14-34 (40 min.) Allocation of corporate costs to divisions. 1. The purposes for allocating central corporate costs to each division include the following (students may pick and discuss any two): a. To provide information for economic decisions. Allocations can signal to division managers that decisions to expand (contract) activities will likely require increases (decreases) in corporate costs that should be considered in the initial decision about expansion (contraction). When top management is allocating resources to divisions, analysis of relative division profitability should consider differential use of corporate services by divisions. Some allocation schemes can encourage the use of central services that would otherwise be underutilized. A common rationale related to this purpose is “to remind profit center managers that central corporate costs exist and that division earnings must be adequate to cover some share of those costs.” b. Motivation. Allocations create incentives for division managers to control costs; for example, by reducing the number of employees at a division, a manager will save direct labor costs as well as central personnel and payroll costs allocated on the basis of number of employees. Allocation also creates incentives for division managers to monitor the effectiveness and efficiency with which central corporate costs are spent. c. Cost justification or reimbursement. Some lines of business of Richfield Oil may be regulated with cost data used in determining “fair prices”; allocations of central corporate costs will result in higher prices being set by a regulator. d. Income measurement for external parties. Richfield Oil may include allocations of central corporate costs in its external line-of-business reporting. 2. Revenues Percentage of revenues $8,000; $16,000; $4,800; $3,200 $32,000 (Dollar amounts in millions) Revenues Operating costs Operating income Corp. costs allocated on revenues (% of revs $3,228) Division operating income 3. Oil & Gas Upstream $8,000 Oil & Gas Chemical Downstream Products $16,000 $4,800 25% Oil & Gas Upstream $8,000 3,000 5,000 50% 15% Oil & Gas Chemical Downstream Products $16,000 $4,800 15,000 3,800 1,000 1,000 807 $4,193 $ 1,614 (614) 484 $ 516 Copper Mining $3,200 10% Total $32,000 100% Copper Mining $3,200 3,500 (300) Total $32,000 25,300 6,700 323 $ (623) 3,228 $ 3,472 First, calculate the share of each allocation base for each of the four corporate cost pools: Identifiable assets (1) Percentage of total identifiable assets $14,000; $6,000; $3,000; $2,000 $25,000 Oil & Gas Upstream $14,000 56% Division revenues (2) Percentage of total division revenues $8,000; $16,000; $4,800; $3,200 $32,000 $8,000 Positive operating income (3) Percentage of total positive operating income $5,000; $1,000; $1,000; 0 $7,000 $5,000 Number of employees (4) Percentage of total employees 9,000; 12,000; 6,000; 3,000 30,000 Oil & Gas Downstream $6,000 24% $16,000 25% 50% $1,000 71.43% 9,000 14.29% 12,000 30% 40% Chemical Products $3,000 12% $4,800 15% $1,000 14.29% 6,000 20% Copper Mining $2,000 8% $3,200 10% NONE 0% 3,000 10% Total $25,000 100% $32,000 100% $7,000 100% 30,000 100% Using these allocation percentages and the allocation bases suggested by Rhodes, we can allocate the $3,228 M of corporate costs as shown below. Note that the costs in Cost Pool 2 total $800 M ($150 + $110 + $200 + $140 + $200). (Dollar amounts in millions) Revenues Operating Costs Operating Income Cost Pool 1 Allocation ((1) $2,000) Cost Pool 2 Allocation ((2) $800) Cost Pool 3 Allocation ((3) $203) Cost Pool 4 Allocation ((4) $225) Division Income Oil & Gas Upstream $8,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 1,120.00 200.00 145.00 67.50 $3,467.50 Oil & Gas Downstream $16,000.00 15,000.00 1,000.00 480.00 400.00 29.00 90. 