Uploaded by Ahmad Abubakar

Organizational Culture & Leadership Theories

When I started an internship in a company, I got a job improving the characteristics of that
company to make it suitable for upcoming employees. This reminded me of Schein's model of
organizational culture. The company has developed a specific culture over time. If I knew
Schein's model, I would have altered the culture through some assumptions to improve the
culture for upcoming employees. Like a pyramid, Schein's theory comprises three levels. So, to
alter the culture I would have to create a step-by-step strategy for it.
First of all, I will alter the artifacts of the organization as these characteristics are easily
recognizable, yet they have a minor effect on the culture of an organization. For example,
facilities that are provided in an organization are an artifact. So, I will analyze the facilities and
act accordingly. Secondly, I will give a review of the espoused values of the company. For
instance, the team contracts and mission statements. Although these values are very essential
indicators of a company's culture, they are less visible than the artifacts. Therefore, I would have
given significant attention to these values if I want cultural development in the company. Thirdly,
I will focus on the least visible indicators, i.e., underlying beliefs. These beliefs give the core
knowledge of how a company perceives the world. These beliefs comprise those behaviors that
are usually not given attention. So, they are most difficult to change. Consequently, after
developing assumptions regarding these indicators I will test these assumptions and will pass
them on to the upcoming employees for improving the insights of my company.
Recently, our experts who analyze the overall internal and external growth of our company,
have sent us a report which says that we have suffered a negative growth rate of about 25%.
My task is to identify and evaluate problems that are highly impacting the productivity of the
company. But this is possible only when I know about the theory of CVF (Competing Values
Framework) management. This theory will assist me in evaluating the culture and dynamics of
the company, including both internal plus external dynamics. The basic idea of this theory says
that four competing values help in the assessment of an organization:
Whether there is an internal factor that is minimizing the growth rate or an external factor that is
minimizing the rate, these four values will always compete with them. Therefore, I have to
maximize the growth rate keeping them in mind.
First, I must assess the internal orientation of the company that is effective in the development
which is probably the coordination of the company. Then, I have to collaborate with other
employees and create an integration of activities that will allow the company to compete to
equalize the cultural values and eventually control the growth rate. Secondly, I would analyze
the external orientation, i.e., the market and its effect on the culture of the company (probably
the latest technology) and ultimately the growth rate. Then, I will apply the same four values of
competing to these external altering factors and maximize the growth rate. As a result, after
applying this managing theory I would be able to equalize the declining growth of my company
and improve its framework.
Our upcoming meeting is about launching an expatriate program in the company. For this
purpose, I have to develop a report about the assessment of the effects of cultural diversity on
these types of programs. Regarding this, if I study Hofstede's theory of cultural differences, I
would be able to create a perfect report. According to my research expatriate programs are
highly influenced due to cross-culture. This theory says that globalization has highly encouraged
cross-culture by broadening and enhancing the interlinking of products, firms, markets, brands,
etc. Therefore, to create a strategy for these types of programs we have to critically analyze the
effect of cross-culture.
In my report keeping in my Hofstede theory, I will write that with the increase in globalization
multiple companies have launched expatriate programs and have sent immigrants to enhance
their organization effectively on the behalf of cross-culture. Each company has its own culture
and therefore the immigrants will come and adapt themselves to this culture. For instance, an
immigrant comes from Canada to the UK and brings its managing ideas with it and eventually
adapts themselves to teamwork. This will lead to cultural diversity which will ultimately affect the
expatriate performance. Either he will become an effective part of the team, or he will become a
non-beneficial part. A multitude of cultural variances encountered by ex-pats both within and
beyond the country outside of the framework of their job is a multifaceted factor. Therefore, for
making our expatriate program successful we have to focus on the cross-cultural behavior of
our immigrants.
Recently an interview of mine was conducted, and I was offered a job as a leader of the
management. There is great responsibility associated with leadership. Therefore, I started
researching the topic of leadership. The concept of leadership that I understood from the
research articles and papers by different authors was that leadership is the name of achieving
hard and fast goals. It's a capacity that makes an individual or an organization capable of
inspiring others through achievements, success, and competition. In other words, leadership
may also refer to a more comprehensive perspective, such as the attitude established by a
corporation's administration or the culture that ownership produces.
