Page | 1 PATTS College of Aeronautics CHAPTER 1: PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Background of the Study An aircraft catapult is a device used to launch an aircraft from ships, most commonly used on aircraft carriers, as a form of an assisted take off. Different means have been used to propel the catapult, such as weight and derrick, gunpowder, flywheel, air pressure, hydraulic, and steam powder. Aircraft catapult are mostly used in Aircraft Carriers in the Navy. However, the Philippines does not have any aircraft catapult while other nations such as the US and China. An aircraft catapult was first used in the year 1903 by Samuel Pierport Langley in aircraft carriers. An aircraft carrier is a warship that serves as a seagoing airbase, equipped with a full-length flight deck and facilities for carrying, arming, deploying, and recovering aircraft. There is no single definition of an "aircraft carrier", and modern navies use several variants of the type. The Advantages of using an aircraft catapult is that it accelerates the aircraft more smoothly, putting less stress on their air frames. In addition, the contracting side of this study is to answer the question of “How to launch commercial planes with an aircraft catapult?” or “Is an aircraft catapult really necessary in public airports?” Since commercial planes are built differently Page | 2 PATTS College of Aeronautics from jet planes, it is only understandable that there will be complications like; can the commercial plane handle the acceleration the airport catapult launch will provide? The passengers might also feel a slight discomfort because of the initial boost of speed the plane will be receiving. Statement of the Problem This research generally aims to develop a catapult launcher that will be used in airports and to validate the design by students enrolled in PATTS College of Aeronautics. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: 1. Does the development of an aircraft catapult really necessary in public airports?” 2. What are the validations of Aircraft Catapult Launcher in terms of: A. Sketch B. Design Plan C. Prototype 3. Does the aircraft catapult design effective for implementation in an airport? Page | 3 PATTS College of Aeronautics Hypothesis 1. The catapult launcher will help launch the airplane at a faster speed and will decrease the use of fuel. Using the catapult will help conserve fuel during take-off. 2. The catapult launch is effective and beneficial for airplanes during take-off. Applying this will help the pilots to take off easily. 3. With this catapult it will shorten the runway. Thus it won’t consume much space and will make the airport spacious. 4. The catapult will be an effective and alternative way for taking off. Using this as a way of take-off will help the pilots and help bigger airplanes to take off easily; also it will lessen the use of fuel. Page | 4 PATTS College of Aeronautics Theoretical Framework of the Study Pneumatic Theory Pneumatic comes from the greek word “Pneumo” and “matik”, Pneumo meaning “breath, air”, and matik meaning “willing to”. The pneumattic system is quite the same with the hydraulic system but instead of using liquid, it uses gas. Pneumatic system is classified as a fluid power system. In Pneumatic system there are different forms of gas that are used and most of them are compressed in order for the pneumatic system to work. The pneumatic system uses compressed gas to help the aircraft gain initial speed as it takes-off. Pneumatics used condensed gas to act as a fluid power system. Fluid power is a term describing hydraulics and pneumatics technologies. Both technologies use a fluid to transmit power from one location to another. With hydraulics, the fluid is a liquid, whereas pneumatics uses a gas .Fluid power system act as an alternative power source to fossil fuel. Pneumatics is applied in the research because the invention relies on the gas power as it literally boosts the aircraft’s preliminary acceleration during as it leaves the runaway. Page | 5 PATTS College of Aeronautics Conceptual Framework of the Study Pressurised Air Power Airport Catapult Launch Maximize the space in airports Decreases fuel consumption in Aircrafts Increase time interval between flights. There are different aircrafts, each kind with their own take-off speed and etc. However, typical takeoff air speeds for jetliners are in the 130–155 knot range (150–180 mph, 240–285 km/h). When velocity is changing, the word acceleration is used. You speed up if the acceleration and velocity point in the same direction. When you accelerate or decelerate, you change your velocity by a