RESEARCH ARTICLE Easy-to-Implement Ultra-Thin, Wide-Band, and Multi-Functional Polarization Converter for K and Ka Band Applications Aykut Coskun,* Ugur Cem Hasar, Ahmet Ozmen, and Mehmet Ertugrul This article presents an ultrathin, broadband, and multipurpose polarization converter design utilizing an anisotropic metasurface for K and Ka band. The proposed polarization converter, which has a single layer F4B as a substrate material with hexagonal-shaped metallic solid structure along with hexagonal ring with diagonal splits on its front surface and a background (a completely metallic surface) on its back, works as not only a circular polarization converter but also a linear polarization to circular polarization (LP to CP) converter. Its polarization conversion rate (PCR) is more than 90% in the frequency range from 17.87 to 43.15 GHz, covering all of the K and Ka bands with a relative bandwidth of 83% under normal incidence case. For incidence angles up to 40°, PCR is observed to be greater than 75% in almost all of the K and Ka bands (except for the frequency range between 24.72 and 27.11 GHz). Furthermore, the proposed design has LP to CP in two different frequency bands, 16.23–16.74 GHz and 48.6–48.8 GHz. The proposed polarization converter, as advantages, is low cost, ultra thin, broadband, and facile, which can be useful in linear cross polarization conversion in K and Ka band applications. A. Coskun Department of Electronics and Automation Bayburt University Bayburt 69000, Turkey E-mail: U. C. Hasar Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Gaziantep University Gaziantep 27310, Turkey A. Ozmen Department of Electronics and Automation Agri Ibrahim Cecen University Agri 4100, Turkey M. Ertugrul Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Ataturk University Erzurum 25240, Turkey M. Ertugrul Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Universiti Putra Malaysia UPM Serdang, Selangor 43400, Malaysia M. Ertugrul Department of Electric and Electronics Engineering Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University 56 Chyngyz Aitmatov Avenue, Bishkek Kyrgyz Republic The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under DOI: 10.1002/adts.202100543 Adv. Theory Simul. 2022, 2100543 1. Introduction Metamaterials have superior properties such as controlling and manipulating the phase, amplitude, and polarization of an electromagnetic wave.[1–4] The manipulation of electromagnetic wave polarization is gaining importance due to its applications such as remote sensing, imaging, and communication.[5,6] Polarization converters utilizing the Faraday effect and the optical activity of crystals have disadvantages such as high sensitivity to incidence angle, bulky volume, and narrowband.[7] To eliminate these disadvantages, metasurface-based polarization converters, which are gaining popularity in recent years, could be applied. These converters allow easy control of the polarization of the incidence electromagnetic wave in reflection mode or transmission mode. Polarization converters operating in the transmission mode usually have multilayer structures.[8] Therefore, their production is costly, timeconsuming, and difficult. It should be noted that there are some polarization converter designs in the transmission mode with one single layer in the literature.[9,10] On the other hand, polarization converters operating in the reflection mode can be implemented on one single layer through metal-dielectric-metal structure. In addition, polarization converters operating in the reflection mode have a higher bandwidth than the polarization converters operating in the transmission mode, which is an important property in the design of the polarization converters. Therefore, polarization converters operating in the reflection mode are more popular than polarization converters operating in the transmission mode for manipulating and controlling the polarization of electromagnetic wave. In recent years, polarization converters operating in the reflection mode with versatile polarization conversion operations such as from circular to circular, linear to circular, and linear to linear have received great attention.[11–16] These converters can be constructed by various resonators including W shape,[17] U shape,[18] L shape,[19,20] H shape,[21] V shape,[22] and split ring with center disc.[23] By designing resonance peaks of these converters sequentially positioned in a frequency band, it is possible to implement a broadband polarization converter. Although these polarization converters have broadband and high polarization conversion rate (PCR), their bandwidths decrease as the incidence 2100543 (1 of 8) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH Figure 1. Proposed polarization converter. a) Top view. b) Top view including dimension parameters. c) Side view. angle increases.