QUESTREVI EW CENTER 1550EspanaBl v d.Cor .LacsonAv e. , Sampal oc, Mani l a NOTESONCRI MI NALI STI CS PERSONALI DENTI FI CATI ON Cr i mi nal i st i cs =I st heappl i cat i onoft hepr i nci pl esofv ar i oussci encesi nsol v i ngpr obl emsi nconnect i onwi t h t headmi ni st r at i onofj ust i ce. =Al sor ef er r edt oasFor ensi cSci enceorPol i ceSci ence. Thewor df or ensi cwasder i v edf r om t heLat i nwor d“ For um”whi chmeansa“ mar ketpl ace” ,a pl acewher epeopl egat her edf or“ publ i cdi scussi on”.Wheni ti susedi nconj unct i onwi t hot her sci encesi tsi mpl yconnot est hei deaofappl i cat i ont ol aw orf ort headmi ni st r at i onofj ust i ce. Somet i mesi ti sal sor ef er r edt oas“ l egal ” . Dr .HansGr oss=AnAust r al i anmagi st r at et odescr i bedSear chf orTr ut hast heul t i mat egoalofal l i nv est i gat i v eanddet ect i v ewor ks.Hei sknownast heFat herofModer nCr i mi nal i st i cs. A.PERSONALI DENTI FI CATI ON “ LawofMul t i pl i ci t yofEvi dence”Thegr eat ernumberofsi mi l ar i t i esordi ssi mi l ar i t i es; t he gr eat eri st hepr obabi l i t yf ort heconcl usi ont obecor r ect . Al phonseBer t i l l i on=Fat herofPer sonal I dent i f i cat i on.Thef i r stt odev i seasci ent i f i cmet hod ofi dent i f i cat i oncal l edAnt hr opomet r y . Af i nger pr i ntwasf i r stusedi nChi nabef or et hebi r t hofChr i st i ani t y .Theycal l edi tHuaChi . I .Per sonal i t i esi nFi nger pr i nt s: 1.Nehemi ahGr ew( 1684)–descr i best her i dgesandpor esoft hehandsandf eet( Phi l osophi cal Tr ansact i on)pr esent edi nRoy al Soci et yofLondon, Engl and. 2.Gov ar d.Bi bl oo–wor ksont hesweatpor esandr i dges. 3.Mar cel oMal pi ghi ( 16281694)–Pr of essoratt heUni v er si t yofBol ogni a, I t al y , knownf orhi s di scov er yoft heEpi der mi sandDer mi sl ay er .Wr i t t ent hebookent i t l ed“ DeExt er noTact usOr gano” Fat herofDact y l oscopy . 4.J. C. A.May er( 1788)–t hef i r stt ost at et hatf i nger pr i nt sar enev erdupl i cat edi nt woper sons (Anat omi cheKupher t af el n) . 5.JohannesPur kenj i e( 1823)–Pr of essoratt heUni v er si t yofBr esl au, Ger many .Est abl i sheda cer t ai nr ol ef orcl assi f i cat i onandbeabl et oi dent i f yni ne( 9)t y pesofpat t er nal t houghnev er associ at edt oi dent i f i cat i on 6.Her manWel cker–t ookhi sownf i nger pr i nt st wi cewi t hal apseoff or t y oney ear sandshowt he r i dgesf or mat i onr emai nst hesame. 7.Wi l l i am Her schel –t hef i r stt oadv ocat et heuseoff i nger pr i nt sassubst i t ut ef orsi gnat ur ef r om amongI ndi annat i v et oav oi di mper sonat i on. Raj adharKonai =t hef i r stper sonHer schel pr i nt edt hepal m. 8.Henr yFaul ds–Asur geoonatTsukuj i Hospi t al , Toky o, Japan, whocl ai medt hatl at entpr i nt s woul dpr ov i deposi t i v ei dent i f i cat i onofof f ender sonceappr ehended(AManual ofPr act i cal Dact y l oscopy ) . 9.Fr anci sGal t on–Dev el opedt heAr ch.LoopandWhor l Pat t er nsasgener al cl assi f i cat i onand i dent i f i edni ne( 9)t y pesofpat t er n.Fi r stt oest abl i shaCi v i l Bur eauofPer sonal I dent i f i cat i on.He sai dt hatt hepossi bi l i t yoft wopr i nt sbei ngal i kewas1: 65, 000, 000, 000. 