specific amount over a specific amount of time. The airport catapult launch will increase the initial speed of the aircraft with the use of pneumatic theory, which considers gas as a fluid power. The gas pushes an object that will push the aircraft wheels. This push will give a decreasing acceleration to the aircraft that will make the typical takeoff speed be faster to attain. Page | 6 PATTS College of Aeronautics Research Paradigm Input • • Respondents (Patts SHS Stem students) Professionals (Experts, Engineers, College Students) Process • • • • • Output Sustainability Quality Surveys Coordination Planning • • Efficiency Model /Product Scope and Limitations This study is limited to the development and validation of the Aircraft Catapult Launcher application in public airlines. There will be two groups of evaluators the users particularly the grade 12 stem students of PATTS College of Aeronautics, and the experts which are the 5th yr. Aeronautical Engineering students studying at PATTS College of Aeronautics The development of the design, on a smaller scale will range from a minimum of approximately 10k to a maximum of 100k depending on the materials that will be used. Page | 7 PATTS College of Aeronautics Significance of the Study Steam catapult launch system investigated to reduce the power required from the engines during initial acceleration. The Airline companies, Pilots, Airline Fuel suppliers, and the researchers will benefit from this study. -Fuel consumption- Steam catapult launch systems can significantly reduce fuel consumption and exhaust emissions at ground level. The reduced engine cross section and nacelle wet area yield a lower drag coefficient which has positive impact on the fuel consumption across all the stages of the flight. -Passengers-The launch capability of an electromagnetic catapult can be exploited during take-off to propel civil passenger transport aircraft which are heavier than jet aircraft, but accelerate at lower rate. The related acceleration level is selected to guarantee the passengers comfort and safety during take-off. -Airline Companies-With less time and distance required for takeoff, the runways could be shortened by up to 1/3rd, minimizing land use, and enabling airport capacity to increase or new micro-airports to emerge. Page | 8 PATTS College of Aeronautics Definition of Terms 1. Runway- a leveled strip of smooth ground along which aircraft takes off and lands on. 2. Jet fuel- a type of aviation fuel designed for use in aircrafts powered by gas turbine engines. 3. Slingshot- forcefully accelerate or cause to accelerate through the use of gravity 4. Airplane- a forcefully flying vehicle with wings that transports humans, animals, goods, and etc. 5. Catapult- is a ballistic device that launches the plane at a great distance. 6. Take-off- the action of becoming airborne. 7. Short runways- by using the catapult launching, airports will build shorter runways. 8. Mechanism- used to pull back the plane in order to get it into the slingshot position. 9. Wires- used of pulling the plane. 10. Aircraft carrier- used to carry fighter planes and jets. Page | 9 PATTS College of Aeronautics 11. Fighter jets- get sling-shotted as a form of an assisted take off. 12. Aircraft Catapult- is a device used to launch aircrafts from ship, most commonly used on aircraft carriers, as a form of an assisted take off. 13. Passenger planes- airline is an airline dedicated to the transport of passengers. 14. Launching engines- used to launch the aircrafts from the runway or carriers. 15. 16. Lift-off- a vertical takeoff by an aircraft or a rocket vehicle or missile. Fuel-material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or power. 17. Facilities-a place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose. 18. Launch-start or set in motion 19. Pneumatic-containing or operated by air or gas under pressure. 20. Fluid Power-is the use of fluids under pressure to generate, control, and transmit power. 21. Invention-the action of inventing something, typically a process or device. Page | 10 PATTS College of Aeronautics 22. Gas Power- is a technology that converts electrical power to a gas fuel. 23. Compressed Air- air that has been compressed to a pressure higher than atmospheric pressure. 