[17,21–23] Therefore, they are sensitive to the incidence angle. In this work, we propose a new ultra-thin (single-layer), multifunctional and broadband polarization converter. While its PCR efficiency is more than 90% in the frequency range from 17.87 to 43.15 GHz (covering all of the K and Ka band with a RB of 83% under normal incidence), it is more than 75% in almost all K and Ka band (except for the frequency range between 24.72 and 27.11 GHz) up to 40° angle stability. Moreover, an ultra-thin polarization converter is presented for the K and Ka band with a thickness of 0.07𝜆0 . 2. Materials and Method 2.1. Metasurface Design and Unit Cell Configuration Dimensions of the cell of the designed polarization converter are seen in Figure 1. It involves a hexagonal-shaped metallic solid structure along with hexagonal ring with diagonal splits. Its bottom and top layers are made of copper with a thickness (t) of 35 𝜇m and an electrical conductivity (𝜎) of 5.96 × 107 S m-1 . Its substrate is assumed to be made of F4B with a thickness (h) of 1.18 mm, a loss tangent (tan𝛿) value of 0.001, and a relative dielectric constant (𝜀r ) of 2.65. The values of the proposed polarization converter parameters are summarized in Table 1. 2.2. Reflection Coefficients If the incidence electric field Ei is y-polarized Eiy , the reflection coefficients of the reflected field Er for co- and cross-polarized Adv. Theory Simul. 2022, 2100543 Table 1. Dimensions of the proposed polarization converter (mm). R1 1.45 R2 r g P h t 1.63 0.84 0.19 3.37 1.18 0.035 components can be expressed as, Rxy = |Erx |∕|Eiy | and Ryy = |Ery |∕|Eiy |, respectively. Similarly, if the incidence electric field Ei is x-polarized Eix , the reflection coefficients of the reflected field Er for co- and cross-polarized components can be written as, Ryx = |Ery |∕|Eix | and Rxx = |Erx |∕|Eix |, respectively. Horizontal and vertical linear polarizations are denoted by x and y labels, while right-handed circular polarization (RHCP) and left handed circular polarization (LHCP) are designated by “+” and ”-”, respectively.[1] In mathematical form, the Jones reflection coefficient matrix on a Cartesian basis is expressed by R in Equation (1). [ R R = xx Ryx Rxy Ryy ] (1) The relation between linear and circular polarization in incident and reflected EM wave is expressed as in Equation (2) on a Cartesian basis with the Jones reflection coefficient matrix for the mathematical analysis of co- and cross-polarization. The reflection coefficients Rlm for circular polarization (l and m correspond to + and/or -) and the reflection coefficients Rst for linear polarization (s and t correspond to x and/or y) are related by the 2100543 (2 of 8) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH following equation: [ ] R++ R+− R−+ R−− [ ] 1 (Rxx − Ryy ) − i(Rxy + Ryx ) (Rxx + Ryy ) + i(Rxy − Ryx ) = 2 (Rxx + Ryy ) − i(Rxy − Ryx ) (Rxx − Ryy ) + i(Rxy + Ryx ) RCP = (2) PCR can be used to interpret the polarization conversion efficiency or performance of a linear polarization converter. If the polarization of the incidence electric field is assumed to be along the y−axis, the PCR is calculated according to the following equation: | |2 |Rxy | | | PCR = | |2 | |2 |Rxy | + |Ryy | | | | | (3) Besides, if the polarization of the incidence electric field is assumed to be along the x−axis, the PCR is calculated using Equation (3), after interchanging the x−axis with the y−axis. On the other hand, in circular polarization converters, the ability of the metasurface to maintain polarization is evaluated by the polarization maintenance ratio (PMR).[6] The PMR for RHCP incident waves is expressed by PMR = |R++ |2 | | |R−+ |2 + |R++ |2 | | | | (4) Similarly, if the incident wave is the LHCP, + and − are interchanged in Equation (4). Finally, normalized ellipticity (e), which shows how well the reflected wave is circular polarized, for the incident wave polarized in the y-direction can be calculated from e=2 | || | |Rxy ||Ryy | | || | sin Δ𝜙 1 | |2 | |2 |Rxy | + |Ryy | | | | | (5) where Δ𝜙1 = 𝜙yy − 𝜙xy is the phase difference, and 𝜙yy and 𝜙xy denote the phases of Ryy and Rxy , respectively. If the reflected wave is RHCP, then |Rxy | = |Ryy | and Δ𝜙1 = 90◦ + 2k𝜋, yielding e = +1. Here, k is an integer number. On the other hand, if the reflected wave is LHCP, Rxy = Ryy and Δ𝜙1 = −90◦ + 2k𝜋, producing e = −1. 