10. Edwar dRi char dHenr y–Dev el opedt heHenr ySy st em ofCl assi f i cat i onatScot l andYar dwhi ch wasaccept edbyal mostal l Engl i shspeaki ngcount r y .KnownasFat herofFi nger pr i nt . KhanBahadurAzi zul HaqueandRai Hem Chandr aBose–t het woHi ndupol i ceof f i cer s whohav ehel pHenr yi nat t ai ni nghi sgoal . 11. JuanVucet i ch–ASpani shcount er par tofHenr ywhodev el opedhi sownsy st em ofcl assi f i cat i on i nAr gent i naandwasaccept edi nal mostal l Spani shSpeaki ngcount r y . I NAMERI CA Gi l ber tThompson=ageol ogi sti nNewMexi co, adopt edt hef i r sti ndi v i dual useoff i nger pr i nti n august8, 1882asapr ot ect i ont opr ev entt amper i ngwi t ht hepayor der . I sai ahWestTabor=Phot ogr apheri nSanFr anci scowhoadv ocat edt heuseoft hesy st em f or t her egi st r at i onoft hei mmi gr antChi nese. Samuel Langhor neCl emens=AnEngl i shmanwhoi nf or mal l yi nt r oducedDact y l oscopyi nt he Uni t edSt at esi nhi sbook“Li f ei nt heMi ssi ssi ppi ”and“PuppnHeadWi l son” . Fr anci sGal t on Dr .Henr ypDeFor est=Ut i l i zedt hef i r stMuni ci pal Ci v i l useoff i nger pr i ntf orCr i mi nal Regi st r at i ononDecember1902( Mun.Ci v i l Ser v i ceComm. , NewYor k) . Capt .JamesL.Par ke=Adv ocat et hef i r stst at eandpenal useoff i nger pr i ntadopt edi n Si ngSi ngpr i sononJune5, 1903l at eronAubur nNapanochandCl i nt onPeni t ent i ar i es. Sgt .JohnKennet hFer r i er=Fi r stf i nger pr i nti nst r uct oratSt .Loui sPol i ceDept .Mi ssour i . Maj .R.McCl oughr y=war denoft heFeder al Peni t ent i ar i esofLeav enWor t h.Est abl i shedt he f i r stof f i ci al Nat i onal Gov er nmentuseoff i nger ppr i nt . Mar yK.Hol and=f i r stAmer i cani nst r uct r essi ndact y l oscopy . FBI=i dent i f i cat i onuni ther ei nwasof f i ci al l yest abl i shedbyanactofcongr essi n1924. I nst i t ut eofAppl i edSci ence=Fi r stpr i v at eschool t oi nst al l l abor at or i esf ori nst r uct i on pur posesi ndact y l oscopy . Peopl ev s.Jenni ngs, Dec.21, 1911=Uni t edSt at esl eadi ngcasewher ei nt hef i r stconv i ct i on basedonf i nger pr i ntwasr ecogni zedbyt hej udi ci al aut hor i t i es( 14poi nt s) . I NTHEPHI LI PPI NES Mr .Jones=onewhof i r stt aughtFPi nt hePhi l s.( 1900) Bur eauofPr i son=( 1968)CARPETASf i nger pr i ntwasused. Gener osoRey es–Fi r stFi l i pi noFi nger pr i ntTechni ci anempl oy edbyP. C. I sabel aBer nal es–f i r stFi l i pi naFi nger pr i ntTechni ci an Capt .ThomasDugan, NewYor kPol i ceDept .andFl av i anoGuer r er o, FBIWashi ngt on–gav et he f i r stexami nat i oni nFPi n1927andAgust i nPat r i ci ooft hePhi l s.Topt heExami nat i on Peopl eoft hePhi l s.Vs.Medi na-Fi r stconv i ct i onbaseonFi nger pr i ntandl eadi ngcasedeci si on i nt hePhi l .Jur i spr udence( 10poi nt s) . Pl ar i del Educat i onI nst i t ut e( PEI )nowknownasPhi l .Col l egeofCr i mi nol ogy , f i r stgov er nment r ecogni zedschool t ot eacht heSci enceofFi nger pr i ntandot herPol i ceSci ences. JohnDel l i nger–knownU. S.publ i cenemynumberonewhoat t emptt odest r oyhi sownpr i nt s usi ngcor r osi v eaci ds. Rober tJamesPi t t s–wor ksonSur ger yt of or gedhi sownf i nger pr i nt sandwasnamed“ Man