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Icelandic vs. English: Language Comparison

Icelandic vs
Презентацию подготовили:
Студенты ПОия-б-19-3о
Колкунова Юлия
Луганченко Кирилл
• Icelandic is an Indo—European
language, the language of
Icelanders, the official language
of Iceland, a representative of the
Scandinavian group of
Germanic languages.
• Historically, Icelandic was the
westernmost Indo-European
language before the Portuguese
settled in the Azores.
History of
The history of the Icelandic language began in the IX
century with the arrival of Norwegian settlers speaking
Old Norse in Iceland.
The oldest surviving texts in Icelandic were written
around 1100. Most of these texts are poems and laws
passed down orally from generation to generation
before they were written down.
The most famous of them, written in Iceland since the
XII century, are the sagas — historical works of Snorri
Sturluson; as well as the elder eddas
Speaking countries
In compare to
In most languages of Western Europe,
inflection is severely limited —
namely, declension. In contrast, the
Icelandic language has a synthetic
grammar, retaining 4 cases, being
one of the few Germanic languages
that have retained cases, although the
grammar of the Icelandic language is
more synthetic and conservative.
The Icelandic language is also
distinguished by a large number
of irregular declensions
(declensions not according to the
1. They’re both Germanic
English is a West Germanic
Icelandic is a North Germanic
• English and Icelandic has same
root, come from German
• It doesn't look like much, but
there are some words.
Here are some examples:
Hanski - Hand skin
Akkúrat - exact
Halló – Hello
Hús - House
Lamb - Lamb
• There are two ways to write horse in English. It's a horse and
horses. You can also say horse, but the noun is spelled the
same. So here are the Icelandic versions of the horse.
Here is a horse – hestur
About the horse – hest
From the horse – hesti
To a horse – nests
Here is a horse – hesturinn
About the horse – hestinn
From the horse – hestinum
To the horse – hestsins
Here are the horses – hestar
About horses – hesta
From horses – hestum
For horses – hesta
Here are the horses – hestarnir
About horses – pestana
From horses – hestunumT
o the horses - hestanna
• Icelandic has two letters that do not exist in any other
language; Eth (Ðð) and Thorn (Þþ).
•takk fyrir að horfa!!!!!!