Purpose Built Schools Atlanta Middle School ELA Core Block Observation Template School: Number of Students: Teacher: Date: Indicators (Common Core Instruction): 1. Standard/ Learning goals are communicated: Standard posted Standard referenced Students use language of the standard Students communicate learning goal/s Not Evident Unable to determine 2. Lesson Component Observed: Welcome Launch Learn Land Wrap Deep Dive Opportunities for Additional Practice Not evident Unable to determine 3. Grouping Format: Whole group Small Group Paired Individual Combination of Formats 4. Student Engagement Level: Highly engaged – authentically engaged Well managed – willingly compliant, ritually engaged Somewhat engaged – most students participate in the assigned tasks Off task – students actively reject the assigned task or substitute another activity Routines and procedures for a safe and orderly environment show students take ownership and responsibility for learning 5. Implementation Practices/ Pacing: Pace is appropriate Provides instruction at the time designated for Core instruction Maximizes the amount of time students are engaged in Core learning tasks Practices are aligned to the stated standard/learning goal Follows the selected program’s lessons with integrity Provides corrective feedback and positive reinforcement Not evident 6. Focus on a High Quality Text(s): Lesson is focused on a text or multiple texts Texts are at or above the complexity level expected for the grade Text(s) exhibit exceptional craft and thought and/or utilized to provide useful information for teaching standard(s) Not evident 7. Text Dependent Questions and Tasks: Students are engaged in reading, writing, speaking and/or listening about complex text throughout the lesson block Addresses the text by attending to its structure, concepts, ideas, events and details Requires students to cite evidence from the text and demonstrate understanding Supports students with the building and facilitation of academic language Guides students in delving deeper into text and graphics Not evident 8. Differentiation and Scaffolding: Uses flexible grouping strategies to accommodate learning needs/goals Scaffolds tasks as needed to meet the diverse learning needs of students Varies tasks to allow students to demonstrate understanding of content Incorporates strategies/practices to support students with grappling complex text Provides support on building students’ academic vocabulary and grammar skills Not evident 8. Vocabulary Instruction (Deep Dive): Word description provided Students use vocabulary in activities Students restate (in their own words) Students “play” games with vocabulary Students talk to each other about vocabulary Students create Non-Linguistic Representation Not evident 9. Grammar Instruction (Deep Dive): Rules for concepts are taught Students create own examples of concept Examples of concept are provided Students applies concept(s) in writing Not Evident Grade: Time: Notes: Glows/Recommendations/ Next Steps: Enter Notes/Additional Items 2