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Persepolis Discussion Questions: Chapters 1-4 & Offsides

29/30 NOVEMBER: Persepolis Chapters 1-4; Offsides
Entry Question:
Discussion Questions
Chapter 1: The Veil
Why does Marji's mother disguise herself?
-had her picture taken while protesting, didn’t want to be identified by police/revolutionary guard
Why do women have to wear the veil?
-political revolution is over; Khomeini has taken power, enforcing conservative views of Islam on people,
including veiling
-veiling is viewed as a form of modesty, to control sexuality, etc.
Why does Marji want to become a prophet?
-she identifies social inequality in Iranian society and wants to fix it
-she wants to alleviate pain and suffering
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-cultural revolution (return to conservative vision of Islam enforced by Khomeini’s government)
Chapter 2: The Bicycle
Explain the meaning of this simile: “The revolution is like a bicycle. When the wheels don't turn it falls.”
-both a bicycle and a revolution need momentum to keep going, or else the will fall/fail
-needs entire population’s support
Why does God leave Marji?
-she doesn’t want to be a prophet anymore; she’d rather fight in the revolution
Why do different people blame different groups for the burning of the Rex cinema? Does it matter?
-blaming opposite groups for the fire was meant to turn people against those groups
-it matters who is to blame for the support that gets different groups, but at the same time, people
believe what they want to believe
What is another event where blame has been placed in order to serve a political or ideological purpose?
What is an event that has been perpetuated in order to further a cause?
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-rex cinema fire
-arab invasion, Mongolian invasion, imperialism
Chapter 3: The Water Cell
Is Marji's grandfather for or against the government?
-against, because he’s a communist
Why does he become a communist?
-he wanted equal rights for all
What is the consequence of his being a communist?
-put in prison, kept away from family, tortured, family was poor
Why does Marji's textbook say the Shah was chosen by God? Do we see anything similar in our schools
or textbooks?
-Shah has enough power to make textbooks say things like that
-justifies and legitimizes his rule; if you go against the Shah, you go against God
-civil war vs. state’s rights (slavery vs. state’s rights)
Why does Marji simulate a water cell?
-so she can see what it was like for her grandfather to be tortured
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-Reza Shah taking control of Iran; end of Qajar Dynasty
Chapter 4: Persepolis
Are Marji’s parents for or against the government?
-against (Shah’s govt.)
Why does the Shah pay tribute to Cyrus and celebrate ancient Persian history?
-trying to return country to previous glory; impress heads of state; shows the eternal nature of Iranian
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-Islamic revolution
-Achaemenian Empire
Chapters 1-4:
What are the causes of the Iranian Revolution as portrayed in Persepolis thus far?
-secret police arrests & torture
-power grab by Shah; reduction of power of religious establishment
-need for reform; social justice
How has Marji experienced the causes and initial stages of the Revolution?
-forced veiling during the cultural revolution
-mom’s experience being photographed
-hears about rex cinema fire; wants to be part of protests
-identifies social injustice as a young girl
-grandfather was tortured by the Shah’s forces
Offsides Response:
Would you have risked arrest in order to do something you felt you were unjustly prevented from
doing? What would you have done? Why?
4/5 DECEMBER: Persepolis Chapters 5-9; Iranian Government Presentation
Entry Question:
Discussion Questions
Chapter 5: The Letter
Why do you think the book signing was clandestine?
-The author may have feared he could be jailed because of his stories & because he’s Kurdish.
Why does Marji feel shame?
-Because of the difference between social classes, especially regarding her maid.
What does Marji understand to be the reason for the Revolution?
-Social injustice!
Do you think Marji's dad is for or against social classes?
-For: has a maid, tells neighbor Mehri is a maid, doesn’t let relationship go on
-Against: supports the revolution (partly about social injustice), recognizes that they exist, probably
understood that the neighbor would have dumped her in the long run
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-Black Friday Massacre (8 September 1978)
Chapter 6: The Party
Why does the Shah attempt to create a democracy?
-hopes to stay in power by appeasing the protestors
How do the people respond to these attempts?
-it does not stop protests, they tear down the Shah’s statue and kick him out of Iran
Why wouldn't any countries accept the Shah?
-not friends with him anymore, don’t think he’s a person they want to support, want to maintain ties
with those in power b/c of oil
How does the exile of the Shah affect the immediate lives of some Iranians?
-schools closed/reopened; Shah removed from textbook
-people telling stories about revolution
-(political prisoners released)
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-further protest & retaliation
-Shah attempts to make democracy
-Shah leaves Iran
-schools close and reopen
Chapter 7: The Heroes
Why do you think the CIA trained the torturers?
-US friends with the Shah, continued involvement in Iranian politics (protection of oil interests, reducing
communist influence)
Why does Marji's mother say it is dangerous to forgive bad people?
-difficult to trust people who do bad things to you; difficult to forget
Why does Marji abandon dialectic materialism?
-revolution is over, confused about justice (because of interactions with classmate whose dad was in
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-political prisoners released
Chapter 8: Moscow
Why did Marji's grandfather remain loyal to the Shah?
-worried that he would be executed
Why does Fereydoon stay to meet the Shah's soldiers?
-didn’t want to be in exile? wanted to do honorable thing? didn’t want to look like a coward?
Why is it important for Marji to have a hero in her family?