00 $ 1.00 Chemical Products $4,800.00 3,800.00 1,000.00 240.00 120.00 29.00 Copper Mining $3,200.00 3,500.00 (300.00) 160.00 80.00 0.00 Total $32,000 25,300 6,700 2,000 800 203 45.00 $ 566.00 22.50 $ (562.50) 225 $ 3,472 4. The table below compares the reported income of each division under the original revenue-based allocation scheme and the new four-pool-based allocation scheme. Oil & Gas Upstream seems 17% less profitable than before ($3,467.5 $4,193 = 83%) and may resist the new allocation, but each of the other divisions seem more profitable (or less loss-making) than before, and they will probably welcome it. In this setting, corporate costs are relatively large [about 13% ($3,228 ÷ $25,300) of total operating costs], and division incomes are sensitive to the corporate cost allocation method. (Dollar amounts in millions) Operating Income (before corp. cost allocation) Division income under revenue-based allocation of corporate costs Division income under four-cost-pool allocation of corporate costs Oil & Gas Upstream Oil & Gas Downstream Chemical Products Copper Mining Total $5,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $(300.00) $6,700 $4,193.00 $ (614.00) $ 516.00 $(623.00) $3,472 $3,467.50 $ $ 566.00 $(562.50) $3,472 1.00 Strengths of Rhodes’ proposal relative to existing single-cost pool method: a. b. Better able to capture cause-and-effect relationships. Interest on debt is more likely caused by the financing of assets than by revenues. Personnel and payroll costs are more likely caused by the number of employees than by revenues. Relatively simple. No extra information need be collected beyond what is already available. (Some students will list the extra costs of Rhodes’ proposal as a weakness. However, for a company with $32 billion in revenues, those extra costs are minimal.) Weaknesses of Rhodes’ proposal relative to existing single-cost pool method: a. May promote dysfunctional decision making. May encourage division managers to lease or rent assets rather than to purchase assets, even where it is economical for Richfield Oil to purchase them. This off-balance sheet financing will reduce the “identifiable assets” of the division and thus will reduce the interest on debt costs allocated to the division. (Richfield Oil could counteract this problem by incorporating leased and rented assets in the “identifiable assets” base.) Note: Some students criticized Rhodes’ proposal despite agreeing that it is preferable to the existing singlecost-pool method. These criticisms include: a. b. c. d. e. The proposal does not adequately capture cause-and-effect relationships for the legal and research and development cost pools. For these cost pools, specific identification of individual projects with an individual division can better capture cause-and-effect relationships. The proposal may give rise to disputes over the definition and valuation of “identifiable assets.” The use of actual rather than budgeted amounts in the allocation bases creates interdependencies between divisions. Moreover, use of actual amounts means that division managers do not know cost allocation consequences of their decisions until the end of each reporting period. A separate allocation of fixed and variable costs would result in more refined cost allocations. It is questionable that 100% of central corporate costs should be allocated. Many students argue that public affairs should not be allocated to any division, based on the notion that division managers may not control many of the individual expenditures in this cost pool. 14-35 (30 min.) Cost allocation to divisions. 1. Segment margin Allocated headquarter costs ($5,100,000 ÷3) Operating income Bread $6,400,000 Cake $1,300,000 Doughnuts $6,150,000 Total $13,850,000 1,700,000 $4,700,000 1,700,000 $ (400,000) 1,700,000 $4,450,000 5,100,000 $ 8,750,000 2. Segment margin Allocated headquarter costs, Human resources1 (50%; 12.5%; 37.5% × $1,900,000) Accounting department2 (53.9%; 11.6%; 34.5% × $1,400,000) Rent and depreciation3 (50%; 20%; 30% × $1,200,000) 1 Other $600, 000 3 Total Operating income Bread $6,400,000 Cake $1,300,000 Doughnuts $6,150,000 Total $13,850,000 950,000 237,500 712,500 1,900,000 754,600 162,400 483,000 1,400,000 600,000 240,000 360,000 1,200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 600,000 2,504,600 $3,895,400 839,900 $ 460,100 1,755,500 $4,394,500 5,100,000 $ 8,750,000 1 Total number of employees= 400+100+ 300=800; HR costs allocation %age: 400 ÷800 = 50%; 100 ÷800 = 12.5%; 300 ÷800 = 37.5% 2 Total revenues=$20,900,000 + $4,500,000 + $13,400,000 = $38,800,000; Accounting costs allocation %age: $20,900,000 ÷ $38,800,000 = 53.9%; $4,500,000 ÷ $38,800,000 = 11.6%; $13,400,000 ÷$38,800,000 = 34.5% 3 Total square feet of space = 10,000 + 4,000 + 6,000 = 20,000 Rent and depreciation costs allocation %age: 10,000 ÷20,000 = 50%; 4,000 ÷20,000 = 20%; 6,000 ÷20,000 = 30% A cause-and-effect relationship may exist between Human Resources costs and the number of employees at each division. Rent and depreciation costs may be related to square feet, except that very expensive machines may require little square footage, which is inconsistent with this choice of allocation base. The Accounting Department costs are probably related to the revenues earned by each division—higher revenues mean more transactions and more accounting. Other overhead costs are allocated arbitrarily. 