24. Flights- the action or process of flying through the air. 25. Air Transport- is an aircraft design for transporting passengers and freight from one location to another in the air using airplanes, jets, rockets helicopters, and drones. Page | 11 PATTS College of Aeronautics CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES “The Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) is being developed, utilizing electrical and electronic technologies, to replace the existing steam catapult on naval carriers. The EMALS offers significant benefits to the aircraft, ship, personnel, and operational capabilities. These benefits combine to provide enhanced warfighting capabilities at a reduced cost. The electromagnetic catapult may allow the installation of smaller engines with lower rated thrust. The consequent fuel consumption and operational cost reduction is estimated. The potential of reducing the aircraft operational costs and the runway length required maNe EML system an attractive solution to the air traffic growth in busy airports.” According to Doyle, M., Sulich, G., & Lebron, L. (2000).The Steam catapult offers significant benefits to the aircraft, ship, personnel and operational capabilities. These benefits combine to enhance warfighting capabilities at a reduce cost. Page | 12 PATTS College of Aeronautics “Powered by compressed air the vehicle produces 0% CO2 emissions. Clean air is expelled by the exhaust pipe has a temperature between 0-15 degrees below zero. This can be used for the vehicle’s air conditioning, with no loss of power and mileage. If we can use air as fuel, why think about using anything else? Air is all around us. Air never runs out. Air is non-polluting. Best of all, air is free. “ The article shown presents that air is clean and by using this as an energy source it will not hurt the environment because of it itself is pure. An air powered technology would prove beneficial to our environment because it does not carry any harmful entities that could corroborate hazardous elements. “All pneumatic machines, e.g. those invented by Ctesibius of Alexandria or those designed for entertainment purposes, such as singing birds and hydraulic organs, were a potential source of fundamental questions regarding the constitution of matter. The pragmatically oriented Hellenistic thinkers were confronted with these questions and the resulting debates left behind traces in subsequent centuries that can be followed today. Thus far, studies of pneumatics have been limited either to theoretical aspects of the science, e.g. as presented in the works of Heron of Alexandria, or to analyses of its social function, i.e. as a symbol of power in ancient cultures. In the frame Page | 13 PATTS College of Aeronautics of this project, the circulation of pneumatic technologies in antiquity has been mapped. In particular, it has been shown that the Greek cultural area of the 3rd century BC as well as the Iberian territory belonging to the Roman empire of the 2nd century AD has been the two moments of maximal innovation in technology and theoretical expansion in science.” According to Matteo Valleriani pneumatic machinery has been part of our society for a long time. It became a symbol of power during the medieval period and was used in many fields, some innovative and some for entertainment. The airport catapult launch base its energy supply from steam and other gases making it a pneumatic invention. “Compressed air is produced with a very low efficiency and for its working parameters per unit volume has less energy than a liquid. When it is transported over considerable distances, heavy losses in the distribution network are unavoidable.” As the statement says, which came from “Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh”, says that compressed air also has disadvanteges. Since the fluid system is in a gaseous state, it easily escapes therefore the power quickly lessens making the pressure drop. Page | 14 PATTS College of Aeronautics The catapult launch uses air to push the tire of the airplane, this action requires a great deal of compressed air in order to work. Steam Catapult “Planes that require flying speed are launched from an aircraft carrier by a catapult using high pressure steam. Theoretically, a steam catapult is not complex. Fresh water is needed to generate the steam. As the catapult moves the pressure drops. The initial "kick" is very high and then the acceleration drops off. The plane and pilot may be subjected to as much as 5G's at the start to get enough speed to get airborne.” According to Pike, J. (n.d.). Using of catapult by applying high pressure steam in from an aircraft carrier is required to planes to launch at flying speed. Fresh water is needed to generate the steam. As the catapult moves the pressure drops. The initial "kick" is very high and then the acceleration drops off. The plane and pilot may be subjected to as much as 5G's at the start to get enough speed to get airborne. Page | 15 PATTS College of Aeronautics “The