ASSIGNMENT 2 FRONT SHEET Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing Unit number and title Unit 16: Cloud Computing Submission date Date Received 1st submission Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission Student Name Trần Anh Văn Student ID BHAF 200054 Class PBIT 17101 Assessor name Lê Văn Thuận Student declaration I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism making a false declaration is a form of malpractice. Student’s signature Content I:Introduction In this report, I will implement the deployment of the application I developed for ATN to the cloud, including: How to configure, deploy, perform the functions of the application... Then I will talk about the difficulties that can be encountered during development and how to overcome it. Next, I will discuss possible barriers to using the cloud and discuss security challenges in depth. Finally, I will discuss how organizations should protect their data when moving to a cloud solution. II: Presentation on how to deploy apps to the cloud (p5, p6-task1) a) How to configure and deploy services 1.Setup git Slide1: Slide2: 2: Push the code to Githup Slide: Slide: And this is the result after I push my code to Githup Githup 3: Create a web server on Heroku Slide Slide Slide slide Heroku 4: Create an istance on AWS EC2 Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide 5: SSH into the instance using Xshell Slide: Slide Slide Slide: 6: Create a database server on the instance Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide b)The function of the application Slide Slide Slide c)link Application Slide III: Analyze the most common problems which arise in a Cloud Computing platform (P7) Cloud computing is what everyone is really talking about these days. It provides better data storage, data security, flexibility, enhanced collaboration among employees, and changes the workflow of small businesses and large enterprises to help them deliver Better decisions while reducing costs. It is clear that the use of the cloud is a trend that continues to grow. We predicted in the business intelligence trend the importance and deployment of cloud in companies like Alibaba, Amazon, Google and Microsoft Considering all the potential and growth that cloud computing has experienced in recent years, there are also many challenges that businesses are facing. In this article, we have gathered 10 of the most prominent challenges of cloud computing that will bring new insights and perspectives in the cloud market. But first, let's start with a simple explanation of the general characteristics and basic definitions. Some problems and challenges when using the cloud such as: Security issues Performance issues Cost Issues Multi-cloud issues 1: Security issues Security issues The problem: Security is always on the top list of challenges when using cloud computing services. With many different industry segments adapting to the cloud culture, a data breach can create havoc for end users. Whether public, private, hybrid, multi-cloud or single-cloud, data security breaches are inevitable without security measures. This will hinder the operation and operation of the whole organization and business. Solution: To solve the problem of data security, we should use, a combination of methods such as: Data encryption. Use tight security protection protocols for cloud solutions (SSL). Train IT staff on how to handle security issues with an appropriate solution. Establish policies and corporate culture on the development and assurance of data security. … 2: Performance issues Performance issues Problem Performance plays an important role in the business of the business and it directly and affects the benefits that the business achieves. For example, if there are 2 applications running together, but the processing speed of one application is a few seconds faster than another application, then users will definitely consider lightning and will choose the application with faster speed. When using cloud services, any downtime in the cloud directly impedes application performance. Cloud downtime can happen in any technology. Therefore, businesses need to take measures to overcome performance issues when using cloud services. Solution There are many solutions to solve performance problems such as: Regularly monitor and test cloud applications to ensure optimal performance. Provide failover mechanism by third-party vendors in case of downtime. High network bandwidth usage when there is a lot of data. Create comprehensive application recovery solutions for cloud-based data. Have a proper disaster recovery mechanism in place. Create your own scenarios and come up with solutions for performance issues. 3:Cost issues Cost issues Problem The next part of our cloud computing risks list involves costs. For the most part cloud computing can save businesses money. In the cloud, an organization can easily ramp up its processing capabilities without making large investments in new hardware. Businesses can instead access extra processing through pay-as-you-go models from public cloud providers. However, the on-demand and scalable nature of cloud computing services make it sometimes difficult to define and predict quantities and costs. Solution Luckily there are several ways to keep cloud costs in check, for example, optimizing costs by conducting better financial analytics and reporting, automating policies for governance, or keeping the management reporting practice on course, so that these issues in cloud computing could be decreased 4: Multi-cloud issues Multi-cloud issues Multi-cloud issues The problem Challenges facing cloud computing haven’t just been concentrated in one, single cloud. The state of multi-cloud has grown exponentially in recent years. Companies are shifting or combining public and private clouds and, as mentioned earlier, tech giants like Alibaba and Amazon are leading the way However, it has posed a challenge to manage the synchronicity, security and robustness of the cloud. activities in the organization. The solutions to deal with this problem are as follows: Manage and maintain the appropriate infrastructure to cover the entire operation. Redesign processes to involve all stakeholders and cloud templates. Integrate cloud solutions of different service providers into one. Dynamic management of supplier relationships. Adapt best practices such as conducting research and training IV: Assess the most common security issues in cloud environments(P8) Among the challenges and barriers when using the cloud platform, the issue of security is one of the most important and also the most concerned. Problems with security risks can come from: Cloud Service Provider Cloud Service Customer There are five main types of risks associated with cloud computing both from a cloud provider and customer perspective: Organizational Security Risks Physical Security Risks Technological Security Risks Compliance and Audit Risks Data Security Risks 1: Organizational Security Risks Organizational security risks are those that originate from one or more entities within an organization and that can affect the structure of that organization. These risks include damage to the business reputation as well as physical loss of the organization. Some causes of organizational risk: Change in organizational management structure: It can be that the supplier is sold to another organization, malicious members, important management staff have quit, ... The change of politics, structure, work of people in the organization is a huge risk. No resource