Different analyses and models are designed by various leaders to elaborate on the term and the
significance of leadership. These models explain how leadership can be done and made
successful by performing numerous duties and fulfilling responsibilities. The basic duties of
leadership include direction, guidance, and inspiration. However, to fulfill these duties leadership
must be exhibited with courage, determination, commitment, and passion. Besides all these
studies and research have shown that leadership plays an important role in management. It
assists in directing the resources of management in specific directions for improving the
efficiency of the management. Moreover, in management there are several styles associated
with leadership that determine how leadership is going to be:
These leadership styles influence how much judgment power you, as the leadership, delegate
to members of the organization. Whenever it relates to decision-making, every person will be
granted varying amounts of 'power' depending on the complexity of the work at issue, as well as
the person's position, expertise, and emotional stability.
People with vital leadership abilities in the industry world frequently surge to executive positions
such as CEO (chief executive officer), COO (chief operating officer), CFO (chief financial
officer), president, and chairman.
True leadership envisions the company's future direction and prepares the measures required
to get there. Leaders must be able to see what is feasible, monitor industry trends, and take
risks to expand the firm.
By combining all the research and studies I can conclude that Productive leadership
demonstrates positivity and generates good energy in employees. Good leaders are
encouraging and genuinely concerned for the well-being of others. Leaders find solutions to
problems and soothe and motivate employees when things go wrong. Leaders develop
strategies for their teams to collaborate and accomplish maximum achievements most efficiently
and effectively possible.
Well, I got selected as a leader of the company now that there are several particular factors that
I have to look up for making my leadership better. As you know due to globalization expatriates
number has increased so in our company. Therefore, for making my leadership successful I
have to go through some aspects like multicultural teams for this purpose.
My research from the basic understanding says that a multicultural team is a team in which
different members of different countries and cultures are included. The members from the
different countries speak different languages and have different cultures as well. So, as a
member of a multicultural team, there comes lots of challenges and hardships. For a person to
have a successful leadership he should focus on various factors of developing a multicultural
team. The first thing for it is to choose a preferred language to communicate with all the
members of the team.
According to a report, while working in a multicultural team, the main problem is the language
barrier among employees. So, the solution is to find a common language. In this way, every
member can communicate easily. Choose the language that the majority feels comfortable with.
When you have selected your preferred language of choice, make your employees learn the
other main and key sentences of other languages.
Research shows that the second thing is to overcome the different cultural styles in a
multicultural team. Every culture has its style of communication, which is different from the
others. In communication style, speaking patterns, body language, facial expressions, tone, and
pitch, are also included. Whenever you communicate with your colleagues, keep one thing in
your mind you have to communicate according to their communication rules. Allow your
members to prepare a foreign speech. Plus, as a leader of a multicultural team, you have to be
cautious about evaluating someone’s work.
Concluding, in my research on multicultural teams concerning leadership I can say that Leaders
must be aware and open-minded about other cultures to obtain a deeper knowledge of people
from varied cultures and find a method to assist them to work together as a team. It is more
crucial than ever to provide safe places for workers while managing a multicultural company.
But it is also critical to reaffirm these principles regularly. Maintain a clear organizational culture
that values diversity and conveys it often.
"What Is Schein’S Model Of Organizational Culture? The Schein’S Model Of Organizational Culture In A
Nutshell - Fourweekmba". Fourweekmba, 2022, https://fourweekmba.com/scheins-model-oforganizational/.
"Competing Values Framework". Harappa, 2022, https://harappa.education/harappa-diaries/what-iscompeting-values-framework/.
"Hofstede’S Cultural Framework". Opentextbc.Ca, 2022,
"Leadership: Achieving Goals, Tackling Competition, Inspiring Employees". Investopedia, 2022,
"Leadership Styles: Four Common Types In Business | Masterstart". Masterstart, 2022,
"9 Ways To Manage A Multicultural Team | Fond Blog". Fond, 2022, https://www.fond.co/blog/9-waysmulticulturalteam/#:~:text=A%20multicultural%20team%20is%20a,all%20your%20colleagues%20feel%20comfortable
"How To Manage Multicultural Teams: Effective Leadership In The Workplace". Edhec.Edu, 2022,