calculation of the motor performance is described using analytical formulation and numerical method. The main advantage of this system is the removal of permanent-magnet secondary and replacing it with a reluctance-type secondary. The first purpose of this paper is designing a reluctance-synchronous linear motor with the maximum-output thrust force and optimum power factor.” According to Mirzaei, M., Abdollahi, S. E., & Vahedi, A. (2008).The design and calculation of the motor performance is described as by the use of analytical and numerical method. One of the main advantage of this system is to remove the permanent magnet secondary and the replacement with reluctant type secondary. It’s purpose is to design a reluctant-synchronous linear motor with the maximum output thrust force and optimum power factor. Page | 16 PATTS College of Aeronautics CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY This chapter includes the discussion on the methods and procedures that were used in the making of this study. This chapter describes the population and sampling techniques, the data gathering procedure that is to be used, and the statistical treatment that will be conducted in treating the data that has been gathered. Research Design The study will make use of the descriptive method of research employing the quantitative approach. The study quantitatively will describe the effectiveness in shortening the runaways, conserving fuel consumption and decreasing the time interval of flights by applying the Airport Catapult Launch. This was done by conducting surveys using guide questions that were based on the sketch, design and the prototype. Page | 17 PATTS College of Aeronautics Population and Sampling There will be twenty-five (25) students per section in the Grade 12 level, and twenty-five (25) college students that are currently in their 4th and 5th year of studying. Research Locale PATTS College of Aeronautics is reputedly the country’s number one Aeronautics College today. Founded as a joint enterprise of Filipino and American pioneers in Aviation, the Philippine Air Transport and Training Service started operations in 1969. It’s primary aim was to establish a manufacturing and assembly plan for trainer aircrafts, which at the time of its founding was a new and pioneering objective as envisioned by its five founded directors. Its secondary aim was to put up an aeronautical school to make the domestic and international demands in the fields of Aviation and Air Transportation Industries. Page | 18 PATTS College of Aeronautics At the time of its founding, unfavorable investment climate prevailed. The founders dropped the first aim and proceeded to the second aim, which was organizing and opening an aircraft engineering and maintenance college to provide the best professional and technical training to the youth. Thus, PATTS was conformably born. The incorporating directors with experiences in aviation and Air Transportation pooled their corporative efforts and started offering courses such as the one year Airframe Mechanic, one year Power plant Mechanic, and two year Airframe and Power plant Mechanic. On its second year, the school offered the Aeronautical Engineering degree course and the two year Avionics Course. Under the excellent stewardship of the board of directors, the school continues to serve as a model to the industry. Due to its higher level of credits and standard, it attain College status in 1898, gearing its effort toward total economic and upliftment and rapid technological development to the country, along the government’s long-range objective of stimulating national growth and self-reliance, this was pioneering Aviation School metamorphosed from a small school to a big and reputable educational institution now known as the PATTS College of Aeronautics. Page | 19 PATTS College of Aeronautics From its humble beginning, the college in now proud of its modern buildings located in a spacious campus with an ambiance of an ideal educational institution complete with facilities conductive to effective teaching and learning processes. PATTS College of Aeronautics is now in its new home at Lombos Ave., San Isidro, Paranaque City since April 2005. Research Instruments and Techniques The researchers used questionnaire that contained 30 questions and has 3 parts. The researchers also made use of a gadget (laptop) to explain and show the respondents the prototype’s design and sketch. The questionnaires were queries about three things; sketch, design, and the prototype. The answers of the respondents served as the basis of the gathered data in the researchers’ research. The researchers also