planning: The risk to resource planning is losing control over resources, leading to unclear roles and responsibilities, with no one in charge of a particular issue . This leads members of the organization to blame each other. In addition to causing organizational security risks, it also destroys the spirit of solidarity among members of the organization. Outdated organizational security management: Organizational security management is obsolete as current security management models have changed dramatically as businesses use the cloud 2: Physical Security Risks A cloud service provider is responsible for managing the infrastructure including servers, networks, storage devices,... The cloud service provider must ensure that the operation of the cloud data center is secure to provide the safety and security of the customer's data. If the provider is unable to control or has weak physical access control capabilities, an attacker can steal entire servers, even if they are protected with firewalls and encryption. Therefore, the physical location of the cloud data center must be secured by the provider to prevent unauthorized access to on-premises customer data, the provider should implement and operate basic controls. Appropriate infrastructure including staff training, physical location security, network firewalls. The Cloud Service Provider is not only responsible for storing and processing data in specific jurisdictions, but is also responsible for complying with the privacy regulations of those jurisdictions. that reason. For example, when a supplier wants to set up a data center in Vietnam, they must comply with the regulations and laws of Vietnam. In addition, data is redundantly stored by the provider in multiple physical locations, and such location information is not disclosed to customers, making it difficult for customers to determine whether appropriate security measures are in place. out to secure customer data or not. 3: Technological Security Risks Technical security risks are failures related to technologies and services provided by cloud service providers. Technical security risks include resource sharing isolation issues, malicious attacks on vendor risks related to portability and interoperability, poor hardware maintenance, no reply system, reduced availability and hardware failure. Causes of security risks are divided as follows: Poor inter-cloud interoperability: due to incompatibility between the cloud service provider's platforms. Service interruption risk from the provider: The risk of service interruption from the provider side leading to widespread outages and service unavailable or data loss. Lack of interoperability standards: Cloud computing lacks interoperability standards. There is no standard communication and data export format between and within the vendor, which makes it difficult to establish appropriate security frameworks. Infrastructure Capability Hard to Determine: It is a disagreement in determining whether cloud performance meets the agreed SLA because performance is related to server workloads and computing power. network modifiers. This leads to disputes and litigation between customers and suppliers. Application development on cloud services: Application development on cloud services is application developers using cloud services to develop their own applications. However, when a related problem occurs, it is difficult to determine who is responsible for this fault. Poor inter-vendor portability: This creates a compatibility risk that arises if a customer wants to switch from one provider to another because the hosting services provided by a CSP can incompatible with other providers' services. 4: Compliance and Audit Risks Compliance and audit risks are related to legal risks such as lack of information about jurisdictions, changing jurisdictions, illegal contract terms and ongoing legal disputes. It is the responsibility of both the supplier and the customer to comply with the rules and regulations defined in the contract and to check the SLA regularly. Cloud service providers must undergo external audits and security certifications. If a supplier fails to comply with these security audits, it leads to a clear loss of customer trust. Cloud customers should learn about what will happen to their data if disaster strikes so they can be prepared for the risk. Because customer data is stored in the computer memory of the cloud service, that memory may be located in another country, or may be divided in many countries, creating legal problems when export customer data abroad 5: Data Security Risks Data security risks are particularly important, especially when using cloud services, where the processing and storage of such data is outsourced to infrastructure owned and maintained by third parties. Because data is kept in third-party infrastructure, it is difficult for users to know who has access to their data and if their data is secure. Some properties need to ensure data when using the cloud: Privacy: Privacy is an important issue to address in the cloud and in cybersecurity in general. Cloud service providers need to ensure that their customer's personal information and identities are not disclosed to unauthorized parties. This is very important and even more critical for customers that deal with sensitive data. If the supplier violates this then they are liable for breach of contract, even reputation damage and loss, all customers will turn away from them. Confidentiality: Confidentiality is concerned with the privacy of data, it ensures that the data of cloud service customers cannot be unauthorizedly disclosed. The cloud service provider is responsible for ensuring a separate boundary for each user's data at both the physical and application levels. For the public cloud, Security and privacy for multiple customers is one of the important challenges because data from multiple customers can be stored in the same database, risk of leakage data between these clients is high. Integrity: Data integrity is the fact that data stored in the cloud has not been altered in any way by unauthorized parties when it is retrieved. That is, only customers - those who put data in, authorized people can change that data. Providers must ensure that no third parties have access to data in transit or data in storage. Possibility: Availability is the fact that customers can access their data without being denied (by mistake, by malicious attacks,... ). Stages of data flow through the cloud: Data in transit: During this phase data will be transferred to the cloud infrastructure. Here, the data will have a high chance of being intercepted due to a breach of security. To overcome this, people often use data encryption Data at rest: During this phase the data has been saved in the cloud infrastructure. At this stage, the service provider must defend against attacks and ensure that data security attributes are maintained. Data in use: In this stage data is being processed into information. At this stage, data security issues include data corruption while it is in progress V: Conclusion In this report, I implemented the deployment of the application I developed for ATN to the cloud, including: How to configure, deploy, perform the functions of the application... Then I presents difficulties that may be encountered during development and how to overcome them. Next, I discussed possible barriers to using the cloud and discussed security challenges in depth. Finally, I discussed how organizations should protect their data when moving to a cloud solution.