wi t houtf i nger pr i nt ” Luci l aLal u–t hef i r stFi l i pi naChopchopl adywhowasi dent i f i edt hr oughf i nger pr i nt . Al phonseBer t i l l i on–knownast heFat heroft hef i r stsci ent i f i cmet hodofI dent i f i cat i on ( Ant hr opomet r y ) DACTYLOSCOPY Def i ni t i on Dact y l oscopy–( der i v edf r om t heLat i nwor dsDact y l=f i ngerandSkopi en–t ost udyorexami ne)i s t hepr act i cal appl i cat i onoft hesci enceoff i nger pr i nt s. Dact y l ogr aphy–i st hesci ent i f i cst udyoff i nger pr i ntasameansofi dent i f i cat i on. Dact y l omancy–i st hesci ent i f i cst udyoff i nger pr i ntf orpur posesofper sonal i t yi nt er pr et at i on. Der mat ogl y phi cs=i st hesci encewhi chdeal swi t ht hest udyofski npat t er n.I ti sder i v edf r om t wo Gr eekwor ds, Der mawhi chmeansSki nandGl y pewhi chmeansCar v e. Basi cPr i nci pl esofFi nger pr i nt 1.I ndi v i dual i t y Not woper sonshav et hesamef i nger pr i nt( basedonSt at i st i cPr obabi l i t y ) 2.I nf al l i bi l i t y Thatf i nger pr i nti saposi t i v eandr el i abl emeansofi dent i f i cat i on.I tcannotbeeasi l ybef or ged. 3.Const ancyorper manency Thatt hef r i ct i onr i dgeoncef ul l ydev el opedi t sar r angementwi l l r emai nst hesamet hr oughout man’ sl i f e. Fi nger pr i nt s I sani mpr essi ondesi gnbyt hef i r stj oi ntoft hef i nger sandt humbonsmoot hsur f acet hr ough t hemedi aofi nk, sweatoranysubst ancecapabl eofpr oduci ngv i si bi l i t y . Rel at edSci encest ot heSt udyofFi nger pr i nt : 1.Chi r oscopy– (Gr eekwor d“Chei r ”–ahand, “ Skopi en”–t oexami ne)i st hesci encewhi chdeal s wi t ht hest udyoft hepr i nt soft hepal msoft hehand. 2.Podoscopy–(Gr eekwor d“ Podo”–t hef oot , andSkopi en–t oexami ne) i st hesci encewhi ch deal swi t ht hest udyoft hef oot pr i nt s. 3.Por oscopy–( Gr eekwor d“ por os”–apar e, and“ Skopi en”–t oexami ne)i st hesci ent i f i cst udyof t hear r angementoft hesweatpor es.( EdmondLocar d-Fat herofPor oscopy ) Phal ange=i st heskel et al f i ngercov er edwi t hf r i ct i onski n.I ti smadeupoft hr eebones. a.Basal orpr oxi mal phal ange–i ti sl ocat edatt hebaseoft hef i ngernear estt hepal m. b.Mi ddl ephal ange=t henextandabov et hebasal done. c.Ter mi nalphal ange=t hepar t i cul arbonecov er edwi t hf r i ct i onski n,hav i ngal lt hedi f f er ent t y pesoff i nger pr i ntpat t er nsandi ti sl ocat edneart het i poft hef i nger . Fr i ct i onSki n–i sanepi der malhai r l essski nf oundont hev ent r al orl owersur f aceoft hehandsand f eetcov er edwi t hr i dgesandf ur r ows. ( Al socal l edasPapi l l ar yski n) . Component soft heFr i ct i onSki n 1.Ri dgesur f ace a. Ri dge–t heel ev at edorhi l l l i kest r uct ur e/t hebl ackl i neswi t ht i nywhi t edot s. b.Fur r ow–t hedepr essedorcanal l i kest r uct ur e/t hewhi t espacebet ween r i dges. 2.Sweatpor es–t het i nyopeni ng/t het i nywhi t edot s. 3.Sweatduct–t hepassageway . 