created a letter of permission to survey the students studying in PATTS and gave a copy of the questionnaire. Page | 20 PATTS College of Aeronautics Data Gathering Procedure The first source of data that the researchers based their research on was browsing the internet and the answers of the respondents in the questionnaire that was conducted in PATTS College of Aeronautics in Grade 12 who took the strand, STEM. The gathered data were used in determining the efficiency of the Airport Catapult Launch. The surveys were conducted in the student’s classroom. The researcher’s also asked the officials, specifically the Vice Principal of Academic Affairs and the Senior High School Principal in PATTS College of Aeronautics for them to be allowed to conduct their survey on the school ground. Data Analysis Procedure Statistical tests will be used to analyze the quantitative data coming from the answers of the respondents from the questionnaire to identify if the Airport Catapult Launch is proficient to shortening runaways, consumptions and decreasing the time interval of flight. saving fuel Page | 21 PATTS College of Aeronautics CHAPTER 4: DATA GATHERING AND ANALYSIS Prototype 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sum 12 6 18 16 10 14 14 46 12 28 176 6.40% 30 32 42 28 36 48 50 62 36 42 406 14.76% 122 142 126 138 130 126 122 108 152 128 1294 47.05% 111 95 89 93 99 87 89 59 75 77 874 31.78% Percentage General Weighted Mean Total Weighted Mean 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 2750 100.00% 3.06(Agree) 3.207272727 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.0 3.0 2.7 3.1 2.9 30.59636364 Prototype 1 6.40% 4 31.78% 2 14.76% 1 2 3 3 47.05% 4 Figure 1 Page | 22 PATTS College of Aeronautics According to Figure 1 the prototype is the researchers’ first output. Base on the chart and the table, it can be deduced that about 78.83 % are pro to the idea of the Airport Catapult Launch based on the researcher’s prototype. However, the remaining 21.17% appears to be anti to the implication of the researcher’s research. The questions that were asked were so aligned to whether the respondents agree or disagree to the impression that the prototype proved to be efficient in maximizing the space of the airport, decreasing the fuel consumption during take-off, and decreasing the time interval between flights. Page | 23 PATTS College of Aeronautics Sketch 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sum 9 7 7 13 12 5 9 7 11 9 89 3.24% 27 21 15 21 34 27 41 29 9 21 245 8.91% 150 142 160 142 138 152 140 140 160 170 1494 54.33% 89 105 93 99 91 91 85 99 95 75 922 33.53% Percentage General Weighted Mean Total 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 2750 100.00% 3.18(Agree) Weighted Mean 3.16 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.1 31.81454545 Sketch 1 3.24% 2 8.91% 4 33.53% 1 2 3 4 3 54.33% Page | 24 PATTS College of Aeronautics The sketch is the initial design, it where the actual design and prototype base their features on. According to Figure 2, it could be said that about 80% is pleased with the information that the sketch has provided. The sketch shows detailed information about the researchers’ prototype and how to make it and what materials and proponents are to be used in making of the project. Figure 2 Page | 25 PATTS College of Aeronautics Design 1 2 3 4 Total 1 21 11 126 117 275 Weighted Mean 3.23 2 9 19 160 87 275 3.2 3 11 21 154 89 275 3.2 4 13 17 134 111 275 3.2 5 11 19 156 89 275 3.2 6 5 21 166 83 275 3.2 7 11 13 150 101 275 3.2 8 11 2 135 127 275 3.4 9 13 11 158 93 275 3.2 10 9 19 160 87 275 3.2 Sum 114 153 1499 984 2750 32.19 5.56% 54.51% 35.78% 100.00% Percentage 4.15% General Weighted Mean 3.22(Agree) Design 1 4.15% 2 5.56% 4 35.78% 1 2 3 4 3 54.51% Figure 3 Page | 26 PATTS College of Aeronautics Based on Figure 3, the data that has been gathered it could be assumed that more than 75% somewhat agrees to the researcher’s design towards the Airport Catapult Launch and less than 25% disagrees. The design acts as the framework of the output. It also serves as the blueprint in which the researchers base their output. The design consist of the project’s view from a different angle, it also includes the measurement of the proponent of the output. Page | 27 PATTS College of Aeronautics Prototype 1 2 3 4 Total 1 0 12 15 13 40 Weighted Mean 3.025 2 0 12 15 13 40 3.0 3 2 14 17 7 40 2.7 4 2 13 19 6 40 2.7 5 1 7 16 16 40 3.2 6 2 13 20 5 40 2.7 7 5 7 7 21 40 3.1 8 4 11 21 4 40 2.6 9 1 7 21 11 40 3.1 10 1 4 27 8 40 3.1 Sum 18 100 178 104 400 29.2 Percentage 4.50% 25.00% 44.50% 26.00% General Mean Weighted 100.00% 2.9(Agree) Prototype 1 4.50% 4 