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Dental Care & Pacifiers: Library Assignment

Library Assignment Instructions
Topic : Dental Care (Children population)
PICOT: In children aged one to three years old, does pacifier usage increase the risk for
abnormal orofacial development compared to non-pacifier use in the span of ten years?
1) Think about your search strategy. Identify and list terms you might use to search
for articles relevant to your question.
Effects of Pacifier use
Finger sucking/ thumb sucking
Dental care in children
Malocclusions in children
Orofacial structure and pacifiers
2) Perform your first search for evidence (write brief comments here).
 What databases did you use?
1) CSUStan One Search
What terms did you use?
1) Pacifier uses in children
2) Pacifier use and dental care
What terms were most useful?
1) Pacifier use
2) Dental care
3) Orofacial structure
How many “hits” were returned?
1) First search: 10,089 results
2) Second search: 889
3) What might be some of the filters you can place on your search to increase your
success in finding relevant articles?
Apply three successive filters and indicate the affect on the number of “hits”
returned. Filters can be years, humans, types of publications, etc.
First filter: Changed year range to 2010-2022 Hits: 534
Second filter: Resource type-Articles
Third filter: Relevant subjects: Dentistry, children, pediatrics Hits: 269
Hits: 383
Library Assignment Instructions
4) From among your search results, select two articles related to your topic.
Write the citation in correct APA format.
Caruso, S., Nota, A., Darvizeh, A., Severino, M., Gatto, R., & Tecco, S. (2019). Poor oral habits
and malocclusions after usage of orthodontic pacifiers: An observational study on 35 years old children. BMC Pediatrics, 19(1), 294–294. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12887019-1668-3
Schmid, K. M., Kugler, R., Nalabothu, P., Bosch, C., & Verna, C. (2018). The effect of pacifier
sucking on orofacial structures: A systematic literature review. Progress in Orthodontics,
19(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40510-018-0206-4
5) What is the level of evidence for each of the study? Refer to level of evidence chart
from Module 1.
1. I believe this study falls under a level three: Quasi-experimental Studies. This is
because it is an observational study that is nonrandomized with a certain population
of pre-school children (ages 3-5).
2. This study is a level one because it is a systematic review.
6) Respond to the following questions.
This paper is practice for you to explore your potential questions and ideas for your
final paper.
A. Why did you choose this topic?
o Our group initially had several ideas when it came to dental care. Some
included cavities in children, fluoride benefits, oral care in non-English
speaking, low income, or special needs families. One of my group members
mentioned a personal problem her sister encountered with her child’s bite
after the use of pacifiers. We were all interested in learning more about the
risks of pacifiers. I ended up doing a quick search and found some interesting
articles, so we decided to keep going forward with the topic.
B. How does it relate to nursing science? Why might it be important to practicing
o This topic is reelevate to nursing science because changes can be made in the
medical practice if serious risks are discovered. At the hospital I work for
currently, we give sweeties and pacifiers to babies as soothing measures when
assessments or procedures are being performed.
o As nurses, it is our duty to educate families when education is needed. I
believe the risks and benefits of pacifiers is information needed to know
especially for nurses working in the NICU, or L&D, where families are
cautious of what to give their new baby. Also, I realized long term effects are
not as commonly talked about versus short term effects.
Library Assignment Instructions
C. Summarize the purpose of the two studies that you’ve selected and key findings.
Put these ideas into your own words. Do not copy what the authors said and do
not cut and paste. Use your own voice.
The first study by Caruso et al. (2019), was to evaluate pacifier use being associated
with dental occlusions and other predisposing factors for poor oral habits. The study
included 198 pre-school children, ages 3-5 years, that used exclusively orthodontic
pacifiers. About 80% of the children studied first started using the pacifier within the first
3 months of life. About 44% continued using them over a 2-year period. The study
concluded that orthodontic pacifiers did not cause the development of poor oral habits.
The study also mentioned that those that did use an orthodontic pacifier at 0-3 months,
were less likely to develop the thumb sucking habit.
The second study by Schmid et al. (2018), uses a systematic literature approach to
find evidence on pacifier sucking in correlation to orofacial structure. Over 2000 articles
were found, but only 17 that met the selection criteria. There was an association found
between pacifiers and the presence of an anterior open bite and posterior crossbite.
Conversely, orthodontic pacifiers were shown to cause fewer open bites. It was also
mentioned that the use of pacifiers is dependent on duration and frequency of use. The
study concluded that the evidence found was moderate, and higher level of evidence is
still missing.
D. How did the library search help develop your own personal research skills?
o This library search has helped me understand the importance of narrowing
searches as much as possible to get articles that closely match what I am
researching. For example, I am glad I found the systemic review article
because it also references all the articles they selected to review as part of
their study. That article is a great starting to point to find other literature
reviews. Overall, I will continue to use the CSU Stan library in particular for
future classes as it had several great resources and was an easy tool to explore.