3. Results 3.1. Simulation Results Simulations for the proposed polarization converter were performed by a full 3D electromagnetic simulation program— Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave Studio (CST 2020)—to analyze its PCR performance versus incidence angle. Tetrahedral mesh type analysis was performed in the frequency domain. The number of meshes per unit wavelength was selected automatically. Adv. Theory Simul. 2022, 2100543 Figures 2a and 2b illustrate, respectively, magnitude and phase variations of Rxy and Ryy (and Δ𝜙1 ), while Figures 2c and 2d demonstrate, respectively, frequency variations of the ratio of the magnitude of the co-polarized electric field Eco to the magnitude of the cross-polarized electric field Ecross and ellipticity e. It is noted that the dependencies |Rxx |, |Ryx |, 𝜙xx , and 𝜙yx are not demonstrated in Figure 2 because Ryx = Rxy and Rxx = Ryy due to symmetry of the structure in Figure 1 for normal incidence case. The following points are noted from the results in Figure 2a–d. First, as seen in Figure 2a, the magnitude of the co-polarization coefficient |Ryy | is less than 0.3 in the frequency range from 17.85 to 43.15 GHz, while the magnitude of the cross-polarization coefficient |Rxy | is higher than 0.94 in the same frequency range. Second, it is also noted from the same figure that |Ryy | and |Rxy | attain equal magnitudes of approximately 0.7 at 16.48 and 48.74 GHz, resulting in a PCR value of 0.5 as seen from Equation (3). Third, as seen from Figure 2b, 𝜙xy has a slower frequency variation in comparison with the frequency variation of 𝜙yy , which means that the proposed polarization converter design has different Δ𝜙1 values over frequency. Fourth, |Eco |∕|Ecross |, which could be considered as the ratio of |Ryy | to |Rxy |, gets values of unity at 16.48 and 48.74 GHz (please see the insets) at which e goes to sinΔ𝜙1 , as noted from Equation (5). Finally, as observed from Figure 2d, e attains unity value at 16.48 and 48.74 GHz, meaning that the proposed polarization converter operates as a RHCP at those frequencies. 3.2. Eigen-Polarization and Eigenvalue The polarization transformation phenomenon can be better examined by analyzing the eigen-polarizations and eigenvalues of the proposed polarization converter. Equation (7) is used to obtain eigen-polarizations and eigenvectors: RX − mX = 0 (6) Here, the eigenvector and the eigenvalue are represented by X and m, respectively. In this equation, the cross polarized reflections are neglected, and the ideal condition is assumed. According to the results in Figure 2a, it can be observed that |Ryy | = |Rxx | ≈ 1 and |Rxy | = |Ryx | ≈ 0 at 18.96, 28.54, 40.8, and 47.9 GHz resonance frequencies. When the approximate values are written in the reflection coefficient matrix in Equation (1), the following equation is obtained: R= [ ] 0 1 1 0 (7) While the linearly independent eigenvectors for the R matrix T T are u = [1 1] and v = [−1 1] , the linearly independent eigeni0 values for the R matrix are e = 1 ei𝜋 = −1, respectively. To better interpret polarization concept, orthogonal components of the proposed polarization converter, as shown in Figure 3, could be determined. It can be seen in Figure 3 that the linearly polarized field striking along the u- and v-axes oriented ±45o with respect to the the x-axis or y-axis is reflected back without any transformation. The two orthogonal components of the incident electromagnetic wave Ei in the u and v directions are shown in 2100543 (3 of 8) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH Figure 2. Dependencies of a) |Rxy | and |Ryy |, b) 𝜙xy , 𝜙yy , and Δ𝜙1 , c) |Eco |∕|Ecross |, and d) ellipticity (e) of the proposed polarization converter in the xand y-direction. Here, û and v̂ are unit vectors and ru and rv are complex reflection coefficients in the u axis and v axis, respectively. Khan et al. 2019 propose following equation: ̂ uu Eiu ei𝜙uu + Ruv Eiv ei𝜙uv ) + v̂ (Rvv Eiv ei𝜙vv + Rvu Eiu ei𝜙vu ) (10) Er = u(R Figures 4a and 4b illustrate, respectively, the magnitude and phase variations of Ruu and Rvv (and Δ𝜙2 ). The following points are observed from the results in Figure 4a,b. First, it is noted that the magnitudes of the co-polarized reflection coefficients |Ruu | and |Rvv | have magnitudes larger than 0.9 over the entire frequency band. Second, it is observed that the magnitudes of the cross-polarized reflection coefficients |Ruv | and |Rvu | are almost zero, not shown here for simplicity. Third, 𝜙uu and 𝜙vv have different frequency variations, indicating that the proposed polarization converter design has varying Δ𝜙2 values over frequency where Δ𝜙2 = 𝜙uu − 𝜙vv . 