26.00% 2 25.00% 3 44.50% 1 2 3 4 Figure 4 Page | 28 PATTS College of Aeronautics Figure 4 shows the data gathered from the college level and what they think about the prototype of the research. It shows that 70.50% somewhat agrees to the implication of the research based on the prototype made. This data were gathered from 4th and 5th year college students in PATTs College of Aeronautics. Page | 29 PATTS College of Aeronautics Design 1 2 3 4 Total 1 0 12 15 13 40 Weighted Mean 3.025 2 0 5 27 8 40 3.1 3 0 3 26 11 40 3.2 4 0 6 20 14 40 3.2 5 0 3 28 9 40 3.2 6 0 6 20 14 40 3.2 7 0 3 28 9 40 3.2 8 0 2 31 7 40 3.1 9 0 8 16 16 40 3.2 10 0 6 19 15 40 3.2 Sum 0 54 230 116 400 31.55 Percentage 0.00% 13.50% 57.50% 29.00% 100.00% General Weighted Mean 3.16(Agree) Design 1 0% 4 29.00% 2 13.50% 3 57.50% Figure 5 1 2 3 4 Page | 30 PATTS College of Aeronautics The table and chart above is Figure 5, it shows the college participant’s views on the research based on the design. About 83.50% would show that they approve of the conducted research concerning its design and the remaining 16.50% does not approve. It shows that the sketch made by the researcher is effective and discrete. Page | 31 PATTS College of Aeronautics Sketch 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 25 12 40 2 3 6 19 12 40 3.0 3 0 6 23 11 40 3.1 4 1 6 24 9 40 3.0 5 1 6 23 10 40 3.1 6 3 8 21 8 40 2.9 7 2 3 24 11 40 3.1 8 3 4 25 8 40 3.0 9 2 2 23 13 40 3.2 10 1 2 25 12 40 3.2 Sum 18 44 232 106 400 30.65 Percentage 4.50% 11.00% 58.00% 26.50% General Mean Weighted Total 100.00% 3.07(Agree) Sketch 1 4.50% 4 26.50% 2 11.00% 3 58.00% 1 2 3 4 Figure 6 Weighted Mean 3.175 Page | 32 PATTS College of Aeronautics The table and chart above is Figure 6, it shows the college participant’s views on the research based on the sketch. About 84.50% would show that they accept the showed research regarding on its sketch and the remaining 16.50% does not approved of the research based on the sketch of the research. Page | 33 PATTS College of Aeronautics This chapter includes the gathered data and the interpretation of the researchers from the information that was given. The researchers used Slovin’s Formula in order to evaluate the study. Figure 1, 2 and 3 are the collected data that came from the SHS respondents. Figure 1 shows the gathered data concerning the opinions of the respondents based on the research’s prototype. Figure 2 shows whether or not the respondents approve of the research’s sketch and lastly Figure 3 shows whether or not the respondents support the allegations of the research established from the design. Figure 4, 5 and 6 are the assembled data from the college respondents which the researchers consider as experts. Page | 34 PATTS College of Aeronautics CHAPTER 5: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 1. Does the development of an catapult aircraft really necessary in public airport? The necessity to develop an aircraft catapult launch in public airports got a weighted mean of 3.0 2. What are the validations of aircraft catapult launcher in terms of: SKETCH The verification of the sketch for aircraft catapult got a general weighted mean of 3.18% DESIGN PLAN The validations of the design plan for the aircraft catapult got a general weighted mean 3.22% PROTOTYPE The validations of the design plan for the aircraft catapult got a general weighted mean of 2.9% Page | 35 PATTS College of Aeronautics 3. Does the aircraft catapult design affective for implementation in an airport? The effectiveness of implementing aircraft catapult in an airport got a weighted mean of 3.0 CONCLUSION Catapult launching is based on the idea in aircraft carriers. In aircraft carriers there is a limited space but different kinds of aircraft are able to take off on it. The catapult launch basically pushes part of the aircraft to increase its acceleration in order for it to take flight fast. The system that aircraft carriers follows shows that because of their catapult launch they are able to maximize the space and that aircrafts are able to take flight with such a limited space. The Airport Catapult launch is a proposal that, if approved, will help airports in maximizing the space of their land area. Since the prototype helps with the initial acceleration of the aircraft, they can help reduce the length of runways in airport. If there is a boost of speed, fuel consumption in take-offs will be reduced. Page | 36 PATTS College of Aeronautics The researchers therefore conclude that the prototype, sketch and design are effective for implementation in airports and that it is somewhat necessary in airports. The prototype was deemed functional by the