4.Sweatgl ands–t hepr oducer sofsweat . Fundament alLay er soft heFr i ct i onSki n 1.Epi der mi s–t heout er mostl ay er a.St r at um Cor neum, b.St r at um mucosum 2.Der mi s–t hei nnerl ay ercont ai ni ngt hebl oodv essel , der mal papi l l ae, v ar i ousgl andsandner v es. Ri dgeFor mat i on–( Ri dgesst ar t st of or mi nt hef i nger sandt humbdur i ngt he3rdt o4thmont hsoft he f et usl i f e. ) Der malPapi l l ae=ar ei r r egul arpegscomposedofdel i cat econnect i v et i ssuepr ot r udi ngand f or mi ngt her i dgesoft heski nont hef i nger s, pal ms, t oesandsol esoft hef eet . Ri dgeDest r uct i on–dest r uct i onoft hef r i ct i onski ncanei t herbet empor ar yorper manent . Gener al l yt empor ar ydest r uct i onoccurwhenonl yt heepi der mi sl ay eroft hef r i ct i onski nhasbeen damage, whi l eper manentdamagecanbei nj ect edt ot hef r i ct i onski nduet odamaget ot heder mi s l ay er . Gener alRul esonRi dgeDest r uct i on a.Dest r uct i onoft heEpi der mi s–t empor ar y , der mi s–per manentdamage. b.Cut==adept hofmor et han1mm wi l l const i t ut eper manentscar . TheFi nger pr i ntPat t er ns 1.TheAr ch( 5%) a.Pl ai nAr ch( A)–i sapat t er ni nwhi cht her i dgesf l owsf r om onesi det ot heot hersi dewi t ha sl i ghtr ai seatt hecent er . b.Tent edAr ch( T)–i sat y peofpat t er nhav i ngei t heranangl e, upt r ustorani ncompl et el oop f or m. 2.TheLoop( 60%) El ement sofl oop 1.Acor e 2.Adel t a 3.Asuf f i ci entRecur v e 4.Atl eastoneRi dgecount a.Radi al Loop( RH=/ .LH=\ )i sat y peofl ooppat t er ni nwhi cht hesl ant i ngorl oopi ngr i dgef l ows t owar dst het humbf i nger . b.Ul narLoop( RH=\ , LH=/ )i sat y peofl ooppat t er ni nwhi cht hesl ant i ngorl oopi ngr i dgef l ows t owar dst hel i t t l ef i nger . 3.TheWhor l ( 35%) Basi cEl ement sofWhor l 1.Twoormor eDel t as 2.Atl eastonecompl et eci r cui t i ngr i dge a.Pl ai nWhor l ( W) Atl eastoneci r cui t i ngr i dgei st ouchedorcr ossedbyt hei magi nar yl i net r av er si ng bet weent het wodel t as. b.Cent r al PocketLoopWhor l Noci r cui t i ngr i dgewi t hi nt hepat t er nar eai st ouchedorcr ossbyani magi nar yl i ne dr awnbet weent het wodel t as. c.Doubl eLoopWhor l 1.Twosepar at el oopf or mat i on 2.TwoSepar at eanddi st i nctshoul der 3.Twodel t as d.Acci dent al Whor l 1.Acombi nat i onoft wodi f f er entpat t er nswi t ht heexcept i onoft hepl ai nar ch. 2.Twodel t as Ri dgeChar act er i st i cs( Gal t onDet ai l s) 1.Ri dgeDot( i sl andr i dge)–r ef er st oar i dgef or mat i oni naf or m ofadotorper i od. 2.Bi f ur cat i on–ar i dgef or mat i oni nwhi chasi ngl er i dgespl i t sordi v i desi nt ot woormor er i dges.I t r esembl esaf or kshape. 3.Conv er gi ngRi dge–t wor i dgest hatmeet satacer t ai npoi nt 4.Di v er gi ngRi dge–t wor i dgest hatspr eadapar t 5.Encl osur eorLaker i dge–asi ngl er i dget hatdi v i desi nt ot wobutdoesnotr emai nopenandmeet atacer t ai npoi ntt of or mt heor i gi nal si ngl er i dge. 6.Endi ngr i dge–i tr ef er st oanabr uptendofar i dge 7.Ty pel i nes–i sadi v er gi ngr i dget hatt endst osur r oundt hepat t er nar eaandser v esasabasi c boundar yoff i nger pr i nti mpr essi on. 8.Pat t er nAr ea–i sapar tofal oopofwhor l pat t er nsur r oundedbyt het y pel i nesandconsi st i ngof t hedel t a, t hecor eandot herr i dges. 9.Recur v i ngr i dge–asi ngl er i dgest hatcur v esbackt ot hedi r ect i onwher ei tst ar t ed. 10. Suf f i ci entRecur v e–ar ecur v i ngr i dgewhi chi scompl et ewi t hi t sshoul dandf r eef r om any appendage. 