Imperialism Unit Day One Western powers competed in many areas of the World. Imperialists Divide Africa 1. Note three motives behind the European race for colonies. • Economic competition for markets and raw materials. • National pride and racism. • Missionaries’ desire to Christianize and “civilize” nonEuropean peoples. Imperialists Divide Africa 2. Note two technological advantages Europeans had over the Africans. • Superior weapons, railroads, cables, and steamships. • Quinine to protect themselves from malaria. Imperialists Divide Africa 3. Note two internal factors that made Africa vulnerable to European conquest • Africans’ great diversity of languages and cultures (Ethnic rivalries). • Lower level of technology and weapons. Imperialists Divide Africa 4. Note two outcomes of the Berlin Conference in 1884 and 1885. • Agreement among 14 European nations about how to divide Africa among European countries. • Arbitrary distribution of African ethnic and linguistic groups among European nations (notable transformation for most African cultures) Imperialists Divide Africa 5. Name three groups that clashed over territory and resources in South Africa. • Zulus • Boers (Dutch) • British Imperialists Divide Africa 6. Note one outcome of the Boer War. • Creation of selfgoverning Union of South Africa controlled by the British. Today’s Assignment: European Imperialism in Africa STOP Imperialism Test: Tuesday, February 11th Imperialism Unit Day Two Forms of Imperialism shaped behaviors in foreign lands. Forms of Imperialism Form Definition Example Colony A country or a Somaliland in territory East Africa was governed a French colony. intentionally by a foreign power. Forms of Imperialism Form Definition Example Protectorate A country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power. Britain established a protectorate over the Niger River delta. Forms of Imperialism Form Definition Example Sphere of Influence An area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privilages. Liberia was under the sphere of influence of the United States. Forms of Imperialism Form Definition Example Economic Imperialism An independent but lessdeveloped country controlled by private business interests rather than other governments. The Dole Fruit company controlled pineapple trade in Hawaii. Imperial Management Methods Indirect Control Direct Control •Local government officials used •Limited self-rule •Goal: to develop future leaders •Government institutions are based on European styles but may have local rules. •Foreign officials brought in to rule. •No self-rule. •Goal: assimilation •Government institutions are based on European styles. Imperial Management Methods Indirect Control Direct Control Examples: •British colonies such as Nigeria, India, and Burma. •U.S. colonies on Pacific Islands. Examples: •French colonies such as Somaliland, Vietnam. •German colonies such as German East Africa. •Portugeese colonies such as Angola. STOP Imperialism Test: February 11th (next Tuesday) Imperialism Learning Packet Day Three Africa was transformed by Imperialist nations of Europe Causes of Imperialism Nationalism To gain power, European nations compete for colonies and trade. Economic Competition Demand for raw materials and new markets spurs a search for colonies. Missionary Spirit Europeans believe they must spread their Christian teachings to the world. Europeans exerted influence over the economic, political, and social lives of the people they colonized Effects of Imperialism Colonization Europeans control land and people in areas of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Mercantilism Europeans exerted influence over the economic, political, and social lives of the people they colonized Europeans control trade in the colonies and set up dependent cash-crop economies. Christianized Christianity is spread to Africa, India, and Asia. Patterns of Change 1. How did the British control Nigeria and other British colonies? • Indirectly by allowing existing political rulers to govern under British authority and local officials to manage daily affairs. Patterns of Change 2. What method of management did the French use with their colonies? • Direct control through policies of paternalism and assimilation. Patterns of Change 3. How did Algeria’s resistance to French rule differ from the East Africans’ resistance to German rule? • Algeria used active resistance, whereas East Africans used a spiritual defense that included the belief that magic water sprinkled on their bodies would ward off European bullets. Patterns of Change 4. Why was Ethiopia able to successfully resist European rule? • Emperor Menelik II took advantage of rivalries among Italians, French, and British to build an arsenal. He later declared war and defeated the Italians at the Battle of Adowa. Patterns of Change 5. How did Africans benefit from colonial rule? • Colonialism reduced local warfare; in some colonies it improved education, sanitation, transportation, and communication for the Africans. In addition, African products came to be valued on the international market. Patterns of Change 6. What were the negative consequences of colonial rule for the African continent? • Death from European diseases to which Africans had previously not been exposed and from active resistance to European rule, loss of property, famine, breakdown in traditional way of life, artificial political divisions that would lead to ethnic and civil wars. Today’s Assignment: European Imperialism in Africa Worksheet due tomorrow. STOP Imperialism Test: Tuesday Imperialism Learning Packet Day Four Similarities and Differences in Imperialism in Africa and India • British colony •Indirect Rule first, then Direct Rule (p.2) •Use of passive resistance, civil disobedience, and nonviolence (Gandhi) •Fueled by market forces (raw materials, more customers) of the Industrial Revolution •Economic exploitation (labor and resources) by colonial rulers. •Borders created by colonial rulers disregarded cultural and ethnic diversity •Imperialism glorified by colonial rulers •Independence demanded by natives • British, French, Spanish, Portugeese, Belgian, German, and Italian colonies. •Direct and Indirect Rule (last Friday) Today’s Assignment: Complete Tweets as Gandhi on your Twitter Page. STOP Imperialism Test: Tuesday Imperialism Learning Packet Day Five Western Powers ruled Southeast Asia British Imperialism in India Cause: 1. Led by Robert Clive, company troops defeated Indian forces at the Battle of Plassey after Muhghal rule had become weak. Effect: • East India Company gains control of India. British Imperialism in India Cause: 2. British establish a railroad network in India. Effects: • Railroads transported raw products from the interior to the ports. • British make more profits in India. • Modern economy develops in India. British Imperialism in India Cause: 3. British restricted Indian owned industries such as cotton textiles and reduced food production in favor of cash crops. Effects • Villagers are no longer self sufficient. • Food production declines • Famine sets in. British Imperialism in India Cause: 4. The Sepoy Mutiny occurs and uprisings spread over much of northern India Effects: • British government assumes direct control of India. • Racism and mutual distrust are intensified. British Imperialism in India Cause: 5. Calls by reformers for India to modernize, nationalist feelings, resentment over British discriminatory policies. Effects: • Indians form the Indian National Congress. • Call for selfgovernment (homerule) British Imperialism in India Cause: 6. British partition Bengal into Hindu and Muslim sections. Effect: • Acts of terrorism forced British to divide the province which stopped much of the violence in India. STOP Imperialism Test: Tuesday Imperialism Learning Packet Day Six Western Powers ruled Southeast Asia Western Powers Rule Southeast Asia 1. Dutch East India Company • Lands Claimed: Malacca, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas, Bali, Indonesia • Major Products: Oil, Tin, Rubber • Impact of Colonialization: Creation of a rigid social class structure. Western Powers Rule Southeast Asia 2. British • Lands Claimed: Malay Peninsula, Burma • Immigration Policy: Encouraged Chinese to immigrate to Malaysia. • Impact of Colonialization: Racial conflict between Malay minority and Chinese majority, economic growth, and modernization. Western Powers Rule Southeast Asia 3. French • Lands claimed: Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia • Method of management: Direct colonial management • Impact of Colonization: Decline of local industries, less food for peasants. Western Powers Rule Southeast Asia 4. Americans • Lands claimed: Guam, Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, Hawaii • Method of management: Some preparation for colonial self-rule. • Impact of Colonialization: Economic exploitation, modernization, U.S. business interests are expanded around the world. Western Powers Rule Southeast Asia 5. Japan (non-western power) • Lands claimed: Korea, Taiwan, South Sakhalin • Method of management: Annexed areas (like Korea) provided raw materials for Japan. • Impact of Colonization: Japan becomes the most powerful nation in Asia. STOP Imperialism Test: Tuesday! Imperialism Learning Packet Day Seven U.S. Economic Imperialism in Latin America U.S. Economic Imperialism in Latin America 1. In what ways did landowners “enslave” peasant workers? • Landowners forced workers into debt by paying low wages. • Prices were high, so workers were always in debt. U.S. Economic Imperialism in Latin America 2. How was land distributed colonial times? • Unevenly, with land ownership restricted by a wealthy few. U.S. Economic Imperialism in Latin America 3. What political problems did independent nations face as a result of European colonial rule? • People had little or no experience with democracy and were used to political power being restricted to a few. • Rule by dictators often resulted. U.S. Economic Imperialism in Latin America 4. How did advances in technology affect Latin American trade? • Increased Latin American exports but kept Latin America dependent on importing manufactured goods. U.S. Economic Imperialism in Latin America 5. How did foreign countries gain control of Latin American industries? • Foreign leaders took over Latin American industries in payment for unpaid loans with high interest rates. U.S. Economic Imperialism in Latin America 6. Why did Latin American nations remain poor and unindustrialized after they gained independence? • Latin American nations focused mainly on their exports • They had no reason to industrialize as they imported manufactured goods from Europe and North America. U.S. Economic Imperialism in Latin America 7. Why did President Monroe issue the Monroe Doctrine? • To protect the independence of Latin American nations and the security of the United States. U.S. Economic Imperialism in Latin America 8. How did the SpanishAmerican War make the United States the dominant imperial power in Latin America? • The U.S. gained the rest of Spain’s colonial empire. • Monroe Doctrine prevented powerful European nations from building empires in the Americas. U.S. Economic Imperialism in Latin America- page 15 9. How did the United States expand its influence in Latin America in the early 1900s? • Commanding the armed forces, President T. Roosevelt, helped Panama in its revolt for independence. • Building the Panama Canal • Setting up a military government in Cuba. • Investing in Latin American countries. STOP Imperialism Test: Tuesday