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Dielectric PWW Circuit Analysis via Recurrent Neural Network

Analysis of Dielectric Post-Wall Waveguide-based
Passive Circuits using Recurrent Neural Network
Saba Kobakhidze 1, Elguja Archemashvili 1, Vakhtang Jandieri 2*, Kiyotoshi Yasumoto 3, Hiroshi Maeda 4,
Wonbin Hong 5, Douglas H. Werner 6 and Daniel Erni 2
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Free University of Tbilisi, 0159 Tbilisi, Georgia
General and Theoretical Electrical Engineering (ATE), Faculty of Engineering, University of Duisburg-Essen, and CENIDE –
Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen, D-47048 Duisburg, Germany
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Fukuoka 811-0295, Japan
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, 37673, Republic of Korea
Department of Electrical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA
Corresponding Author: Vakhtang Jandieri* (vakhtang.jandieri@uni-due.de)
Abstract—The dielectric post-wall waveguide-based passive
circuits are analyzed using a surrogate model represented by
an attention-based recurrent neural network. The predicted
results from this much simpler, trained model show a good
agreement with those obtained by a corresponding full-wave
computational electromagnetics analysis with a fully
independent EM commercial software package.
Index Terms—Deep learning, recurrent neural network,
post-wall waveguide, circuits.
Recently, we have developed a self-consistent and
efficient analytical method [1, 2] applicable to the evaluation
of Post-Wall Waveguide (PWW) and PWW-based passive
circuits in a very short computation time (Fig. 1). The PWW
was composed of periodic arrays of perfect electric
conductor (PEC) posts placed on both sides of the guiding
channel and the circuits have been realized by introducing
additional posts into the guiding region. We have shown that
in case of PEC rods as the wall elements, the PWW
demonstrates very similar guiding properties to those of the
conventional rectangular waveguide and therefore, the
simulation process has been considerably simplified, which
has led to a dramatic increase in computation efficiency [1].
Our proposed method was based on the lattice-sums
technique combined with the transition matrix method and
the method of images [1], [3]-[5].
Dielectric materials, which can be easily produced by 3-D
printers, have attracted an increasing interest for all-dielectric
waveguide structures and integration schemes. Dielectric
structures are well suited to reduce losses that make them
ideal for applications at very high frequencies, such as in the
range from 30 GHz to 300 GHz. Such materials can replace
the metallic posts to extend the operating frequency of the
device beyond mm-waves towards the THz range. It should
be noted that unlike the metal structures (PEC rods as wall
elements), in the case of dielectric rods, the confinement is
achieved through the electro-magnetic band-gap behavior
Fig. 1. Schematic view of the dielectric PWW-based circuit. The wall
elements of the dielectric rods are marked by gray and the loaded elements
in the guiding region are labelled red.
similar to Bragg reflection in a periodic layered structure (see
Fig. 1). Our original method [3]-[5] can accurately and
efficiently analyze dielectric PWWs, including the phase and
attenuation constants, and define the frequency range
suitable for relatively low-loss guidance. However, the
method cannot be directly applied to the dielectric PWWbased circuits. We need a modification of our method [1],
which has been originally developed for the analysis of PEC
rods as the wall elements.
Commercial software is mainly used to study the Sparameters of the circuits, but it is time-consuming,
especially when engineers are concerned with the structural
optimization where a large amount of data is required. In this
contribution, in order to circumvent cumbersome computational EM analysis, the dielectric post-wall waveguidebased passive circuits are analyzed using a surrogate model
represented by an attention-based recurrent neural network.
Firstly, we define the structural parameters of the PWW
using our original method [3]-[5], namely, we determine the
number of layers N of the wall elements, a distance between
adjacent layers p, a period h, a width of the waveguide a, a
radius r and a relative permittivity ε of the rods for a lowloss propagation in the desired frequency range [6], [7].
This paper's copyright is held by the author(s). It is published in these proceedings and included in any archive such as IEEE
Xplore under the license granted by the "Agreement Granting EurAAP Rights Related to Publication of Scholarly Work."
Then, we train the attention-based recurrent neural network
based on the collected data using CST corresponding to the
S-parameter frequency responses for different configurations. Our preliminary numerical experiments were found a
good agreement between the predicted results by the trained
attention-based neural network and the results obtained
based on the CST [8].
The goal of this work is not to design compact and
functional dielectric PWW-based circuits, but to build a
well-trained neural network with the aim of optimizing in a
very short computation time.
Without loss of generality, the operating frequency range is
chosen as 54 GHz < f < 68 GHz. Firstly, our analysis has
shown that the 2-layered (N=2) dielectric PWW (see Fig. 1)
having a width a = 3.92 mm, a radius of the dielectric
cylindrical posts (as wall elements) of r = 0.353 mm, a period
of h = 1.96 mm, p = 1.96 mm and a relative dielectric
permittivity of the rods of ε = 11.56 [6], [7] can be considered
as one of the best optimized design for low-loss guidance in
the PWW. The dispersion diagram of the corresponding PWW
- the phase constant and the attenuation constant - calculated
by our original method are shown in [6], [7] and the readers
may refer to these references for the details of the
calculation procedure for the complex modes. Next, the
Fig. 2. Attention model, which consists of an Attention Block, BiDirectional GRU, and RNN.
