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Julius Caesar the Christmas Musical online version

Julius Caesar, The Christmas Musical
30 Points; 22-25 minutes
We began Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar with the 60-Second Caesar. Now we finish
the play with a 25-minute musical version using popular Christmas songs.
Your group will have 25 minutes to dramatize the entire play. You can modernize
the dialogue, but remain faithful to the play’s narrative.
Choose 5-7 Christmas songs. Some of the lyrics should include actual lines from
Shakespeare including figures of speech (highlight them in the script). Be sure to
keep the rhyme scheme the same.
One of the first tasks you should complete is figuring out where the songs would go
in the narrative.
The tempos of the songs should properly reflect the tone of the scenes. For example,
for the argument between Brutus and Cassius, a slow-paced song would not work.
Be sure to have songs spread throughout the presentation; avoid large segments
without music.
Try to have a variety of songs in terms of solos, duets, and choruses (when everyone
is singing, it is stirring). However, each person should sing by himself during part
of the musical.
You will need to find instrumental versions of the songs to use during your
You can sing or talk-sing the songs (I will demonstrate). Be sure your voices are
louder than the music. If songs have instrumental interludes between choruses,
figure out what to do until the singing resumes (e.g., dance, insert lines of dialogue).
Stage your presentation using as much of the room as possible; avoid standing only
in front. However, make sure your movements are purposeful and you are not
moving around randomly.
You don’t have to memorize the script, but you should look up more than half of the
time from the paper or the phone.
The script should include: a) cover page with each member assigned to specific
characters, b) signed Who Did What sheet, c) list of songs used, d) script with stage
directions and actual lines from the play highlighted.
Before submitting the script, be sure you read it through and time it to make sure it
will last 22-25 minutes.
Practice matching the singing to the music (avoid getting ahead of it).
While costumes and props will not affect your grade, you are encouraged to use
Written Rubric [10 pts group]
5 (10) – A script that has all the elements, written in an engaging way, faithful to the
songs with lyrics that fit the characters; full of creativity.
3 (8) - A script that has all the elements, mainly faithful to the play, songs with lyrics
mainly fit the characters; some creativity.
1 (6) – A script that has weaknesses, veers away from the play, language and songs
do not fit the characters; lacks imagination.
Oral Rubric [20 pts individual]
5 (20) – Exhibits excellent public speaking skills, fully participates with enthusiasm;
fits time.
3 (16) – Exhibits mainly good public speaking skills, participation is serviceable;
may be a little short.
1 (12) – Some weak public speaking skills, lacks interest, lacks participation; may be
significantly short
The Songs
“Winter Wonderland”
“I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm”
“It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas”
“All I Want for Christmas is You”
“White Christmas”
“Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!”
“The Christmas Song” (chestnuts roasting . . . )
“Sleigh Ride” (“slay” ride for assassination scene?)
“Santa Claus is Coming to Town”
“Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer”
“Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)”
“Silver Bells”
“Santa Baby”
“Run Rudolph Run”
“Jingle Bell Rock”
“Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”
“It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”
“The 12 Days of Christmas”
“Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas”
“Baby, It’s Cold Outside”
“You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch”
If you have another song, check with me.
“Let Me Know” – Portia Singing
Oh the secrets you hold are frightful
It’s been on your mind since nightfall
I am your wife and so
Let me know, Let me know, Let me know
These secrets I ought to know of
It’s your love I want you to show of
I am your wife and so
Let me know, Let me know, Let me know
As I finally say goodnight
With a cut here in the thigh
But if you really tell me why,
Then I won’t take my own life!