PARTNERSHI PAGREEMENT THI SAGREEMENTi smadeandent er edi nt oat_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , t hi s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _day of_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 20_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , byandbet ween _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _( NameAndAddr ess)and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _( NameAndAddr ess)( her eaf t ercol l ect i v el y r ef er r edt oast he" Par t ner s" ) . WHEREAS, t hePar t ner si nt endt o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . NOW THEREFORE, i nconsi der at i onoft hepr omi sesandmut ual cov enant smadeonet ot heot her , bei tandi ti sher ebyagr eedasf ol l ows: 1. Par t ner shi pNameandPur pose.Thepar t i esher et oher ebyf or m aPar t ner shi pundert he nameandst y l eof_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _( her eaf t err ef er r edt o as" t hePar t ner shi p" )t oownr eal pr oper t y , dev el opr eal pr oper t y , andt her eaf t ert o manage, oper at e, dev el op, mor t gage, l easeorsel l r eal pr oper t yanddoal l ot herl awf ul t hi ngsasf ur t herbusi nessoft hepar t ner shi pandasmaybenecessar y , i nci dent al , or conv eni entt ocar r yont hePar t ner shi pbusi nessaspr ov i dedher ei n. 2. Pl aceofBusi ness.Thepr i nci pal pl aceofbusi nessoft hePar t ner shi pshal l be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _( Locat i onandAddr ess)orsuchot herpl ace i nt heSt at eof_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ast hePar t ner shi pmayher eaf t er , f r om t i met ot i me, det er mi ne. 3. Ter m.ThePar t ner shi pshal l commenceasoft hedat eoft heexecut i onoft hi s Agr eementandshal l cont i nuet her eaf t erf orat er m of_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _y ear s, unl esssooner di ssol v edandt er mi nat edbyagr eementoft hePar t ner s; pr ov i ded, howev er , t hatt he Par t ner shi pshal l notbet er mi nat edbyt hebankr upt cy , i nsol v ency , appoi nt mentoft r ust ee f ort hebenef i tofcr edi t or s, deat h, i ncompet ence, orwi t hdr awal ofanyPar t ner , butt he r emai ni ngPar t ner sshal l hav et her i ght sandopt i onsassetf or t hbel ow. 4. Capi t al Cont r i but i ons.EachPar t nershal l cont r i but et ot hePar t ner shi p, ani ni t i al cont r i but i onofcapi t al andeachPar t nershal l shar ei nt henetannual oper at i ngpr of i t sor l ossesoft hePar t ner shi pi nt hef ol l owi ngr at i ounl essadj ust edasher ei naf t erpr ov i ded: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Par t ner sName _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cont r i but i on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Par t ner sName _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cont r i but i on Thecapi t al oft hePar t ner shi pshal l bet heaggr egat eamountofcapi t al cont r i but i onsmadet oi t byt hePar t ner s.Thei ni t i al capi t al t obecont r i but edbyeachPar t nershal l bei ncash.NoPar t ner shal l ber equi r edt omakeanyaddi t i onal cont r i but i ont ot hePar t ner shi pbutshal l makesuch addi t i onal cont r i but i onsasagr eeduponbyasuper maj or i t yoft hepar t ner s, anddi r ect edbya wr i t t encal l gi v ent oeachpar t ner .Foral l pur posesi nt hi sAgr eement , asuper maj or i t yv ot eoft he par t ner sshal l beav ot eofatl eastf i v epar t ner s. I fanyPar t nerf ai l st ocont r i but et headdi t i onal capi t al r equi r edofhi m wi t hi nt hi r t y( 30)day saf t er wr i t t encal l f orcont r i but i on, t heot herPar t ner sshal l begi v ent heoppor t uni t yt ocont r i but e amount st hatwi l l equal t heassessmenti