3. The manager who suggested the new allocation bases probably works in the Cake Division. Under the old scheme, the Cake Division shows an operating loss after allocating headquarter costs because it is smaller, yet was charged an equal amount (a third) of headquarter costs. The new allocation scheme shows an operating profit in the Cake Division, even after allocating headquarter costs. The ABC method is a better way to allocate headquarter costs because it uses cost allocation bases that, by and large, represent cause-and-effect relationships between various categories of headquarter costs and the demands that different divisions place on these costs. 15-17 (20–25 min.) Single-rate method, budgeted versus actual costs and quantities. 1. a. Budgeted rate = Budgeted indirect costs = $115,000/50 trips = $2,300 per round-trip Budgeted trips Indirect costs allocated to Dark Choc. Division = $2,300 per round-trip 30 budgeted round trips = $69,000 Indirect costs allocated to Milk Choc. Division = $2,300 per round-trip 20 budgeted round trips $46,000 = b. Budgeted rate = $2,300 per round-trip Indirect costs allocated to Dark Choc. Division = $2,300 per round-trip 30 actual round trips = $69,000 Indirect costs allocated to Milk Choc. Division = $2,300 per round-trip 15 actual round trips = $34,500 c. Actual rate = Actual indirect costs = $96,750/ 45 trips = $2,150 per round-trip Actual trips Indirect costs allocated to Dark Choc. Division = $2,150 per round-trip 30 actual round trips = $64,500 Indirect costs allocated to Milk Choc. Division = $2,150 per round-trip 15 actual round trips = $32,250 2. When budgeted rates/budgeted quantities are used, the Dark Chocolate and Milk Chocolate Divisions know at the start of 2017 that they will be charged a total of $69,000 and $46,000, respectively, for transportation. In effect, the fleet resource becomes a fixed cost for each division. Then, each may be motivated to over-use the trucking fleet, knowing that their 2017 transportation costs will not change. When budgeted rates/actual quantities are used, the Dark Chocolate and Milk Chocolate Divisions know at the start of 2017 that they will be charged a rate of $2,300 per round trip, i.e., they know the price per unit of this resource. This enables them to make operating decisions knowing the rate they will have to pay for transportation. Each can still control its total transportation costs by minimizing the number of round trips it uses. Assuming that the budgeted rate was based on honest estimates of their annual usage, this method will also provide an estimate of the excess trucking capacity (the portion of fleet costs not charged to either division). In contrast, when actual costs/actual quantities are used, the two divisions must wait until year-end to know their transportation charges. The use of actual costs/actual quantities makes the costs allocated to one division a function of the actual demand of other users. In 2017, the actual usage was 45 trips, which is 5 trips below the 50 trips budgeted. The Dark Chocolate Division used all the 30 trips it had budgeted. The Milk Chocolate Division used only 15 of the 20 trips budgeted. When costs are allocated based on actual costs and actual quantities, the same fixed costs are spread over fewer trips resulting in a higher rate than if the Milk Chocolate Division had used its budgeted 20 trips. As a result, the Dark Chocolate Division bears a proportionately higher share of the fixed costs. Using actual costs/actual rates also means that any efficiencies or inefficiencies of the trucking fleet get passed along to the user divisions. In general, this will have the effect of making the truck fleet less careful about its costs although, in 2017, it appears to have managed its costs well, leading to a lower actual cost per roundtrip relative to the budgeted cost per round trip. For the reasons stated previously, of the three single-rate methods suggested in this problem, the budgeted rate and actual quantity may be the best one to use. (The management of Chocolat Inc. would have to ensure that the managers of the Dark Chocolate and Milk Chocolate divisions do not systematically overestimate their budgeted use of the fleet division in an effort to drive down the budgeted rate). 