brown-feathered, young, wild pheasant
small, red, cunning, calm fox
smug - having or showing excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements
quiver - tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion.
harpoon - a barbed spear-like missile attached to a long rope
pantomime - theatrical entertainment, mainly for children, which involves
music, topical jokes, and slapstick comedy and is based on a fairy tale or
nursery story, usually produced around Christmas
scuffling - a short, confused fight or struggle very nearby
lolloped - to walk or run with a clumsy or relaxed bouncing movement
flit - move swiftly and lightly
brandish – to wave (especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or
stag – male deer
Ch 5 – The Snargets
* Barney went to pit but heard voices at the bottom; it was Snargets
* Snarget boys => about same age as Barney, maybe older; clothes
grubbier & more tattered than Barney’s; tennis shoes w/ holes at toes;
long greasy hair; lived in old house with tarred weather boards
* Snargets seemed to be building some sort of shack out of dead
branches & old sheets of corrugated iron
* Barney hid & tried to throw ball of clay & roots at the roof of the
* 3 rd throw, clay clanged on roof & Snargets popped their heads out
“like ferrets out of rabbit holes”
* Snargets thought it was Albert; Barney knew they didn’t know it was
him because they had their backs to him
* Barney wasn’t scared because by time the boys got to top of cliff, he
could have run far away by then
* after the Snargets pretended to leave, Barney went to shack & only
found paper bag full of chestnut conkers
* Barney unearthed a rusty tin box from digging the floor with “GOLD
BLOCK” written on it => inside were screws, nuts, bolts & curtain rings
* Snargets came back & had an airgun & sticks
* Snargets claimed they were: Lone Ranger, Robin Hood & William Tell
* Barney wasn’t so comfortable because he wasn’t sure how rough the
Snargets could get
* Snargets were threatening to “slow torture” Barney, but Barney
escaped to the bottom of the pit into Stig’s den
* Stig was making a club out of a tree root, fixing bit so flint , broken
glass & rust nails into the club
* footsteps crackling on dry twigs sounded quite close to the den
* youngest Snarget found entrance to the den & threw a large lump of
chalk inside, hitting Stig on the side of the head
* Stig charged out & youngest Snarget in disbelief, turned & fled,
sobbing & screaming; others ran as well
* youngest tripped on an enamel basin; thought he was going to be
eaten on the spot
* Stig went to help youngest one up & took him back to his den
* other two boys came back for youngest one, with white handkerchief
tied to a stick & paper packets
* paper packets had: jelly babies; fizzy sherbet with hollow sticks of
liquorice; Woodbine cigarettes
* Stig was puzzled at what the paper packets were for => then he
examined the jelly baby in the light & had pleased expression on his
face & placed it in the chalk to look at it; when Barney ate it to show
him, he was horrified
* everyone watched anxiously as Stig ate the jelly baby
* unusual sensation of the fizz of the sherbet on Stig’s tongue made
him jump up alarmed, coughing & spluttering
* Barney patted Stig on the back to help him stop coughing; Snarget
boys were impressed
* Stig took cigarettes & chewed it up & swallowed it; Stig ate a second
one, even though he saw others light up cigarette => he felt it was
nourishing food
* Snargets said they were all along pretending & had not meant to
harm Barney at all; they said they felt Stig & Barney were “all right”
* they made an oath not to tell anyone about the den; swore over
beheaded jelly baby & buried it, showing what would happen if anyone
broke promise
tarred – to cover with tar
stoutly – strongly; thickly; heavily
rickety – poorly made & likely to collapse
scornful – lack of respect; ridicule others
gape – to open the mouth wide
jeer – make rude or mocking remarks
soppy – lacking spirit & strength of character
bristling – short, stiff or spikey
meek – quiet; gentle
gingerly – in a careful, cautious manner
splutter – make a series of short explosive spitting or choking sounds.
lynch – to put to death by mob action, illegally
is/are + verb (-ing)
* most verbs => + “-ing”
* verbs ending in consonant + “e” (end in silent “e”) => drop “e” + “-ing”
* verbs ending in one vowel + consonant (except –y or –w)
=> double the consonant + “-ing”
stopping clapping knitting
* most verbs => + “s”
* verbs ending in consonant + “y” => drop “y” + “ies”
* verbs ending in -s, -x, -z, - ch, -sh, -o => + “es”
watches wishes
ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY – describes how often we do something
time expressions:-
in + month/year
on + day (day of the week or actual date)
at + time of day
countable nouns => a/an many lots of a few some any
uncountable nouns => much plenty of a lot of a little some any
… some + plural noun => used for positive sentences (with “is / are / was...” etc
…..any + plural noun => used for negative sentences (with “isn't / aren't / wasn't ...” etc
statements or used in questions)
No. opinion size weight age temp. humidity shape colour origin material purpose