-heroes are role models for her
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-attempt by Azerbaijan province to become independent; stopped by Shah
Chapter 9: The Sheep
What are the idealisitic differences within the Revolution?
-secular leftist groups demanding democracy; religious groups demanding Islamic system
Do you think the elections were faked? Why/why not?
Why do Marji's friends leave Iran?
-new government starts arresting protestors, former political prisoners
What war starts?
-Iran-Iraq War
What do you think “Islamic Republic” means?
-balance between democratic/republic system and religion-based government
Why were the heroes executed? Why where they enemies of the Republic?
-they were communists/leftists; did not support the Islamic part of the Islamic Republic
Why does Marji reject God?
-affected by death of uncle Anoosh
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-rearrest & execution of leftists
-start if Iran-Iraq War
Chapters 5-9
Describe how the meaning of the Revolution changed over time.
6/7 DECEMBER: Persepolis Chapters 10-14; Ten
Entry Question:
Discussion Questions
Chapter 10: The Trip
Why does the government make women veil?
-government claims that women’s hair is to provocative, and to protect them, they must cover it
Why does the government close the universities?
-need the time to change the system to make it Islamic
Why does Iraq attack Iran?
-sectarian conflict, saddam wants chance to attack, sees Iran as weak after the revolution; interest in oil
Why did Iranians occupy the American embassy and take hostages?
-called it “nest of spies”, CIA overthrew govt. in 1953; US let Shah in for cancer treatment
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-closing of universities
-start of Iran-Iraq War
-Iran Hostage Crisis
Chapter 11: The F-14s
Why doesn't Marji's father believe the news?
-expects it to be propaganda, doesn’t trust govt. news, knows fighter pilots were in jail
Why does Marji think that her father is not a patriot?
-he doesn’t want to fight in the war, skeptical about war effort
What does patriotism mean to you?
Compare and contrast Marji and Pardisse's reports and experiences of the war.
-Pardiesse wrote a meaningful letter to her father b/c she had a personal connection; w/o a personal
connection, Marji instead wrote about the history.
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-bombing of Tehran, Baghdad
Chapter 12: The Jewels
Why are the Iranians turning on each other?
-refugees coming in from other parts of Iran; shortages of needed supplies
Why does Mali's family move to Tehran?
-their home in Abadan was destroyed
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-bombing of Abadan
Chapter 13: The Key
Why do people beat their chests for the martyrs?
-symbolizes their pain and suffering; part of the Shi`a ritual
Why was Marji's class so irreverent and rebellious?
-other kids were fighting war; didn’t respect the new rules in school
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-sending kids to war
-bombing of Khorramshahr
Chapter 14: The Wine
Why are parties and other activities banned?
-want to prevent gatherings against the regime
-trying to get rid of Western culture
-not Islamic
Why do the police ask to search Marji's parents' apartment?
-to look for alcohol, which is illegal
What, if any, are the differences between public and private in Iran during Persepolis? In Iran now? In
the United States now?
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-continued bombing during the Iran-Iraq War
Chapters 10-14
How many wars is Iran fighting at this point? What are they? What are their purpose[s]? [10-14]
-the Iran-Iraq war (war between two nations)
-internal war over culture & religion (Islamic regime forcing conservative practice on people vs. secular
society wanting to keep Western elements/ideas)
Ten Response:
What in this clip is familiar to you? What in this clip is unfamiliar to you? Could this be an American
mother and son? Why/why not?
10 DECEMBER: Persepolis Chapters 15-19
Entry Question:
Discussion Questions
Chapter 15: The Cigarette
Why doesn't Iran accept the proposed peace?
-survival of regime depends on public support of war—need to keep war going
What does “to die a martyr is to inject blood into the veins of society” mean?
-martyrdom brings life to society/struggle
What is Marji's reaction to being punished? Why?
-she smokes a cigarette because it’s an act of rebellion
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-proposed peace settlement refused by Iran
-reference to Karbala
Chapter 16: The Passport
Why did Iran close its borders?
-to reduce outside influence by keeping people from coming & going
Why is it so difficult to get a passport?
-borders are closed, passports issued only in medical emergencies
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-border is closed
-use of chemical weapons
-execution of Niloufar
Chapter 17: Kim Wilde
Why are posters and other Western items illegal?
-government against Western influences, trying to keep such items out of the country
Why do you think Marji's mother is permissive about letting her go out?
-not as strict/religious as government
What would you do in Marji's place when she faces the Guardians of the Revolution?
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-reopening borders
-Guardians of the Revolution
Chapter 18: The Shabbat
Why is this chapter entitled “The Shabbat?”
-Jewish day of rest—Baba-Levys were at home when their house was bombed
What does Marji see in the rubble?
-Neda’s bracelet
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-Iraq starts using ballistic missles
Chapter 19: The Dowry
Why do the police give a dowry to Niloufar's parents?
-to send a message about what happened to Niloufar
Give three reasons Marji's parents decide to send her out of Iran.
-easy to get Austrian visa
-concerned about Marji getting arrested (or worse)
-family friend in Vienna
What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter?
-increasing influence of regime on schools
-continuation of Iran-Iraq War
Chapters 15-19
How is historical revisionism used by controlling powers?
Compare and contrast conditions in Iran under the Shah, during the Revolution and during the Iran-Iraq
War as depicted in Persepolis.