15-18 (20 min.)Dual-rate method, budgeted versus actual costs and quantities (continuation of 15-17). 1. Charges with dual rate method. Variable indirect cost rate = $1,350 per trip Fixed indirect cost rate = = $47,500 budgeted costs/ 50 round trips budgeted $950 per trip Dark Chocolate Division Variable indirect costs, $1,350 × 30 Fixed indirect costs, $950 × 30 Milk Chocolate Division Variable indirect costs, $1,350 × 15 Fixed indirect costs, $950 × 20 $40,500 28,500 $69,000 $20,250 19,000 $39,250 2. The dual rate changes how the fixed indirect cost component is treated. By using budgeted trips made, the Dark Chocolate Division is unaffected by changes from its own budgeted usage or that of other divisions. When budgeted rates and actual trips are used for allocation (see requirement 1.b. of problem 15-17), the Dark Chocolate Division is assigned the same $28,500 for fixed costs as under the dual-rate method because it made the same number of trips as budgeted. However, note that the Milk Chocolate Division is allocated $19,000 in fixed trucking costs under the dual-rate system, compared to $950 15 actual trips = $14,250 when actual trips are used for allocation. As such, the Dark Chocolate Division is not made to appear disproportionately more expensive than the Milk Chocolate Division simply because the latter did not make the number of trips it budgeted at the start of the year. 15-19 (30 min.) Support department cost allocation; direct and step-down methods. 1. AS IS GOVT CORP a. Direct method costs $600,000 $2,400,000 Alloc. of AS costs (40/75, 35/75) (600,000) $ 320,000 $ 280,000 Alloc. of IS costs (30/90, 60/90) (2,400,000) 800,000 1,600,000 $ 0 $ 0 $1,120,000 $1,880,000 b. Step-down (AS first) costs $600,000 $2,400,000 Alloc. of AS costs (0.25, 0.40, 0.35) (600,000) 150,000 $ 240,000 $ 210,000 Alloc. of IS costs (30/90, 60/90) (2,550,000) 850,000 1,700,000 $ 0 $ 0 $1,090,000 $1,910,000 c. Step-down (IS first) costs Alloc. of IS costs (0.10, 0.30, 0.60) Alloc. of AS costs (40/75, 35/75) 2. Direct method Step-down (AS first) Step-down (IS first) $600,000 $2,400,000 240,000 (2,400,000) (840,000) $ 0 $ 0 $ 720,000 $1,440,000 448,000 $1,168,000 392,000 $1,832,000 GOVT $1,120,000 1,090,000 1,168,000 CORP $1,880,000 1,910,000 1,832,000 The direct method ignores any services to other support departments. The step-down method partially recognizes services to other support departments. The information systems support group (with total budget of $2,400,000) provides 10% of its services to the AS group. The AS support group (with total budget of $600,000) provides 25% of its services to the information systems support group. When the AS group is allocated first, a total of $2,550,000 is then assigned out from the IS group. Given CORP’s disproportionate (2:1) usage of the services of IS, this method then results in the highest overall allocation of costs to CORP. By contrast, GOVT’s usage of the AS group exceeds that of CORP (by a ratio of 8:7), and so GOVT is assigned relatively more in support costs when AS costs are assigned second, after they have already been incremented by the AS share of IS costs as well. 3. Three criteria that could determine the sequence in the step-down method are as follows: a. Allocate support departments on a ranking of the percentage of their total services provided to other support departments. 1. Administrative Services 25% 2. Information Systems 10% b. Allocate support departments on a ranking of the total dollar amount in the support departments. 1. Information Systems $2,400,000 2. Administrative Services $ 600,000 c. Allocate support departments on a ranking of the dollar amounts of service provided to other support departments 1. Information Systems (0.10 $2,400,000) = $240,000 2. Administrative Services (0.25 $600,000) = $150,000 The approach in (a) above typically better approximates the theoretically preferred reciprocal method. It results in a higher percentage of support-department costs provided to other support departments being incorporated into the step-down process than does (b) or (c), above.