3.3. Polarization Converter Rate Value Figure 3. Orthogonal components of the proposed polarization converter in the u and v directions. Figure 3 to analyze the working principle of the designed polarization converter. The incident and reflected waves for polarization converter can be given in the following expressions[1] : ̂ iu + v̂ Eiv Ei = ŷ Ei = uE (8) ̂ ru + v̂ Erv = ur ̂ u Eiu + v̂ rv Eiv Er = uE (9) Adv. Theory Simul. 2022, 2100543 It is observed from Figure 5 that PCR is greater than 0.9 over the entire K and Ka bands and over the lower frequency part of the V band for the normal incidence case. This means that the designed polarization converter works efficiently for the purpose of circular polarization converter in the whole K and Ka bands. It is also noted from Figure 5 that PCR reaches unity around the discrete frequencies 18.96, 28.62, 40.8, and 47.9 GHz, meaning that the efficiency of the proposed converter could be improved if the converter is operated around these frequency ranges. We 2100543 (4 of 8) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH Figure 4. Dependencies of a) |Ruu | and |Rvv | and b) 𝜙uu , 𝜙vv , and Δ𝜙2 of the proposed polarization converter in the u- and v-directions. with a decrease in R1 and R2 values. Analysis of surface current, which will be discussed in next subsection, further validates our deduction. Except for a sharp decrease over a narrower frequency band, the performance of the proposed converter could be conTM TE and 𝜃in . Besides, as sidered as to be nearly independent of 𝜃in observed from Figure 6a,e, it is possible to eliminate the sharp decrease over the frequency region of interest by using different R1 and R2 values. 3.4. Surface Current Figure 5. Frequency variation of the PCR value of the proposed polarization converter (normal incidence case). have carried out additional analysis to examine the performance of the proposed converter for oblique incidence case. We also carried out additional analysis to examine the performance of the proposed converter for oblique incidence case. While Figure 6a,b illustrates the frequency dependence of this TE ), Figconverter for different incidence angles of the TE mode (𝜃in ure 6c,d illustrates the frequency dependence of this converter for TM ). It is seen from different incidence angles of the TM mode (𝜃in Figure 6a–d that the performance of the proposed polarization TM TE or 𝜃in up to 40o almost converter does not change much with 𝜃in over the entire K and Ka bands (almost 75% of the these bands) except for the frequency range between 24.72 and 27.11 GHz. It is noted that a sharp reduction of the PCR value around this frequency range is attributed to the resonance effect of the pentagon ring with gaps. To validate this, we performed additional simulations for the pentagon ring having different R1 and R2 values. For example, Figure 6e,f shows the frequency dependence of our proposed converter when R1 = 1.25 mm and R2 = 1.43 mm for TE . It is seen from Figure 6e,f that the PCR value of different 𝜃in the modified polarization converter design has a sharp decrease around 27.8 GHz, shifting upward (toward higher frequencies) Adv. Theory Simul. 2022, 2100543 We made additional analysis to further examine the performance and efficacy of the proposed polarization converter. For this end, we investigated the current distribution over the resonating metallic structure for all resonance frequencies.[11] The incoming electromagnetic wave induces surface currents at the junction of the metasurface due to the anisotropy of its front surface. The following equation shows the relation between electric and magnetic current densities and electric and magnetic fields through the polarization effect: [ ] [ J 𝛼 = i𝜔 ee 𝛼me M 𝛼em 𝛼mm ][ ] E H (11) Here, J = [Jx , Jy ]T and M = [Mx , My ]T are electric and magnetic current densities, respectively[1,2,11] ; 𝛼ee , 𝛼mm , 𝛼em , and 𝛼me are the self and coupled electric and magnetic polarizations; and 𝜔 is the angular frequency. 𝜇(𝜔) = Z(𝜔) 𝜀(𝜔) (12) where, the surface impedance of the metasurface is denoted by Z(𝜔). Also, magnetic permeability and electrical permeability are denoted by 𝜇(𝜔) and 𝜀(𝜔), respectively. These parameters change depending on the frequency.[1,2,11] The reflection coefficient (R) at normal incidence is expressed by the following equation: R(𝜔) = 2100543 (5 of 8) Z(𝜔) − Z0 Z(𝜔) + Z0 (13) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH TE ), c,d) for different incidence angles of the TM mode (𝜃 TM ) of the proposed Figure 6. PCR values a,b) for different incidence angles of the TE mode (𝜃in in TE ) of the modified polarization polarization converter design (R1 = 1.45 mm and R2 = 1.63 mm), and e,f) for different incidence angles of the TE mode (𝜃in converter design (R1 = 1.25 mm and R2 = 1.43 mm). In the above equation, R(𝜔) is the complex reflection coefficient with both real and imaginary parts. Also, Z0 the impedance of free space at 377 Ω.