11. Appendage–i sashor tr i dgef oundatt het oporsummi tofar ecur v e 12. RodorBar–i sashor tofl ongr i dgef oundi nsi det her ecur v eanddi r ect edt owar dst hecor e 13. Obst r uct i onr i dge–i sashor tr i dgef oundi nsi det her ecur v ewhi chbl ockst hei nnerl i neoff l ow t owar dst hecor e. TheTwoFi nger pr i ntTer mi nus( FocalPoi nt s) 1.TheDel t a( al socal l edt heout ert er mi nus)i sapoi ntal ongar i dgef or mat i onf oundatt hecent er orneart hecent eroft hedi v er gi ngt y pel i nes. 2.TheCor e( al soknownast hehear tort hei nnert er mi nus)usual l yf oundatt hecent erori nner most r ecur v e. Ty pesoff i nger pr i nti mpr essi on 1.Rol l edI mpr essi on–ar ef i nger pr i nti mpr essi ont akeni ndi v i dual l ybyr ol l i ngeachf i ngerf r om one si det ot heot hersi deandf r om t het i pt ot heendoft hef i r stj oi nt . 2.Pl ai nI mpr essi on–ar ei mpr essi onmadebysi mul t aneousl ypr essi ngt hef i ngert ot hecar d, useas ar ef er encet ocl assi f i cat i on. Basi cI nst r umenti nt aki ngpr i nt s: 1.I nkSl ab–i samet al l i corgl asspl at ewher et hei nki sspr eadf orpur pose 2.I nkRol l er–i sar ubbermader ol l erdesi gnedt ospr eadt hef i ngepr i nti nkt ot hesl ab. 3.Fi nger pr i ntI nk–i saspeci al f or m ofi nkdesi gnedf ort aki ngf i nger pr i nti mpr essi on somet i messubmi t t edwi t hapr i nt er ’ si nk. 4.Fi nger pr i ntcar d–i san8”x8”car ddesi gnedf orr ecor di ngf i nger pr i nti mpr essi on 5.Car dhol der–usual l yaf i xedcar dhol derpl acedi naf l att abl edesi gnedt opr ev entt he mov ementoft hecar di nt hecour seoft het aki ngoft hef i nger pr i nt . Basi cRul ei nt aki ngFi nger pr i nt s: 1.Subj ectshoul dbei nst r uct edt ost andst r ai ghtbutr el axf aci ngt hesl ab. 2.Thesubj ecthandshoul dbecompl et el ydr y 3.Thumbf i nger sar er ol l edt owar dst hebodywhi l eot herf i nger sar er ol l edawayf r om t he body . Fi nger pr i ntCl assi f i cat i onFor mul a: 1.Checki ng 2.Bl ocki ngout–i st hepr ocessi fpl aci ngundereachpat t er nt hel et t ersy mbol sr epr esent i ng t hei rpat t er ni nt er pr et at i onpr i ort ot heact ual cl assi f i cat i onf or mul a. 3.CLASSI FI CATI ONFORMULA a.Pr i mar yDi v i si on.Al way sr epr esent edbyanumer i cal v al ueassi gnedt owhor l pat t er nsdependi ngonwhatf i ngert heyappear . Ar chandLoopar enonnumer i cal pat t er ns. A, T, /\=Zer o( 0) Whor l pat t er ns. ( WCDX) Fi nger1and2 Ri ghtThumbandRi ghtI ndex ( 16) Fi nger3and4 Ri ghtmi ddl eandRi ghtRi ng ( 8) Fi nger5and6 Ri ghtl i t t l eandLef tThumb ( 4) Fi nger7and8 Lef tI ndexandLef tmi ddl e ( 2) Fi nger9and10Lef tRi ngandLef tLi t t l e ( 1) Thesum oft henumer i calv al ueassi gnedt oev ennumberoff i ngerr epr esentt henumer at or andt hesum oft heassi gnedv al uet ooddnumberr epr esentt hedenomi nat orPl ust hepr eest abl i shed f r act i onofl / 1t ocompl et et hepr i mar y . b.Secondar y–Repr esent edbyCapi t al andsmal l l et t ercombi nat i onbasedon i nt er pr et at i onmadedur i ngt hebl ocki ng. Capi t al l et t er–der i v edf r om t hei ndexf i nger swhi chcanbe ( A, T, U, R, W, C, DorX) . Smal l l et t