ndef aul t .Theyshal l cont r i but eamount sequal i ngt he assessmenti ndef aul ti napr opor t i oncommensur at ewi t ht hepr opor t i onoft hecapi t al i nt er esti n t hePar t ner shi poft henondef aul t i ngPar t ner ( s)pr i ort ot hecal l f oraddi t i onal cont r i but i onsori n anyot herpr opor t i onst hatt heymaydet er mi ne.Theal l ocat i onofpr of i t sorl ossesamongal l t he Par t ner sshal l beadj ust edaccor di ngt ot hechangei ncapi t al cont r i but i onsbyt hepar t ner s. Cont r i but i onst ot hecapi t al oft hePar t ner shi pshal l notbeari nt er est .Howev er , anyadv anceof moneyt ot hePar t ner shi pbyanyPar t neri nexcessoft heamount spr ov i dedf ori nt hi sAgr eement orsubsequent l yagr eedt oasaCapi t al Cont r i but i onshal l notbedeemedaCapi t al Cont r i but i ont o t hePar t ner shi p, butadebtduef r om t hePar t ner shi p, andshal l ber epai dwi t hi nt er estatsuch r at esandt i mesasdet er mi nedbyasuper maj or i t yoft hePar t ner s.Suchdebt smayhav e pr ef er enceorpr i or i t yov eranyot herpay ment st oPar t ner sasmaybedet er mi nedbya super maj or i t yoft hePar t ner s. 5. Capi t al Account s.Asepar at ecapi t al accountshal l bemai nt ai nedf oreachPar t ner , and capi t al cont r i but i onst ot hePar t ner shi pbyt hePar t ner sshal l bechar gedt osuchaccount s. Par t ner shi ppr of i t sorl ossesshal l al sobechar gedorcr edi t edt ot hesepar at ecapi t al account si n t hemannerher ei nbef or epr ov i ded.Noi nt er estshal l bepai dont hecapi t al accountofanyPar t ner . 6. CashDi st r i but i ons.Anyamount shel dbyt hePar t ner shi pandnotr equi r edf orpur poses ofi t sbusi ness, i ncl udi ngr easonabl er eser v esf orcont i ngenci es, maybedi st r i but edt ot he Par t ner spur suantt ot het er msher eof .NoPar t nershal l beent i t l edt omakewi t hdr awal sf r om hi s i ndi v i dual accountorhav er et ur nedt ohi m hi scapi t al cont r i but i onsexcepti naccor dance her ewi t h.NoPar t nershal l hav et her i ghtt or equi r et hatadi st r i but i onbemadet ohi m ot hert han i ncash. 7. BanksandBooksofAccount .Thef undsoft hePar t ner shi pshal l bekepti nasepar at e accountoraccount si nabankand/ orsav i ngsi nst i t ut i oni nt henameoft hePar t ner shi p.Al l wi t hdr awal sf r om suchaccount sshal l bemadeuponchecksordr af t ssi gnedbyanyPar t ner . Ful l andcompl et ebooksofaccountshal l bekeptandmai nt ai nedatt hepr i nci pal pl aceof busi nessandal l t r ansact i onsshal l beent er edi nsuchbooks.EachPar t nershal l hav eaccessand t her i ghtt oi nspectandcopysuchbooksandal l ot herPar t ner shi pr ecor ds.Thebooksshal l be cl osedatt heendofeachcal endary earandst at ement spr epar edshowi ngt hef i nanci al condi t i on oft hePar t ner shi pandi t spr of i torl oss. 8. Managi ngPar t ner s.I nt hegener al conductoft hePar t ner shi pbusi ness, al l t hePar t ner s shal l beconsul t edandt headv i ceandopi ni onsoft hePar t ner sshal l beobt ai nedsomuchasi s pr act i cabl e.Howev er , f ort hepur poseoff i xi ngandhar moni zi ngt hepol i ci esandpr act i cesoft he Par t ner shi pandofsecur i nguni f or mi t yandcont i nui t yi nt heconductofi t sbusi ness, t hegener al managementoft hePar t ner shi pbusi nessshal l r estsol el yi nt heManagi ngPar t ner s.The Managi ngPar t ner sshal l be: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _( Nameand Addr ess) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _( NameandAddr ess) . Excepti ncasesofgr ossnegl i genceorwi l l f ul mi sconduct , t hedoi ngofanyactort hef ai l ur et odo anyactbyt heManagi ngPar t ner s, t heef f ectofwhi chmaycauseorr esul ti nl ossordamaget o t hePar t ner shi p, shal l notsubj ectt