[1,2,11] Figure 7a–h illustrates surface current distributions over the ground and resonator at resonance frequencies, that is, 18.96, 28.62, 40.8, and 47.9 GHz. When the current distributions in Figure 7a–h are examined, it is noted that the currents at the ground and the resonator are in opposite directions, meaning that the proposed converter design has magnetic resonance at all three resonance frequencies f = 18.96, 28.62, 40.8, and 47.9 GHz. Table 2. Comparison of the performance of the proposed polarization converter with some polarization converters in reflection mode in the literature. Ref no. LP to CP band [GHz] CPC band [GHz] Thickness [mm] [1] 7.5 − 7.7 and 11.5 − 11.9 8 − 11 0.04𝜆0 [3] N/A 12 − 18 0.06𝜆0 [7] N/A 8.77 − 24.71 0.09𝜆0 [13] N/A 13.8 − 40.7 0.09𝜆0 [23] N/A 5.7 − 10.3 0.06𝜆0 16.23 − 16.74 and 48.6 − 48.8 17.87 − 43.15 0.07𝜆0 This work 3.5. Analysis of the Performance of the Proposed Converter In order to examine the performance of our polarized converter design, we compared its polarization characteristics with those Adv. Theory Simul. 2022, 2100543 of the other converters in the literature.[1,3,7,13,23] The comparison is presented in Table 2 in terms of the frequency band for lin- 2100543 (6 of 8) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH Figure 7. Surface current distributions over the ground and resonator at all resonant frequencies: a,e) 18.96 GHz, b,f) 28.62 GHz, c,g) 40.8 GHz, and d,h) 47.9 GHz. ear to circular polarization conversion and for circular polarization conversion (CPC) and thickness of the converter. It is noted from Table 2 that our polarization converter design and the converter design in the study[1] have linear polarization to circular polarization characteristics at two different frequencies, in comparison with the converter in the studies.[3,7,13,23] Besides, it is observed that our converter design and the converter design in the study[13] have the largest frequency bands (wideband property) to operate the converter in circular polarization mode. However, the thickness of our converter design (0.07𝜆0 ) is smaller than the thickness of the converter design (0.09𝜆0 ) in this study,[13] indicating that our design is thinner than the converter design in the study.[13] We also compared the efficiency of our proposed polarization converter with those of the polarization converters in the transmission mode.[9,10] When our proposed polarized converter is compared with those in the studies,[9,10] it is noted that our proposed method has both LP to CP conversion and CPC conversion, while the polarization converters in the studies[9,10] have only LP to CP conversion. Besides, our proposed polarization converter design has a very broad frequency band (between 17.87 and 43.15 GHz) over which its PCR value is above 90%. Finally, it should be mentioned that in our study we utilized a hexagonal-shaped metallic solid structure along with hexagonal ring with diagonal splits for concentrating electromagnetic signals around the ring and for improving angle-independence of our design for different oblique angles with TE or TM mode incident waves. Other geometries such as hexagonal-shaped metallic solid structure along with pentagon ring with diagonal splits could as well be considered for the polarization converter analysis, which will be undertaken as a future study. as a circular polarization converter in the entire K and Ka band frequency bands and a linear circular polarization converter in a part of the Ku and V bands. The designed polarization converter has a polarization conversion rate of over 90% as a circular polarization converter with a relative bandwidth of 83% from 17.87 to 43.15 GHz. The polarization conversion ratio is often above 75% for a wide angle of incidence up to 40° in the K and Ka bands. Moreover, the LP to CP conversion in the proposed design is in the frequency ranges 16.23–16.75 GHz (part of the Ku band) and 48.6–48.8 GHz (part of the V band). Acknowledgements This work was supported by TUBITAK under the project number 218M341. Conflict of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. Data Availability Statement The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. Keywords circular polarization conversion, K band, Ka band, linear polarization to circular polarization, metasurface, polarization conversion rate, polarization converter 4. Conclusion An easy-to-implement, ultra-thin, wide-band, and multifunctional circular polarization converter has been designed Adv. 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