S ECTION 2 Atmospheric Composition The atmosphere is a gaseous mixture of several constituents, some of which are relatively constant, while others are quite variable. The composition of the atmosphere is shown in Table 2.1. By volume, the air in the atmosphere is composed almost entirely of nitrogen and oxygen (together equaling 99%). These two constituents and many others (argon, neon, helium, krypton, hydrogen, and nitrous oxide) represent the vast majority of the atmosphere and are relatively constant in their concentration. Several components vary as a result of natural or anthropogenic processes. The most variable constituent is water vapor, which varies naturally as a result of the hydrologic cycle. Carbon dioxide varies both naturally (due to photosynthesis and respiration) and anthropogenically (due to the burning of fossil fuels). Of particular importance to climate and the hydrologic cycle are those gases that are “radiatively active” (i.e. water vapor, ozone, methane, carbon dioxide, and to a lesser extent oxygen). A radiatively active gas is one whose molecular structure is such that it absorbs (and emits) radiative energy (this will be discussed in much more detail in the next chapter). Radiatively active gases are often referred to as “greenhouse gases”. The primary hypothesis for anthropogenic climate change has to do with the combined facts that 1) humans T ABLE 2.1. P RIMARY C ONSTITUENTS OF THE S TANDARD A TMOSPHERE IN THE T ROPOSPHERE GAS % BY VOLUME Nitrogen (N2) 78.084 Oxygen (O2)* 20.946 Argon (A) 0.934 Carbon Dioxide (CO2)* 0.040 Neon (Ne) 0.00182 Helium (He) 0.000524 Methane (CH4)* 0.00016 Krypton (Kr) 0.0014 Hydrogen (H2) 0.00005 Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 0.000035 Ozone (O3)* Water (H2O)* 0 - 0.000007 0-4 *radiatively active gases have added a significant amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and 2) it is a greenhouse gas. In fact, water vapor and methane are more radiatively active, but carbon dioxide gets the most attention because it is the one that is increasing rapidly due to anthropogenic sources. The vertical profiles of some of these constituents will be discussed below. The clear signature of both natural and anthropogenic effects on carbon dioxide can be seen in measurements. An observatory on 40 in Figure 2.1 which is attributable directly to the anthropogenic source from the burning of fossil fuel. As shown in Figure 2.1, this source has led to a dramatic increase in CO2 concentrations of approximately 25% in the last 50 years. Moreover the trend is not linearly increasing, but accelerating under present emission conditions. A major topic of ongoing research is what impact does this significant increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have on the global climate, weather patterns, and extremes. F IGURE 2.1 Time series of measured atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii shown in red along with a moving average of the long-term trend shown in black (from esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/webdata/ccgg/trends/co2_data_mlo.png). Mauna Loa, Hawaii has provided relatively long-term records of the carbon dioxide concentration (Figure 2.1). Two key modes of variability are seen in the data. The first is the natural seasonal variability, where CO2 decreases due to increased uptake by deciduous plants in the Spring/Summer season and increases due to respiration as a result of fallen leaf (and other biomass) decay during the Fall/Winter. This natural pattern should have some interannual variability, but is expected to be relatively steady in terms of the long-term average. The second mode of variability is the clear trend seen 41