respondents, the design as good and the sketch was accurate. RECOMMENDATION Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the following recommendations are suggested. The researchers recommend that the future developers and manufacturers should enhance and improve the design, sketch and prototype that were made. The future developers should use materials that are efficient and long lasting for the Airport Catapult Launch. The future developers should also improve the efficiency and performance of the Airport Catapult Launch to be able. Also the developers should be able to improve its compatibility since the design was based on one aircraft. Page | 37 PATTS College of Aeronautics Appendices: Letter for Permission To: Engr. Lorenzo L. Naval Jr. Vice Principal of Academic Affairs Dr. Catherine M. Camposano Senior High School Principal Dear Sir/Ma’am Good day! We are the students of Grade 12- Du Temple has a subject APPL 211(Practical Research 2). Our research is all about making a catapult launcher for aircrafts and the main goal is to develop an engineering design that will help future airlines. We are happy to tell you that we are now currently doing chapter 3 of our thesis that would require us to conduct surveys within a specific set of individuals. Therefore the students would like to ask permission to conduct the research by handing out questionnaires to the grade 12 students and 5th year Aeronautical Engineering students as evaluators to our design. This will become a big help for students to learn on how to create an invention related to their course. Truly Yours, Jose Sebastian Laguna Alec Warren R. Ramo Mark Joseph M. Palpallatoc Alyza Mae S. Reyes Christine Jane P. Pontod Julian Francis E. Valenzuela John Derreck “Jed” S. Porlaje Kurt John Vincent A. Serrano Noted By: Mr. Chito M. Facelo Practical Research Instructor Page | 38 PATTS College of Aeronautics Questionnaire used: Name (Optional) : _______________________ Grade Section / Year Course : ______________________ Gender : MALE FEMALE Directions: Check the box with the desired answer. (4 – Strongly Agree, 3 Agree, 2 Disagree, 1 Strongly Disagree) Design 1. The design is original and innovative 2. The sketch is well drawn 3. The components are arranged inventively 4. The design corresponds to the actual sketch 5. The design is efficient in the whole prototype 6. The components used are appropriate 7. The design made the output more understandable 8. The design is intricate and complex 9. The design is elaborate and well proportioned 10. The essential apparatuses are placed efficiently 4 3 2 1 Page | 39 PATTS College of Aeronautics 4 Sketch 1. The sketch is an exact copy of the prototype. 2. The sketch is well drawn 3. The sketch is an advantageous design 4. The drawing made the prototype more understandable 5. The sketch shows the components of the prototype 6. The draft showed the details of the prototype 7. The sketch showed the exact measurements of the prototype 8. The drawing is clear and logical 9. The sketch gives background to the prototype 10. The sketch is an intricate design 3 2 1 Page | 40 PATTS College of Aeronautics 4 Prototype 1. Using catapult launch in public in airport shorten the runways 2. Airport companies will benefits the space in the runways by using airport catapult launch 3. This catapult launch will improve the Philippine Aviation 4. Air catapult launch is the efficient way for taking off airport catapult launch 5. Airport catapult launch decreases time for taking off 6. Airport catapult launch has a big impact in the Philippine aviation 7. Applying the airport catapult launch will conserve airplanes fuel 8. Airport catapult launch is safe for the passengers 9. It affects the integrity of the plane 10. The catapult launch efficiently showed its function during the demonstration. Recommendation: . 3 2 1 Page | 41 PATTS College of Aeronautics Bibliography: Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 4, pp. 54–65, July–August, 1979. Pike, J. (n.d.). Military. Retrieved from Mirzaei, M., Abdollahi, S. E., & Vahedi, A. (2008). Design Optimization of Reluctance Synchronous Linear Machines for Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System. 2008 14th Symposium on Electromagnetic Launch Technology. doi:10.1109/elt.2008.28 Doyle, M., Sulich, G., & Lebron, L. (2000). The Benefits of Electromagnetically Launching Aircraft. Naval Engineers Journal,112(3), 77-82. doi:10.1111/j.15593584.2000.tb03306.x L Bertola, T Cox, P Wheeler, S Garvey, H Morvan(2000). Reducing Weight and Fuel Consumption of Civil Aircraft by EML. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering 11 (2), 236-240