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Cleopatra's Reign Research Document

1. What is the general topic of your research?
Cleopatra and her reign in Egypt.
2. In general terms, what was is the “question” under consideration?
The question under consideration is, did Cleopatra truly love Egypt and wanted the best
for her country, or did she just want more power?
3. What types of primary sources do you anticipate using in your research? Provide one
specific example.
One primary source I will be utilizing is scholarly articles as well as online information
like the one below.
4. From a preliminary search, how much scholarship is there on this subject (does it seem to
be a major topic or something less studied so far)? Give one citation of a scholarly source
you think might be useful in your research. Provide this according to the guidelines in
Chicago Manual of Style.
Vatai, Frank. 2022. "The Reign of Cleopatra: EBSCOhost". Web.s.ebscohost.com.