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HRM Essentials: Internal Assignment - Employee Management

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Essentials of HRM
Internal Assignment for December 2021 Examination
Answer 1):
Human resource in an integral part of any organisation. From the planning of starting a company to
the end of the company Human resource plays its part. Human Resource Planning also depicted as
HRP is a planning which is done in advance and is continuously done on a regular basis to achieve
best quality employees or can be said as human resource or work force which the most valuable asset
of an organisation. This is a continues process because company grow and compete with other
competitor and requires to add more and more talented work force and hence it’s a process which
keeps on going. Human resource planning finds and recruits best and fit candidate for the roles and
keeps a close check on shortage of manpower. A company is judged on the attrition rate which the
percentage of people leaving the organisation and if its low it means company’s working environment
is satisfactory for the employees and if its high that means HR and company has to think on the
reasons of that and try to reduce that.
For a new generation private sector bank which has branches in all major parts in the countries HR
Team has to plan in such a way that it competes with the other players in the industry and at the same
time be employee and customer centric both. HR needs to first focus on hiring as much skilled labour
as possible in the compensation budget the company has, in simple words find best of the best
employees and at the same time don’t need to spend too much. And Planning should be done in such a
way that the industry can see and feel that this organisation is very employee centric and job
satisfaction is there in this, and for that rules and regulations for employees should be made attractive.
Indian Private Sector is growing day by day and competition is rising day by day and all the company
wants to hire the best talent in the market and are on a regular basis do intense marketing and hiring
process. And that’s the reason for attrition in organisation and hence HR planning for the bank should
be very attentive to this and make its way to hire the best resources and retain the best talent the
company has from leaving.
External factors such as language are very important for a bank is very important to consider in the
hiring process because banks deal with customer and they can only connect if the employees are well
versed with the local language also. And external factors such as competition market should be
always in mind, because every company wants to hire best talent and does a lot of impact on other
company by hiring resources from the market and leads to attrition.
Human resource planning is the back bone of an organisation because without the suitable work force
a company can never be better and achieve its goals, it helps company to find suitable candidate for
the future planning of the company.
Answer 2):
Training and development is an educational activity within a company and id done to enhance the
knowledge and skills of the employees and help them to reach their full potential and learn new
things, and help them with all the information and instruction on how to perform better and help
company to reach its goals. Training is necessary for all sectors and all hierarchy in a company on a
time to time basis to help employees and company in sync with the competitive market and changing
And Obsolescence happens when an employee is out of sync with the necessary technology and
knowledge to work and results in decrease is performance and is not able to learn and cope up with
the necessary change and upgrade in the knowledge required to do specific task. This generally
happens when people become obsolete for a set of task or work due to change in technology and work
needed for the job because people become comfortable and do not focus on learning and adapting the
required change needed.
And hence there is a need of Training and development for employees in all phases of professional
career. Company does training programs for the employees so that personnel obsolescence do not take
place and it also helps company to get great work from the employees and help in shortage of proper
manpower to run the company. Various reasons pertain to this such as, Lack of motivation, Age
issues, Change adaption problem and many more. Training enhances the skill sets and knowledge to
help employee to help company to compete with the growing competitive market. And it’s said that
nobody knows everything and learning can be done at any time and from anywhere and the people
who are ready to adapt changes and participate positively in training and development never fails in
life. Training is not a onetime thing it’s a non-ending process because we are living in a world on
uncertainty and every second changing technology needs a very close follow up and refresh of
It Helps employee to learn and improve their knowledge and this is the great opportunity for
employees to excel in life.
Importance of Training:
Increases skills and knowledge.
Helps employee for future growth not only in the current company but further also.
Helps in Appraisal and promotions.
It Motivates employee.
Employee feels more responsible and valued in the company.
And many more.
Personnel obsolescence can be overcome with training programs and is a very important part of
human resource growth of a company and is one stop solution for lot of problems such as Lack of
performance, Lack of Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and helps to search and create more and more
talented workforce who can help grow the company. Adaptation to change is the need of the hour and
one who is not willing to learn and train himself in the world cannot succeed in life.
Answer 3):
In the given Paragraph it has been mentioned that Rohit is panicked and is worried about the new job
role and is out of his comfort zone after promotion. In General any promotion or change is
designation brings lot of hassles in the beginning because of the change is schedule, routine and the
habit of normal day to day life, as mentioned he feels like he was making a difference in his old job
but it’s a perspective of his, everyone has when there is a change.
a) As Rohit is having motivational issues and problem is adjusting with the current role and
needs change management and training on what and how he can grasp and settle in this new
job role as Manager. And as a manager now he has to do observations and manage people and
make and present reports to the higher management and all the ground work what he was
doing is not there now, and in making the report he has some hiccups but as he is new and
learning this new job role Director told him about the issue and told him to work on it.
As a Rohit’s Boss I will make him comfortable with the new job role and tell him what
difference he is creating in the company and for himself, and will show him what good this
will bring for his future. And will assign meetings with other managers and schedule training
sessions for him to know and learn the job and motivate him for the change positively all the
time. Change is never an easy thing, it needs your mind and soul to adapt and change. Rohit’s
case is a case we all have felt or will feel in changing job role and promotions, but it need full
support from superiors and colleagues to help adapt with the situation ad grow.
b) Rohit is in a situation we all have been or will be in the future, it’s a case of change in job role
which arises lot of discomforts because is changes normal life which was stable and balanced
and we all know changes brings some discomfort in the beginning but for longer term this is
what is giving you growth. As Rohit has been promoted to a managers role it’s a very good
thing which happened to him, and this is the reason every one gives heart and soul in their
jobs. His hard work [aid of and now is the time to grow and see the things from a different
prospective and think as a manger not as an employee only. The only thing that could have
been done in the beginning is that he would have been trained for the role before giving him
the actual work of that role which would have given him a kick start and Motivation from the
beginning about the job role.
But now as he has been working already in the job role, management should arrange for
training sessions and proper job role sync up with other managers and give him a proper OJT
(On Job training) so that he can do his work properly.
Every company should do a proper session on what the job role is about and how the person
is creating a difference for the company. Motivation, Training and Support from the team is
the only thing which can help Rohit and other people like Rohit in this kind of situation.
Change is the language of growth, one who can adapt and learn to train himself on a regular
basis about the changes going around will succeed. Growth in position and change in job role
is a part and parcel of Professional life , to grow in professional life Training and personal
development is the key to success.