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SDL Trados Studio Quiz: CAT Tool Knowledge Test

1. A termbase is...
A database that stores source and target segment fragments.
A glossary in either delimited text or Microsoft Excel format.
A database used for storing organization-specific terms.
A standard electronic dictionary on CD RM.
!he "ull !ag !ext button...
displays all the tags in a document.
displays the full name of a tag.
displays the tag #ith all its attributes.
displays the full text enclosed in tags.
$n the Editor %ie#& the source document is di%ided into...
'ou can (uic)ly *ump to a location in the docu ment& e.g. a particular heading& using the
na%igation tree in the...
!ranslation Results #indo#
+re%ie# #indo#
,a%igation +ane
+ro*ects ie#
!he last column in the Editor %ie# of D/ !rados
!rados tudio contains the...
document structure information
segment id
source text
target text
0hat does CA! stand for
Computer-Aided !ranslation
Computer-Aided !ransaction
Computer-Assisted !ransaction
Computerized Assistance for !ranslation
0hen sa%ing a document in the Editor of D/ !rados tudio using "ile -2 a%e& it #ill...
o%er#rite the original file.
be sa%ed as a bilingual D/ 3/$"" document.
be sa%ed as a bilingual %ersion of the nati%e format& e.g. M +o#er+oint& 0ord& etc.
be sa%ed as a bilingual !!3 or $!D document.
0hich of the follo#ing statements is correct
!he closing tag of a tag pair can be positioned before its opening counterpart.
$f you #ant to remo%e paired tags from your target segment& you need to delete them
+aired tags are only used to apply formatting information.
'ou can delete either the opening or closing tag of a tag pair.
0hich of the follo#ing statements is ,! correct
A !M allo#s multiple translations for the same source sentence.
A !M is made up of source and target language segment pairs.
A !M can contain one source language and multiple target languages.
A file-based !M is made up of a single file.
a%ing a document as target...
al#ays o%er#rites the original document& as the name of the target document cannot
be changed.
generates the target document in its nati%e format.
re(uires you to select a different path for storing the target file.
generates the finalized %ersion of the currently translated document in the nati%e
format& but only #or)s #hen you ha%e fully translated the document.
0hat does a green pencil icon #ith a chec) mar) bet#een a source and target segment
pair mean
!he segment is translated.
!he translation is a 1445 match.
!he segment is in draft status.
!he translation has been appro%ed by the pro*ect manager or re%ie#er.
0hat does this icon bet#een a source and target segment pair mean
!he segment has 6not translated6 status.
,o match has been found in the !M.
!he target segment has been deleted.
!he target cell is empty.
0hich of these buttons displays the tag ids
0hich of the follo#ing elements does the ,a%igation pane on the 0elcome screen of
D/ !rados tudio not contain
,a%igation buttons
A lin) to the penExchange App tore.
/in)s to penExchange apps.
/in)s to external applications such as +assolo& 0inAlign& etc.
:o# can you transfer tags from the source to the target segment
;sing drag < drop
=y clic)ing the tag in the source segment #hile holding do#n the Ctrl )ey.
=y right-clic)ing the tag in the source segment.
=y double-clic)ing the tag in the source segment.
0hich of these buttons is used to open a single file for translation
,one of these buttons.
0hen you open a pro*ect pac)age...
you need to extract its content to an empty folder.
you need to extract its content to the folder #here the pac)age is stored.
you al#ays ha%e to create a ne# folder for each pro*ect.
you can extract its content to any folder.
0hich tag or tags do you ha%e to delete to ma)e the ghost tag disappear
1 and 8
1 and 9
0hich of these buttons is used to copy the current source segment into the target cell
'ou ha%e deleted the closing tag of a tag pair. !he closing tag has therefore been turned
into a ghost tag. :o# can you resol%e this problem
=y selecting the text enclosed in the tag pair& right-clic)ing it& and selecting Restore
!ags from the context menu.
=y right-clic)ing any#here #ithin the segment and selecting Restore !ags from the
context menu.
=y selecting the ghost tag& right-clic)ing it& and selecting Restore !ags from the
context menu.
=y selecting the opening tag& right-clic)ing it& and selecting Restore !ags from the
context menu.
'ou are trying to insert a #ord from the Concordance #indo# into your document >see
screenshot?. 0hy is the command insert into document inacti%e
=ecause the selected unit has no !M match.
=ecause there is a match discrepancy& i.e. there is no match for the selected unit& but the
Concordance hit is a 1445 match.
=ecause this function is not a%ailable in the first release of D/ !rados tudio.
=ecause the cursor is not positioned in the target cell of the side-by-side editor.
0hich button do you need to clic) to minimize the tags
0hat is the file extension used for return pac)ages
Can an empty target segment be confirmed as translated
'es& you can do this& but only #hen the source segment is empty too.
'es& this is possible& but no translation unit #ill be stored in the !M.
,o& an empty target segment cannot be set to !ranslated status.
'es& you can confirm an empty target segment. !his #ill create a translation unit #ith
an empty target segment in the !M.
0hen a DC file is sa%ed to D/ 3/$""& the extension #ill be >,ame.DC?
,ame.DC.D/ 3/$""
,ame.D/ 3/$""
0hat is a segment status
!he status is the same as the match %alue.
!he status of a segment can only be seen #hen you are in re%ie# mode.
!he status sho#s if the segment has been confirmed& is still a draft
!he status of the segment is sho#n by the letters >:& +? in the fifth column in the
0hy is the first segment considered a context match
=ecause this segment occurred at the beginning of a document in another pro*ect.
=ecause both the source and the target segments only contain t#o #ords.
=ecause in another pro*ect this segment occurred in a document that had the same name.
=ecause the !M 6remembers6 that this segment #as follo#ed by the same segment in
another pro*ect.
'ou ha%e mo%ed from segment 1 to segment 8. Although you are certain that there should
be at least one match from the !M& no match is sho#n in the !ranslation Results #indo#.
0hat could be the reason for this
!he selected target language is not supported by D/ !rados tudio.
!he source segment is empty.
'ou ha%e placed the cursor inside the source segment& not inside the target segment.
'ou ha%e selected a !M #ith the #rong language pair.
$s it possible to specify a default language pair that is al#ays used #hen you open a single
'es. Fo to "ile -2 ptions 2- Editor -2 /anguages and choose your preferred
language pair.
,o& you al#ays ha%e to choose the languages from a drop-do#n menu #hen you
open a file.
'es. nce you ha%e selected a language pair #hen opening a file& this choice #ill
'es. Fo to !ools - /anguages and set the language options.
0hich one of these buttons is used to mar) a pro*ect as complete