University of Waikato Alumni Scholarship Personal Statement P E R S O N A L S T A T E M E N T This form is to be completed and uploaded with your online application for a University of Waikato Alumni Scholarship. Please ensure that all questions are answered fully. This form should be completed electronically. If you have received this form as a printed page, please visit for the electronic version. Text must be typed, not handwritten. A PP L IC A NT ’S D E T A I LS Last name: First name(s): University of Waikato ID number: A maximum of two pages is required for your Personal Statement: 1. R EA S O N S FOR R ET UR N I N G TO S TU D Y Please comment on your reason for returning of study: 2. W HA T Y O U H OP E T O A C H IE V E Please comment on what you hope to achieve through the completion of the paper/qualification: 3. F I NA N C I A L C IR C U MS TA N C E S Please provide a brief statement outlining your financial circumstances: 4. R EC E N T A ND C U R R E NT C O M M U NI T Y I NV O LV ME N T Please comment on your contribution to cultural and community involvement: