_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hi! I'm Vik Hawksley, Coach & owner of Anatomy In Motion in Sydney, Australia. I build minds and bodies to improve quality of life through quality movement. The truth is, to continually progress with your strength, mobility & unlock new movements, you don't need to working crazy hard or super advanced work. Welcome to Strength & Movement with Vik! About The Program We train upto 4 sessions a week, in 6 week phases. On each page there's a new PDF program. The intention here is to work 2 full body sessions a week, 1 flexibility session & 1 hand balancing session. Each program details movement & dosage of the work with links to coaching tutorial videos so you can learn or refine the movements. (Click on the underlined text to access the video tutorials). You can do the sessions any days of the week you choose, ideally two days on, one day off in between. I write up each session in sections; 1. General Mobility - all our sessions start with this standard set of mobility drills. Pay attention to how the body feels and if something's a little stuck, allow yourself the time and love to work on it a little longer. (For killer results I recommend you making 10 minutes everyday to do your general mobility, you'll thank yourself for it!). 2. Prep - Joint/movement preparation (think of it as half the warm up). We need to build a rock solid foundation in quality movement, doing the basics often and ridiculously well. 3. Prime - priming the body. This is geared to specific body parts and movement patterns to "prime" the body for the work that follows. The basics doesn't mean boring or easy! It's repetition of carefully chosen movements to lay a strong foundation on top of which, the harder stuff can then be built with ease. I'm going to show you exactly how I do this in my own training and training the AIM Tribe. 4. Strength -You'll be provided with the number of sets & reps. The suggestion here is always start with body weight set then progress on to the loaded work. You'll get further info on strength dosages every 3 weeks. I'm super excited you're joining me. Welcome, lets learn something new and have some fun! Vik Hawksley 5. Movement - These are strength through length / mobility work. Treat them with respect & the attention is always on the quality rather than trying to push maximally! Load is NOT a priority here. ___________________________________ How To Get The Most Out of The Program Listen To Your Body THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT! My biggest challenge for us in this program is not being able to see how you move and prescribe progressions accordingly. Work to build awareness, filming yourself will allow you to see what position you're in and check back to the coaching vids. Be hyper aware of how you feel in each session and movement. Understand Each Session Before You Move Be sure to watch the videos ahead of doing the session and watch again during the session if needed. It may be a little slow to start each program or when we have new movements, you'll get a rhythm the second and third time you do the session and as the weeks progress and the work's familiar. Quality Over Quantity Pay attention to the detail in the coaching videos, the intent is always performing the movement well, rather than pumping out the work. Be Consistent Little is better than nothing Mandatory Equipment Dowel rod, bands, hanging space. Optional Equipment Gymnastic Rings + Weights (or be resourceful!) Learn.Play.Grow. My mantra! Those that treat this as a learning experience; are consistent, attentive to the coaching videos, ask questions in the group will get the most out of this. No matter what level you're at, those that are open to feedback and connect with us online, will progress the most through this experience. www.anatomyinmotion.com.au | Quality of Life Through Quality Movement SESSION #1: 4 day program Strength & Movement Focus: Squat & bent arm scapular strength (BASS) PREP 1: General Mobility Squat routine Elbow Dowel x10 each x15 each side e/s PREP 2: 2 sets Hinge walks Hanging active/passive Wall Cossacks x20 x20 x10 e/s Deadbugs x20 PRIME: 2 sets Crab walks Banded Glute raises x20 x20 Tib raises Banded Rows x20 x20 STRENGTH: 4-6 sets (include warm up set) Split Squats x8 e/s Tempo: 3.1.1 Chin ups (chest to bar) OR x3-5 Tempo: 5.1.1 Body Rows (rings/bar) x8-10 (2s pause at the top) MOVEMENT: 3-5 sets Single leg Good-morning x6 e/s Tempo: 4.2.1 DB Pullover x5 (2s at bottom/rep 10s hold on last rep) Seated Shoulder external rotation x6 e/s Tempo: 3.2.3 SESSION #2: 4 day program HAND BALANCING Focus: HANDSTAND FUNDAMENTALS Warm up: Shoulder fundamentals General Mobility x10 each PREP 1: 1 set Tea cups Wrist strength HS shoulder prep x10e/s x10-15 each variation x60s each variation PRIME: 3 sets Scap push up Bodyline drill x20-45s x10-15 STRENGTH: SLDL x8e/s 3-5 sets L-Stand OR 45 deg HS OR Chest to wall HS (C2W) x10-30s x15-30s x5 (2s pause at bottom) x15-30s MOVEMENT: 3 sets Seated Shoulder external rotation x6 e/s Tempo: 3.2.3 Jefferson curl Compression drill x10+10s SESSION #3: 4 day program Strength & Movement Focus: Hinge & straight arm scapular strength (SASS) PREP 1: General Mobility Wrist Strength Shoulder opener x10 each side (e/s) PREP 2: 2 sets Hinge walks Deadbugs x20 PRIME: Shoulder taps x10 e/s x12 (3s pause) 2 sets Scap push ups x60s e/s x10 Arch hang x10s 4-6 sets (include warm up set) RDLs OR x8 Tempo: 4.2.1 MOVEMENT: Sliding Cossacks x20 Single leg primer STRENGTH: x30/20/10s SLDLs x6 e/s Tempo:3.3.3 Planche lean OR x20-30s Push up x5 Tempo: 3-5 sets Table tops Long Split Squats Toes up Jefferson x6 x6 e/s (2s pause/rep, 10s pause on 6th rep) x5 (5s pause at the top) SESSION #4: 4 day program FLEXIBILITY Focus: FRONT SPLIT Warm up: General Mobility PREP 1: PRIME: x10 each variation 1 set Plantar stretch Tib stretch Active pigeon Calf stretch x60s x60s x10+10s e/s x60s e/s 2 sets Elephant walk x90s STRENGTH: Dowel warm up Couch stretch x90s e/s 3-5 sets Pike squats OR Single leg good-morning 5x5s MOVEMENT: 1 set Front split (hold) x60s e/s 5x5s Long lunge steps 5x5s Pike leg lifts 5x5s e/s