SUGGESTED PLANNING OF TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT: GRADE 8TECHNOLOGY TERM 1 WEEK 1 TIME 2 HOURS CAPS topic: STRUCTURES FRAME STRUCTURES Concepts, skills and values Resources(other than textbook) 1. Purpose of structural members 2. Investigate Forces in structures Pictures and videos WEEK 2-3 WEEK 3-4 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEKS 8, 9, 10 2 HOURS 2 HOURS 2 HOURS 2 HOURS 2 HOURS 2 HOURS STRUCTURAL MEMBERS COMMNICATION SKILLS MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INVESTIGATE DESIGN MAKE/EVALUATE 1. Types 2. Structural failure 3. Purpose of graphics and conventions Paper tubing 1.Conventions 2. Working drawings: 2D & isometric 3. Artistic drawing Drawing grids Term 1 PAT 1: Assignment: 70 Marks Design = 25; Make = 30; Communicate = 15 Term Weighting: 100% SBA Weighting 10% 1. Mechanical advantage 2. Simple mechanisms 3.Gears 4. Drawing a mechanism Mechanical systems kits Formal Assessment: Mini PAT 1. Investigate / evaluate adv &disadv. of structures INVESTIGATION (cont) 1. Design Brief & Specifications. 2. Initial designs 1. Isometric to scale 2. teams build 3. Communicate 2VP perspective DESIGN MAKE / EVALUATE Grade 8 Term 1 TERM 2 TIME CAPS topic Concepts, skills and values WEEK 1 2 HOURS IMPACT OF PROCESSING 1. Positive impact: new materials 2. Case Study 1: Impact of plastic shopping bags 3. Case Study 2: Recycling paper and carboard videos Resources WEEK 2 WEEK 3 2 HOURS 2 HOURS DESIGN AND MAKE IMPACT OF TECH 1. Draw development of an open container 2. Design and make package to fit a purpose 1. Case Study 3: investigate Products that have negative impact. Card, scissors WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 2 HOURS 2 HOURS 2 HOURS 1 HOURS DESIGN MAKE, EVALUATE STRUCTURES & PROCESSING 1. Tension, compression, bending, torsion, shear 2. Reinforcing 3. Beam orientation to withstand forces etc. 1. Adapt material to combat negative effect (case study 3) 2. Two Designs 3. Final design in isometric projection 1. Make the product 2. Evaluate product and process 1. Teams present their plans, model and evaluation Term 2: Mid-year Examination 80 Marks (90 Minutes) Term Weighting: 100% SBA Weighting 10% Paper tubing Drawing grids, card INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE DESIGN MAKE EVALUATE, COMMUNICATE WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 2 HOURS 2 HOURS 2 HOURS 2 HOURS 2 HOURS 2 HOURS COMMUNICATION SKILLS INVESTIGATE DESIGN MAKE COMMUNICATE FORMAL ASSESSMENT: MINI PAT WEEKS 8, 9, 10: Grade 8 Term 2 TERM 3 TIME CAPS topic Concepts, skills and values Resources(other than textbook) Formal Assessment: Mini PAT Grade 8 Term 3 WEEK 1 2 HOURS MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 1. Revise Class 1-3 levers 2. Gear systems: counter rotation, idler, velocity & force ratio and force multiplication. 3. Bicycle gear system Levers, gear kits MECHANICAL ADVANTAGE CALCULATIONS 1.Levers: LOAD/EFFORT 2. Gears: Mech advantage: tooth ratio and diameter ratio. Levers, gear kits 1. Draw gear system: opposite, same, faster, slower 2. Writing design brief for gear systems 3. 2D gearing systems showing advantage 4:1 pencil, grids 1. Impact and Bias in mining 2. Lifting mechanisms 3. Design Brief 1. 3D isometric projection of shaft head gear 2. 2D working drawing one view 3. Budget 1.Teams Plan 2. Teams build working model Pictures , video Pencil, isometric grids Card, gears, string, winch INVESTIGATE DESIGN MAKE Teams present tender proposal: Research, flow chart, model, budget. COMMUNICATE WEEKS 8, 9, 10: Term 2 Examination (based on terms 3) Term 3: PAT 2: Project 100 Marks I = 10; D = 30; M = 40; E = 10; C = 10 Term Weighting: 100% SBA Weighting 20% Week 3 TERM 4 TIME CAPS topic Concepts, skills and values Resources(other than textbook)to enhance learning Formal Assessment: Mini PAT WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 1 HOUR 1 HOUR 2 HOURS 2 HOURS 2 HOURS INVESTIGATE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS INVESTIGATE: ELECTRO CHEMICAL CELLS INVESTIGATE ALTERNATE ENERGY INVESTIGATE LOGICS DESIGN, MAKE COMMUNICATE 2 HOURS 1. Revise simple circuits with multiple output devices 2. Draw circuit diagrams 3. Bias in energy: rural, urban, industry 1. Construct battery from salt water. 2. Photovoltaic cells 1. Thermal and hydroelectric power and wind power 2. Electric grid distribution 1. And or Logic Gates 2.AND and OR Truth Tables 3. Qualitative investigation of OHMS Law Panic alarm: 1. Design Brief 2. Specifications 1. Complete truth table for the device 2. Prepare advertising poster 3. Make the circuit (at least 2 switches) ELECTRICITY KITS CONTAINERS, WATER , SALT, CONNECTING WIRES, AMMETER. PICTURES / VIDEOS Video, PPT Electricity kits Poster paper INVESTIGATE DESIGN, MAKE COMMUNICATE Weeks 7-10: FINAL EXAMINATION Term 4 End of Year Examination 80 Marks (90 Minutes) SBA Weighting: 60%