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The Lemonade War Discussion Questions

The Lemonade War​ Discussion Questions
Chapter 1: Slump
Why does Evan prefer being in the basement with the lights out?
Evan tries to give Jessie the Big Freeze/ What does that mean?
What week is it when the story begins (what week of the year)?
What was Evan actually doing down there in the basement with the lights off?
What object does Evan's mother try (and fail) to move by herself?
Chapter 2: Breakup
What were Evan and Jessie doing when the letter arrived?
Who says, "School. Isn't. Fun."?
What book does Jessie read to try to take away her confusion and feelings about Evan?
When was the first time Evan said "I hate you" to Jessie?
Name one of the three things Jessie will miss by skipping third grade.
Chapter 3: Joint Venture
Where is the best place to sell lemonade- the driveway or the corner?
Who wrote ​Ten Bright Ideas to Light Up your Sales​?
What does Scott want to get with the money they might make from the lemonade stand?
(Chapter 3 cont…)
What does Evan want to buy with the money he might make from the lemonade stand?
Evan received ten dollars from his grandmother for his ipod. What did he spend it on?
So, if it costs 50 cents to make a cup of lemonade, and they sell 14 cups for $1 each- how much
money (profit) did Evan and Scott make?
Chapter 4: Partnership
Why wasn't Megan's phone number in the school directory?
Why did Jessie ride back and forth in front of Megan's house?
How many band bracelets does Megan have? Where did she get the tiger striped one?
What math strategy does Jessie use to help Megan understand the math she used to figure
out how much money they would make selling three cans of lemonade?
Chapter 5: Competition
What chores do Jessie and Evan take turns doing?
What did Evan say that almost made Jessie cry?
Why did Jessie decide to donate her money to the Animal Rescue League?
What spit vow did Evan and Jessie make?
What bet do Jessie and Evan make?
Chapter 6: Underselling
What drives Jessie crazy about girls?
(Ch. 6 cont…)
What did the WHJ club stand for?
How did Megan and Jessie practice the "Value Added" principle?
How did Evan and his friends use the principle "Goodwill"?
Chapter 7: Location, Location, Location
How did Evan feel when we solved the math problem by himself?
How much money did Evan need to earn each day to get to $100 in three days?
Where did Evan go to sell Lemonade?
How did Evan decide how much his lemonade would cost?
Why did Evan have to stop selling lemonade in the town green?
How much money did Evan make before he had to stop selling?
How much money did Evan have in all?
Chapter 8: Going Global
Where did Jessie hide the key to her lock box?
How much money did Jessie need to earn in two days to get to $100?
How did Megan make Jessie's day?
What was Jessie's idea for selling lemonade?
(Ch. 8 cont…)
How much money did Jessie and Megan make each with Jessie's idea?
What did Megan do with all her money?
Chapter 9: Negotiation
What is the name of the character Evan made up with he and Jessie were younger?
Why did Evan suggest to Jessie that they cancel the Lemonade War?
Why did Evan "take-back" the offer and say that the Lemonade War was on?
Chapter 10: Malicious Mischief
Why did Jessie decide she couldn't count Megan's lemonade money to help her win the bet
with Evan?
What was the consequence in the Treski house for entering your siblings bedroom without an
"express invitation?"
Why did Evan go into Jessie's bedroom?
How did Evan plan to earn $256 in one day?
How did Jessie plan to ruin Evan's lemonade sales for that day?
Chapter 11: A Total Loss
How many cups of lemonade did Evan sell before someone say a fruit fly in a glass?
How much money did Evan make that day?
How much did Evan have from the lemonade war? How much did Jessie have?
(Ch. 11 cont…)
What did Evan do so that he could still "win"?
Chapter 12: Waiting Period
What did Jessie and Evan usually do together at the beach?
Why was Jessie feeling sick?
Chapter 13: Crisis Management
How many boys are playing basketball the day Evan's money gets stolen from his shorts?
Where did the boys go after playing basketball?
What was different about his clothes when Evan came in from swimming?
Chapter 14: Reconciliation
What does Evan say is the "joke" that Jessie would normally laugh at?
What does Evan think Scott Spencer is going to do with the money he stole?
Evan admits why he didn't want Jessie in his class at school. Why is it?
Complete these three opposed pairs:
Fireworks and ______
Summer and _______
War and ___________