er–der i v edf r om t het humb, mi ddl e, r i ngandl i t t l e f i nger s. I tonl yi ncl udest her adi al l oop( r ) , pl ai nar ch( a)andt ent edar ch( t ) . c.Subsecondar yDi v i si on–der i v edbyr i dgecount i ngofl oopandr i dge Tr aci ngofwhor l f oundatt hei ndex, mi ddl er i ngf i nger sonl y . c. 1Ri dgeCount i ngofLoop I ndexFi nger1t o9Ri dgeCount =I 10ormor e =0 Mi ddl eFi nger1t o10Ri dgeCount =I 11ormor e =0 Ri ngFi nger1t o13Ri dgeCount =I 14ormor e =0 c. 2Ri dgeTr aci ngofWhor l I nnerWhor l( I )Whent het r aci nggoesabov eori nsi det her i ghtdel t aandt her ear e t hr ee( 3)ormor ei nt er v eni ngr i dges. Out erWhor l( O)whent het r aci ngr i dgegoesbel oworout si det her i ghtdel t aand t her ear et hr ee( 3)ormor ei nt er v eni ngr i dges. Meet i ngWhor l( M)whent her ear eonl yt woor l essi nt er v eni ngr i dge/ s c. 3Pl ai nAr chandTent edAr char eal way sdash( ) d.Maj orDi v i si on( Takenf r om Thumbf i nger sonl y ) d. 1Whor l =Ri dget r aci ng=I , O, orM. d. 2Loop=Ri dgeCount i ng=S, M orL Tabl e1 Tabl e2 1t o11=S 1t o17=S 12t o16=M 18t o22=M 17ormor e=L 23ormor e=L d. 3Ar ch=dash( ) e.Fi nalDi v i si on( der i v edf r om t hel i t t l ef i nger sonl y ) . e. 1LoopandWhor l ar ebot hsubj ectt or i dgecount i ng. Radi al orUl nar Pl ai norCent r al pocketl oopWhor l =wi l l bet r eat edasanul narl oop. Doubl el oopWhor l –gett her i dgecountoft het opl oop Acci dent al Whor l =gett hel eastr i dgecount . e. 2Ar ch=dash( ) f .KeyDi v i si on=der i v edbyget t i ngt her i dgecountoft hef i r st( l )l oopexceptt hel i t t l e f i nger s.I nt heabsenceoft hel oop, t hef i r stwhor l wi l l ber i dgecount edf ort hepur pose. Ref er enceCl assi f i cat i onFor mul a=i sanaddi t i onal f or mul aser v easar ef er encei ncaseofdoubt f ul pr i nt s.Pl acet hebot t om oft hecl assi f i cat i onf or mul a. Lat entPr i nt s=pr i nt sf oundatt hesceneoft hecr i me. Ty pesofl at entpr i nt s 1.Vi si bl epr i nt s=ar et hosepr i nt swhi char er eadi l yv i si bl et ot henakedey e.I tcanei t herbe: Mol dedpr i nt sorPr i nt smadebycont ami nat i onwi t hcol or edsubst ance. 2.I nv i si bl epr i nt s=pr i nt st hatar egener al l ymadebysweatorper spi r at i ont hatr equi r esdev el opi ng f orv i si bi l i t y . Fact or sAf f ect i ngSt abi l i t yorPr i nt satt heCr i meScene a.Subj ectFact or b.Nat ur eoft hesur f ace c.Cl i mat i cCondi t i on Met hodsofDev el opi ngPr i nt s: 1.Dust i ngMet hod=consi der edast hesi mpl estandt r adi t i onal met hodsusedi ndev el opi ng pr i nt satt hesceneoft hecr i me.( UseofPowderandBr ush) 2.Rol l i ngMet hod=basi cal l yusedi ndev el opi ngpr i nt si npaperdonebysi mpl yr ol l i ngt he paperwi t hpowderspr eadi ngi ni t ssur f ace. 3.Fumi ngMet hods=donebyusi ngchemi cal f umessuchasI odi neandAmmoni um Fumes. 4.Si l v erNi t r at emet hod–donebyspr ay i nga5per centsol ut i onofsi l v erni t r at et ot hesur f ace oft hepaper . 5.Ni nhy dr i nMet hod=i sconsi der edasoneoft hebestmet hodusedi ndev el opi ngpr i nt si n paper . 6.LaserMet hod=i samoder nmet hodoft r aci nganddev el opi ngpr i nt s. PostMor t em Fi nger pr i nt s=ar epr i nt st akenf r om adi seasedper son.