heManagi ngPar t ner st oanyl i abi l i t yt ot her emai ni ngPar t ner s ort ot hePar t ner shi p.I nt heev entoft hedeat h, phy si cal orment al i ncapaci t y , orwi t hdr awal of ei t herManagi ngPar t nerf r om t hePar t ner shi p, t hesur v i v i ngPar t ner sshal l hav eequal r i ght si nt he managementoft hePar t ner shi pandshal l appoi ntsuccessorManagi ngPar t ner s. Exceptasot her wi sepr ov i dedher ei n, noPar t nershal l makeanycont r actf orandonbehal foft he Par t ner shi pwi t houtt hepr i orappr ov al oft heot herPar t ner s.Al l cont r act sshal l bemadei nt he nameoft hePar t ner shi pandi nt hecaseofanydi sagr eementast ot hemaki ngofanycont r actor assumpt i onofanyobl i gat i onbyt hePar t ner shi p, suchcont r actorobl i gat i onshal l notbemadeor execut edexceptasdi r ect edbyasuper maj or i t yoft hePar t ner s; f ur t her , noPar t nershal l r el ease norcancel anyi ndebt ednessorobl i gat i onduet hePar t ner shi p, exceptonf ul l pay mentt her eof , or upont hemut ual agr eementofal l t hePar t ner s, norshal l anyPar t nergi v e, ext end, orguar ant ee cr edi tt oorf oranyper son, f i r m, cor por at i onwi t houtt heconsentofal l t hePar t ner s, noratany t i meshal l anyPar t nersi gnt hef i r m namenorpl edget hef i r m' scr edi tnori nanyot hermanneract assur et yorguar ant ori nanypaper , bi l l , bond, not e, ordr af torot herobl i gat i onwhat soev er , nor assi gnpl edge, mor t gage, sel l orot her wi sedi sposeof , anyPar t ner shi ppr oper t yoranyi nt er est t her ei nordoany t hi ngorper mi tanyactwher ebyt hePar t ner shi p' smoney , i nt er est , orpr oper t yor i t si nt er estt her ei n, maybel i abl et osei zur e, at t achment , orexecut i on, exceptuponmut ual consentofal l t hePar t ner s. 9. Rel at i onshi poft hePar t ner s.EachPar t nermayhav eot herbusi nessi nt er est sandmay engagei nanyot herbusi ness, t r ade, pr of essi on, orempl oy mentwhat soev eronhi sownaccount ori npar t ner shi pwi t h, asanempl oy eeof , orasanof f i cer , di r ect or , orst ockhol derofanyot her per son, f i r m, orcor por at i on( whet hercompet i t i v ewi t ht hePar t ner shi porot her wi se)andheshal l notber equi r edt odev ot ehi sent i r et i met ot hebusi nessoft hePar t ner shi p.EachPar t nershal l dev ot esucht i meandat t ent i ont ot heconductoft hebusi nessoft hePar t ner shi passhal l be deemedbyal l oft hePar t ner st ober equi r edf ort hebusi nessoft hePar t ner shi p. NoPar t nershal l r ecei v eanysal ar yorot herspeci al compensat i onorser v i cesr ender edbyhi m as Par t neroft hePar t ner shi p, exceptasot her wi seagr eedbyal l t hePar t ner s.Not wi t hst andi ngt he f or egoi ng, eachPar t nershal l beper mi t t edt odobusi nesswi t ht hePar t ner shi pandwi t hanyot her Par t neri ndi v i dual l yorwi t hanybusi nessent i t yi nwhi chsuchPar t nermayhav eani nt er est . I ti sunder st oodt hateachoft hepar t i esher et oar ePar t ner sf ort hepur poseoft hi sPar t ner shi pas setf or t hi nPar agr aph1her eof , butnot hi ngcont ai nedi nt hi sAgr eementshal l maket hePar t ner s par t ner swi t hr espectt omat t er sunr el at edt ot hePar t ner shi p, orr endert hem l i abl ef oranydebt s orobl i gat i onsofanyPar t ner , norshal l anyPar t nerbeher ebyconst i t ut edt heagentf orany Par t nerexceptt ot hel i mi t edext enther ei nspeci f i cal l yper mi t t edandasmaybeher ei naf t er agr eeduponbyconsentofal l t hepar t i es. 10. Wai v erofRi ghtt oPar t i t i on.EachPar t nerher et oher ebywai v eshi sr i ghtt opar t i t i on( ort o separ at el yasser tanyr i ghtt opar t i t i onundert hest at ut esoft heSt at eof_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ per t ai ni ngt opar t i t i on)anyr eal pr oper t yownedbyt hePar t ner shi p. 11. Vol unt ar yTer mi nat i on.ThePar t ner shi pmaybedi ssol v edatanyt i mebyagr eementofa super maj or i t yoft hePar t ner s, i nwhi chev entt hepar t ner sshal l pr oceedwi t hr easonabl e pr ompt nesst ol i qui dat et hebusi nessoft hepar t ner shi p.Theasset soft hepar t ner shi pand pr oceedsofl i qui dat i onshal l beappl i edi nt hef ol l owi ngor der : ( a) Tot hepay mentoforpr ov i si onf oral l debt s, l i abi l i t i esandobl i gat i onsoft hePar t ner shi pt o anyper son( ot hert hanPar t ner s)andt heexpensesofl i qui dat i on; ( b) Tot hepay mentofal l debt sandl i abi l i t i es( i ncl udi ngi nt er est )t ot hePar t ner s( exceptt hose onaccountoft hei rcapi t al cont r i but i ons) ; ( c) Tot hedi schar geoft hebal anceoft hei ncomeaccount soft hePar t ner s; ( d) Tot hepay mentoft hecapi t al account soft hePar t ner s, l essanypr ev i ousdi st r i but i onsand anyl osseschar gedorchar geabl et ot hecapi t al account soft hePar t ner sandi ncr easedby anyi ncomeorgai nscr edi t edt osuchcapi t al account s; and ( e) Bet weent hePar t ner si nt hesamepr opor t i onast hei rper cent agesofi nt er esti nt he Par t ner shi passetf or t hi nPar agr aph4. Not wi t hst andi nganyot herpr ov i si onsoft hi sPar agr aph11, i f , uponul t i mat el i qui dat i onoft he Par t ner shi p, t hef or egoi ngal l ocat i onswoul dl eav eanyPar t nerwi t hadef i ci ti nhi scapi t al account t hati snott ober epai dt ot hePar t ner shi p, t hen, suchal l ocat i onshal l bemodi f i edsot hat , t ot he ext entpossi bl e, t heamountoft ot al gai n( i ncl udi ngt hepor t i onofanycancel l at i onof i ndebt ednessi ncomenotexcl udedbyanel ect i onunderI nt er nal Rev enueCodeSect i ons108and 1017)al l ocat edt osuchPar t neri ssuf f i ci entt oel i mi nat esuchdef i ci t .I ft her ear esev er al Par t ner swi t hsuchdef i ci t sandt het ot al gai ni sl esst hant heaggr egat edef i ci t s, suchgai nsshal l beal l ocat edi npr opor t i ont o, butnoti nexcessof , t hei rr espect i v edef i ci t s. 12. Ret i r ement .NoPar t nermayr et i r ef r om t hePar t ner shi pf oraper i odof_ _ _ _y ear sf r om t hedat eoft hi sAgr eement .Af t ersai dper i od, anyPar t nershal l hav et her i ghtt or et i r ef r om t he Par t ner shi patt heendofanycal endarmont h.Wr i t t ennot i ceofi nt ent i ont or et i r eshal l beser v ed upont her emai ni ngPar t ner satl east_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _day sbef or et hef i r stdayoft hemont hi nwhi ch t her et i r i ngPar t neri nt endst or et i r e.Ther et i r ementofsuchPar t nershal l hav enoef f ectupont he cont i nuanceoft hePar t ner shi pbusi ness.I ft her emai ni ngPar t ner sel ectt opur chaset hei nt er est oft her et i r i ngPar t ner , t hePar t ner sshal l ser v ewr i t t ennot i ceofsuchel ect i onupont her et i r i ng Par t nerwi t hi n_ _ _ _ _ _ _day saf t err ecei ptoft her et i r i ngPar t ner ' snot i ceofi nt ent i ont or et i r e, and t hepur chasepr i ceandmet hodofpay mentf ort hePar t ner shi pi nt er estshal l beaspr ov i dedi n Par agr aph14her eof .I ft her emai ni ngPar t ner sel ectnott opur chaset hei nt er estoft her et i r i ng Par t ner , t hent hePar t ner sshal l pr oceedwi t hr easonabl epr ompt nesst ol i qui dat et hebusi nessof t hePar t ner shi p. 13. I nv ol unt ar yWi t hdr awal .AnyPar t nermayber equi r edt owi t hdr awf r om t hePar t ner shi p upont hehappeni ngofanyoft hef ol l owi ngev ent s: ( a) I fanyPar t nermakesanassi gnmentf ort hebenef i tofcr edi t or sorappl i esf ort he appoi nt mentofat r ust ee, al i qui dat ororr ecei v erofanysubst ant i al