Fig. 3. GRU cell of a scheme shown in Fig. 2.
data collection for the PWW-based circuits has been carried
out using the CST commercial software package [8]. We
consider up to five circular rods as the loaded elements.
Next, the locations of the rods, their radii and relative
dielectric permittivities are randomly changed and their
corresponding S-parameters are calculated.
We use an attention-based recurrent neural network
based on the model shown in Fig. 2. It is composed of an
Attention Block, GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) and RNN
(Recurrent Neural Network) blocks. It should be mentioned
that in the beginning of the numerical experiments, we only
considered GRU based BRNN (Bi-directional Recurrent Neural Network). However, in order to improve the
accuracy in the whole frequency spectrum, we added an
attention block [9]. Similar models are often used in the
processing of natural languages such as synchronous
translations and voice recognition systems. The Attention
Model contains the block shown in Fig. 3 which is called a
GRU. The current block has two entries and one exit. The
entry denoted by ht-1 is called a hidden layer, and the current
input data - structural parameters of the cylinders - is
denoted by Xt, so the given block output is also a hidden
layer ht, which is passed to the next block. This block also
contains activation functions: sigm (Sigmoid function) and
tanh (tangent hyperbolic function), which participate in the
internal computing processes of the block. The hidden layer
(ht) transfers the information to the next block regarding
how important the settings in the previous blocks are. In
other words, the values of the hidden layer carry information
about the dependence of the predictive S-parameters of a
given block on the S-parameters of the previous blocks. The
GRU block requires the function Zt. It acts as a gate, i.e. it
carries or does not carry the input values of the hidden
layers. Our model uses the Bi-Directional GRU model,
which predicts the values of the S-parameters at a given
Fig. 4. The first configuration used to test a trained attention-based neural
This paper's copyright is held by the author(s). It is published in these proceedings and included in any archive such as IEEE
Xplore under the license granted by the "Agreement Granting EurAAP Rights Related to Publication of Scholarly Work."
Fig. 5. Frequency response of the S11 of the configuration shown in Fig. 4:
CST (solid line); predicted result using attention-based recurrent neural
network (dashed line).
Fig. 6. The second configuration used to test a trained attention-based
neural network.
Fig. 8. The third configuration used to test a trained attention-based neural
Fig. 9. Frequency response of the S11 of the configuration shown in Fig. 8:
CST (solid line); predicted result using attention-based recurrent neural
network (dashed line).
Fig. 7. Frequency response of the S11 of the configuration shown in Fig. 6:
CST (solid line); predicted result using attention-based recurrent neural
network (dashed line).
frequency using its values at the previous and subsequent
frequencies. The given blocks receive constant values as
inputs from the X matrix (see Fig. 3). The size of the
input X matrix is batch-size multiplied by 16, where the
batch-size is the numberof different input values. In our case
these input values are: the five elements of each loaded
cylinder’s radius, its x and y coordinates, and the sixteenth
parameter is the dielectric permittivity of the cylinders. Our
proposed model also contains a simple RNN block (the
uppermost block in Fig. 3). It behaves in a similar way as
the GRU, but unlike the GRU, it does not contain gates, i.e.
it cannot increase or decrease the previous hidden layer (ht-1)
values. We could use GRU instead, but after several
numerical experiments we have found that the use of a RNN
substantially reduces the computation time.
We collected about 8500 data sets corresponding to the
S-parameter frequency responses for different configurations
using CST and trained the attention-based recurrent neural
network. Three configurations (see Figs. 4, 6 and 8) of the
dielectric PWW-based circuits are presented in the
manuscript to demonstrate a comparison between the results
obtained based on the trained attention-based recurrent
neural network and the CST full-wave simulations. The S11
parameters are illustrated in Figs. 5, 7 and 9, respectively. A
good agreement is demonstrated for the first two
configurations. Namely, the root-mean-square error is
0.0035 for the first configuration (Fig. 5) and 0.0027 for the
second configuration (Fig. 7). During our studies, we have
conducted several numerical tests and for most of them the
agreement between the predicted results and the results
based on CST was good. However, for some particular
arrangements of the rods inside the guiding layer (Fig. 8),
we have observed some disagreements (Fig. 9). In order to
improve the results, more data is needed and this problem is
currently under investigation. The results will be presented
in due course.
Parts of this work were supported by the Deutsche
Foundation) – TRR 196 MARIE under Grant 287022738
(project M03). The work was supported by Shota Rustaveli
This paper's copyright is held by the author(s). It is published in these proceedings and included in any archive such as IEEE
Xplore under the license granted by the "Agreement Granting EurAAP Rights Related to Publication of Scholarly Work."
National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG) [grant
number: FR-19-4058].
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This paper's copyright is held by the author(s). It is published in these proceedings and included in any archive such as IEEE
Xplore under the license granted by the "Agreement Granting EurAAP Rights Related to Publication of Scholarly Work."