Uploaded by Sandra Autrey

Cancer Flyer Assignment

Cancer Flier Assignment
To better understand cell division and what happens when cell
division goes wrong, you will research a specific type of cancer
of interest. You may share information with others who are
researching the same cancer type. However, each person is
responsible for creating their own unique flier.
Each student, using the information gathered, will create a flier about a specific type of cancer.
You must include the following correct information:
Name of your specific type of cancer
Definition of what cancer is.
Parts of the body affected by your type of cancer
Symptoms of your type of cancer / how do you know you have it?
Name 2 strategies/treatments used to combat this cancer
Type of people most likely to develop this type of cancer
Actions/methods people can do to prevent cancer in general
At least 2 resources where you found your information
2-3 appropriate pictures
Neatness of flier with proper headings