par tofhi sasset sor commencesanypr oceedi ngr el at i ngt ohi msel funderanybankr upt cy , r eor gani zat i on, or ar r angementofsi mi l arl aw; ori fanysuchappl i cat i oni sf i l edorpr oceedi ngi scommenced agai nstanyPar t nerandsuchPar t neri ndi cat eshi sconsentt her et o, oranor deri sent er ed appoi nt i nganysucht r ust ee, l i qui dat ororr ecei v er , orappr ov i ngapet i t i oni nanysuchpr oceedi ng andsuchor derr emai nsi nef f ectf ormor et hansi xt y( 60)day s; t hent hatPar t nershal l bedeemed t ohav ewi t hdr awnf r om t hePar t ner shi pasoft hedat eoft hehappeni ngofanysuchev ent . ( b) I fanyPar t nershal l beadj udgedi ncompet ent , t hensuchPar t nershal l bedeemedt ohav e wi t hdr awnf r om t hePar t ner shi pont hedat esetf or t hi nanot i cet osuchi ncompet entPar t ner f r om t her emai ni ngPar t ner s. Thev al ueoft hePar t ner shi pi nt er esti nt hePar t ner shi pofanyPar t nerwhoshal l ber equi r edt o wi t hdr awf r om t hePar t ner shi paspr ov i dedi nt hi spar agr aph, andt hemet hodofpay mentf ort he Par t ner shi pi nt er estshal l beaspr ov i dedi nPar agr aph14her eof . 14. Deat hofaPar t ner .Upont hedeat hofaPar t ner , t hePar t ner shi pshal l nott er mi nat e, and t hebusi nessoft hePar t ner shi pshal l becont i nuedt ot heendoft hef i scal y eari nwhi chsuch deat hoccur s.Theest at eoft hedeceasedPar t nershal l shar ei nt henetpr of i t sorl ossesoft he Par t ner shi pf ort hebal anceoft hef i scal y eari nt hesamemannert hedeceasedPar t nerwoul d hav eshar edi nt hem hadhesur v i v edt ot heendoft hef i scal y ear , butt hel i abi l i t yoft heest at ef or l ossesshal l notexceedt hedeceasedPar t ner ' si nt er esti nt hePar t ner shi passet satt het i meof hi sdeat h.Theest at eoft hedeceasedPar t nershal l hav enov oi cei nt heaf f ai r soft hePar t ner shi p. Att heendoft hef i scal y ear , t hesur v i v i ngPar t ner sshal l hav et heopt i onei t hert ol i qui dat et he Par t ner shi port opur chaset hei nt er estoft hedeceasedPar t ner . ( a) I ft hesur v i v i ngPar t ner sel ectt opur chaset hei nt er estoft hedeceasedPar t ner , t heyshal l ser v enot i cei nwr i t i ngofsuchel ect i onwi t hi n_ _ _ _ _ _ _mont hsaf t ert hedeat hoft hePar t nerupon t heExecut ororAdmi ni st r at orofsuchdeceasedPar t ner ' sest at e, ori fatt het i meofsuchel ect i on nosuchl egal r epr esent at i v ehasbeenappoi nt ed, uponanyoneoft heknownl egal hei r soft he decedentatt hel astknownaddr essofsuchhei r .Thepur chasepr i ceshal l beequal t ot he deceasedPar t ner ' scapi t al accountasoft heendoft hemont hnextpr ecedi ngt hedat eofhi s deat hpl ust hedeceasedPar t ner ' si ncomeaccountasofsai ddat e, adj ust edf ort hedeceased Par t ner ' sshar eofpr of i t snotpr ev i ousl ydi st r i but edorl ossesnotpr ev i ousl ychar gedt oei t herof sai daccount st hr ought heendoft hemont hnextpr ecedi ngdeat h.Noal l owanceshal l bemade f orgoodwi l l , t r adename, pat ent sorot heri nt angi bl easset s, exceptast hoseasset shav ebeen r ef l ect edont hePar t ner shi pbooksi mmedi at el ypr i ort ot er mi nat i on; butt hesur v i v i ngPar t ner s shal l nev er t hel essbeent i t l edt ouset het r adenameoft hePar t ner shi p.Thecapi t al accountoft he deceasedPar t nershal l beadj ust edt or ef l ectt hef ai rmar ketv al ueofal l Par t ner shi pl andand i mpr ov ement sl ocat edt her eonandf i xt ur esaf f i xedt her et o, t hesamet obedet er mi nedbyan i ndependentappr ai sersel ect edbyt hepar t i esf ort hi spur pose, whosedet er mi nat i onshal l bef i nal andbi ndi nguponal l i nt er est edpar t i es.Thepur chasepr i ceshal l bepai dwi t hi n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _y ear ( s) oft hedeat hoft hedeceasedpar t nerandshal l beari nt er estatt her at eof_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _per centper annum t her eaf t er .I nt heev entnoagr eementcanbemadeonwhoshal l bet heappr ai ser , t hen t hev al ueshal l beest abl i shedbyt hr eeappr ai ser s, onesel ect edbyt hedeceasedpar t ner ' sest at e, onesel ect edbyt her emai ni ngpar t ner sandat hi r dappr ai sersel ect edbyt hoset woappr ai ser s. ThePar t ner si nt endt hatt hepay ment sf ort hedeceasedPar t ner ' scapi t al accountshal l be di st r i but i onsunderSect i on736( b)oft heI nt er nal Rev enueCode, andt hatpay ment sf or undi st r i but edpr of i t sshal l beadi st r i but i v eshar eoft hePar t ner shi pi ncomeoraguar ant eed pay mentunderSect i on736( a)oft heI nt er nal Rev enueCode. ( b) I ft hesur v i v i ngPar t ner sdonotel ectt opur chaset hei nt er estoft hedeceasedPar t ner , t heyshal l pr oceedwi t hr easonabl epr ompt nesst ol i qui dat et hePar t ner shi p.Dur i ngt heper i odof l i qui dat i on, t hesur v i v i ngPar t ner sandt heest at eoft hedeceasedPar t nershal l shar ei nt hepr of i t s andl ossesoft hebusi nessi nt hesamemannert hatt heywoul dhav eshar edi nt hem hadt he deceasedPar t nersur v i v edt ot heendoft hef i scal y ear , exceptt hatt hedeceasedPar t ner ' sest at e shal l notbel i abl ef orl ossesi nexcessoft hedeceasedPar t ner ' si nt er esti nt hePar t ner shi p asset sasoft het i meofhi sdeat h.Exceptasher ei not her wi sest at ed, t hepr ocedur east o l i qui dat i onanddi st r i but i onoft heasset soft hePar t ner shi pbusi nessshal l bet hesameasst at ed i nPar agr aph11. Thepar t i esagr eet hatt hepr ov i si onscont ai nedher ei nwi t hr espectt ot hedi schar geofa deceasedPar t ner ' si nt er esti nt hePar t ner shi par ei nl i euoft hepr ov i si onsof _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( St at eSt at ut e) ( Uni f or m Par t ner shi pAct ) )andshal l excl usi v el ygov er nt hedi sposi t i onofand account i ngf ort hei nt er estofadeceasedPar t neri nt hePar t ner shi p. 15. NewPar t ner s.Noper sonshal l beadmi t t edasaPar t neroft hePar t ner shi pexceptwi t h t heconsentofal l t hePar t ner swhoshal l det er mi net het er msandcondi t i onsuponwhi chsuch admi ssi oni st obeef f ect i v e. 16. Pr ohi bi t i ononTr ansf er .APar t nershal l not , andshal l hav enor i ght , t osel l , assi gn, pl edge ormor t gagehi si nt er esti nt hePar t ner shi p, ort hePar t ner shi ppr oper t yorasset s, exceptwi t ht he wr i t t enconsentofal l t hePar t ner s, andanysuchpr ohi bi t i ont r ansf er , i fat t empt ed, shal l bev oi d andwi t houtf or ceoref f ect . 17. Ent i r eAgr eement .Thi sAgr eementcont ai nst heent i r eunder st andi ngoft hepar t i es her et oandmaynotbemodi f i edoramendedexceptbyawr i t i ngsi gnedbyt hepar t i est obe char gedt her ewi t h. 18. Cont r ol l i ngLaw.Thi sAgr eementshal l becont r ol l edbyandconst r uedi naccor dance wi t ht hel awsoft heSt at eof_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 19. Successor sandAssi gns.Subj ectt ot her est r i ct i onssetf or t hher ei n, t hi sAgr eement shal l i nur et ot hebenef i tofandbebi ndi ngupont hehei r s, per sonal r epr esent at i v es, successor s andassi gnsoft hepar t i es. I NWI TNESSWHEREOF, t hepar t i esher et ohav esett hei rhandsandseal st hedat eandpl acef i r st abov ement i oned. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si gnat ur eofPar t ner _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dat e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si gnat ur eofPar t ner _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dat e