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School & Juvenile Delinquency: Key Legal Aspects

Alexandra Lally
Juvenile Delinquency
Ch 9
School is a huge key factor in a child’s emotional and social well-being. Delinquency can be
linked to school problems such drop out or failing classes. Tracking which is splitting student
into achievement level may affects one’s self esteem and cause trouble. Shooting is very
common; schools try to have security to prevent strangers from coming on grounds. There was a
court case On April 19, 1977, the United States Supreme Court declared (5–4) that corporal
punishment in public schools did not fall within the purview of the Eighth Amendment's "cruel
and unusual punishments" clause and did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of
procedural due process. This had change punishment that are copula being used in school.
However, students can be searched anytime by the school to help provide a free environment that
has no drugs or weapons. Children do have a right of freedom of speech. The Supreme Court
avoided addressing whether the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance violated the First
Amendment's establishment clause in Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow, 542 U.S. 1
(2004), by holding that Michael Newdow lacked legal standing to litigate as his daughter's "next
friend." Lopez, a case in which the United States Supreme Court declared on January 22, 1975,
that public-school children facing suspensions are entitled to notice and a hearing under the
Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause. In loco parentis is a relationship in which a person
takes on the role of a parent by taking on and fulfilling the responsibilities of a parent to a kid