ICT GLOSSARY OF TERMS By: Mary Mae S. Cortez BROWSER - A software program which provides access to web pages. Like, Internet, Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc. CASCADING STYLE SHEETS (CSS) - Cascading Style Sheets are a feature of HTML that enables a range of styles for headers, body text, bullet points, links, etc. HTML - HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the main markup language for displaying web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser. NETWORK - A collection of computers and other hardware interconnected by communication channels that allows sharing of resources and information. PANOPTO - Panopto is the University wide solution for capturing video and audio content for teaching, learning, research and iTunes U. PROXY SERVER - An online tool which is applied to a private network to re-direct its own users to selected websotes. QR CODE - QR is short for Quick Response and is a two dimensional bar code which can be read quickly by a cell phone or tablet device with a camera and QR reader application. SAMR - SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and redefinition) is a framework for understanding the impact of digital tools to education. VPN - VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a remote access technology that allows you to connect to the University’s network using any internet connection-Worldwide. WIRELESS - A way of transmitting information without cables that is reasonably fast. Credit: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wanaga o Waikato https://www.waikato.ac.nz/ict-selfhelp/glossary THANK YOU!