Actviy 8 Journalize he f March 2 5 7 8 9 10 15 19 25 26 27 30 llowing ransactons: On March 1 of he curren year. E. Esrada opened a TV repair shop by investng P 500,000 cash in he business. He had compleed he following following ransactons in he said monh. Paid he ren of he shop space for he monh P 4,500. Purchased shop supplies for cash P 16,700. Paid P 6,500 for newspaper advertsing. Purchased a ling cabine from T. Agbayani Trading on credi c redi P 34,500. Purchased a ruck, P 150,000 on credi. Gave P 30,000 cash and a noe for he balance. Compleed repair work o various cusomers and received rec eived P 25,000 in full paymen herefor. Compleed repair work for A. Tanay, Tanay, P 1,500. Acceped P 500 cash and a promisso promissory ry noe for he balance. Paid T. Agbayani Trading. Received paymen from A. Tanay. Paid utliy bills, P 750. Wihdrew P 5,000 cash for personal living expenses. Paid he helper’s salary P 5,000. GENERAL JOURNAL page 1 Account N Account C DATE ACCOUNT TITLES AND EXPLANATION F DEBIT CREDIT Date 2018 Mar-01 Mar-01 Cash 101 P 500,000 E. Esrada, Capial 301 2 P 500,000 5 inital invesmen. 7 9 2 Ren Expense Ca C as h 4,500 10 4,500 15 paid ren. 19 25 5 Shop Supplies 16,700 Ca C as h 26 16,700 27 purchase of supplies 7 Advertsing Expense 30 6,500 Cash Accoun N 6,500 Accoun C paid advertsing. Dae 8 Furniure and Fixures 34,500 Accouns Payable Mar-15 34,500 25 purchase cabine 9 Truck 150,000 Cash Accoun N 30,000 Noes Payable Accoun C 120,000 purchase ruck on credi Dae Mar-03 10 Cash 25,000 Service Income 25,000 collecton 15 Cash Noes Receivable 500 Accoun N 1,000 Accoun C Service Income 1,500 service rendered Dae Mar-08 19 Accouns Payable 34,500 Ca C as h 34,500 paymen of accoun 25 Cash Accoun N Accoun C 1,000 Noes Receivable 1,000 collecton Dae Mar-09 26 Utlites Expense 750 Ca C as h 750 paymen of utlites 27 E. Esrada, drawing 5,000 Ca C as h 5,000 owner's drawing 30 Salary Expense Ca C as h paid salary. 5,000 5,000 Accoun N Accouns Accoun Accouns Payable Cash Accoun C 101 201 Balance ParcularsF Debit investmen GJ1 rent Credit Debit supplies adversing truck 4500 495500 19 pay paymen men 16700 478800 6500 472300 30000 442300 25000 467300 income 500 467800 34500 collecon Partculars F Mar-08 Mar-0 8 furniure furniure income furniture Dae 500000 500000 gj1 Credit 1000 Accoun N Noes Payable Accoun Payable Accoun C 202 433300 Dae 434300 ulies 750 433550 drawing 5000 428550 salary 5000 423550 Partculars F Mar-09 r ruck GJ1 Noes Receivable 102 Partculars F Debi gj1 Credi 1000 collecton gj2 Balance Debi Credi Accoun N E. Esrada, Capial Accoun C 301 1000 1000 0 Dae Partculars F Mar-01 Mar-0 1 invesmen invesmenGJ1 GJ1 Shop Supplies 31 cl c losing gj3 31 closing gj3 103 Balance Partculars F Debi GJ1 Credi 16700 Debi Credi 16700 Accoun N E. Esrada, drawing Accoun C Dae Furniure and Fixures 302 Partculars F Apr-27 cash 104 31 closing Balance Partculars F Debi purchase GJ1 34500 Credi Debi Credi 34500 Accoun N Service Income Accoun Income Accoun C ame: am de d e: Truck 105 Dae Balance Apr-10 401 Partculars F Partculars F Debi 150000 Credi Debi 150000 Credi 15 Accoun N Salary Expense Accoun Expense Accoun C 501 Balance Debi Credi Debi Credi 34500 Dae 34500 34500 Partculars F Debi Mar-30 Credi 5000 0 Accoun N Utlites Accoun Utlites Expense Accoun C 502 Balance Debi Credi Debi Credi 120000 120000 Dae Partculars F /1/2026 Debi GJ1 Credi 750 Accoun Name: Advertsing Expense Accoun C 503 Balance Debi Credi Debi Credi 500000 500000 9750 509750 5000 Dae Partculars F Mar-07 504750 Accoun C Balance Credi 5000 Debi Dae Credi 5000 5000 Debi Credi 6500 Accoun Name: Debi Debi Credi 25000 0 Debi Balance Credi 25000 Mar-02 Ren Expense 504 Partculars F Debi 4500 Credi 1500 26500 E. Esrada TV Repair Shop Trial Balance Balance Debi March 31, 2018 Credi 5000 Accoun Code Accoun Tiles 101 Cash 103 Shop Supplies 104 Furniure and Fixures 105 Truck Balance Debi Credi 750 Debi Credi 423550 16700 34500 150000 202 Noes Payable 120000 301 E. Esrada, Capial 500000 302 E. Esrada, drawing 5000 401 Service Income 501 Salary Expense 502 Utlites Expense 26500 5000 750 503 Advertsing Expense 6500 504 Ren Expense 4500 646500 Balance Debi Credi 6500 Balance Debi 4500 Credi 646500 E. Esrada TV Repair Shop E Income Saemen For he Monh Ended March 31. 2018 ASSET Service Income 26500 Less Curren: Cash Salary Expense Utlites Expense Advertsing Expense Ren Expense Ne Income 5000 Shop Suppli 750 Toal 6500 4500 16750 Non-Curren: Furniure a 9750 Truck 504750 Toal E. Esrada TV Repair Shop LIABIL Saemen of Changes in Oner's Equiy For he Monh Ended March 31. 2018 Noes Paya CAPIT E. Esrada, Capial-Beginning Add: Ne Income Toal Less, drawing E. Esrada, drawing E. Esrada, Capial-End 500000 9750 509750 5000 504750 E. Esrada, . Esrada TV Repair Shop Balance Shee As of March 31, 2018 S 423550 ess e urren Asses d Fixures 16700 440250 34500 150000 on-curren Asses Toal Asses 184500 624750 ITIES lle e 120000 L ap a pial 504750 Toal Liabilites and Capial 624750