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The British Academcy Project on corporate purpose

2022/4/8 上午11:19
Future of the Corporation | The British Academy
Policy and research
Future of the Corporation
Future of the Corporation
A major research and engagement programme examining the purpose of business and its role in
society, led by Professor Colin Mayer FBA, Professor of Management at the Saїd Business School.
Start date
Programme status
Business and economy, Employment and skills
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Future of the Corporation | The British Academy
Programme Leadership
Corporate Advisory Group
Steering Group
The final report of the programme, Policy and Practice for
Purposeful Business, is now available
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Future of the Corporation | The British Academy
The Future of the Corporation programme is the British Academy’s review of the role of
business in society. It combines research from a range of academic disciplines with insight
from senior business and policy leaders. In 2018, it highlighted trust in business and its
impact on people and the environment along with globalisation and technological
disruption as drivers of a shifting view of business. The research suggested a need to
develop a new, more human framework for the corporation around well-defined and
aligned purposes, complemented by ethical cultures and commitments to trustworthiness.
Professor Colin Mayer, the Academic Lead for the programme, drew together the research
and defined the purpose of business as:
“ Producing profitable solutions from the problems of people and
planet, and not profiting from creating problems.”
Since early 2020, we have been living through a crisis few could have anticipated. The
COVID-19 pandemic has exaggerated the fault-lines across society. Business is no
exception and the crisis is shining new light on the issues that have been driving the shift
to purposeful business in recent years.
What does this type of business look like? How can we shift from an ecosystem of policies
and practices driven almost entirely by financial goals to one focused on purposes that
solve problems? In 2019, the Future of the Corporation programme explored the issues in
more depth with a range of experts, business leaders and academics. The conclusion was a
set of eight principles for purposeful business. Since publishing these principles, the
programme has been examining on how they can be applied with a series of Purpose Labs small workshops gathering and developing ideas for changes to policy and practice - and a
complementary series of major Purpose Summits - large events with leading figures from
business, policy and academia. The result is a comprehensive framework applying the
principles to the UK as a starting point. The conclusions are published in our final report, P
olicy and Practice for Purposeful Business.
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Future of the Corporation | The British Academy
A diagram showing accountability and implementation mechanisms to put purpose at the heart of
This final report argues for a coherent package of changes to policy and practice that
together support the implementation of corporate purposes and hold decision-makers to
account for them. It summarises the findings of over four years of research, engagement,
polling and collaboration with other initiatives that there is a growing appetite for
purposeful business, including from business itself, investors, policymakers, regulators,
employees, consumers and other stakeholders.
We conclude that a permissive legal, regulatory, governance and reporting framework is
required to enable and encourage purposeful business, and the UK has such a framework.
But in the UK there is insufficient accountability for, and implementation of, purposeful
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Future of the Corporation | The British Academy
business. Few companies take up the option that exists within the law to adopt purposes
beyond promoting shareholder interests, and there is insufficient appreciation and
enforcement of directors’ duties under the law. Internationally, initiatives are currently in
progress to ensure that companies and investors report their environmental and social
impacts, but there has been insufficient focus on measuring, valuing and incentivising
corporate purpose.
With a supportive legal, regulatory, governance and reporting framework in place, there
are two mechanisms that together are required to deliver coherent reform:
1. Accountability: using the legal, regulatory, governance and reporting framework to
hold companies to account for complying with corporate purposes of profitably
solving problems of people and planet and not profiting from creating them; and,
2. Implementation: ownership, measurement, finance, innovation and investment
through which people harness the potential of markets to deliver profitable solutions
which benefit customers, the workforce, investors, communities, society and the
The report contains 18 proposals, using these mechanisms to put purpose at the heart of
the policy and practice that determines how business operates. It also refers to a series of
policy starting points that are already in motion and are current, realistic prospects for
change that applies the principles set out by the Future of the Corporation programme.
What can you do? All parts of society have a role to play in achieving this as customers,
communities, employees, academics, educators, teachers, journalists, public figures and
individuals from every walk of life and every part of the world. It is in the power of all of us
to effect the change that is needed and enhance still further the remarkable contribution
that business has made to our lives to date. An agenda for change needs leadership, but in
a world of great transparency and growing complexity, every voice matters. We are all part
of the business ecosystem and we can all use the influence we have to put purpose at the
heart of business in the 21st century.
We would love to hear reactions and responses and if you would like to to discuss these
findings or know more about the programme, please email the team on fotc@thebritishaca
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Policy & Practice for Purposeful Business
The conclusion of the Future of the Corporation programme sets out how to
embed purpose in the heart of business through a set of proposals brought
together for the first time.
Principles for Purposeful Business
The Future of the Corporation is one of the most important and pressing
topics of our time. This report is not just for business leaders, shareholders
and policymakers. It is also for people who work for businesses, buy their
products, benefit from a pension or feel an impact from business …
Principles for Purposeful Business - Executive Summary
The Future of the Corporation is one of the most important and pressing
topics of our time. This report is not just for business leaders, shareholders
and policymakers. It is also for people who work for businesses, buy their
products, benefit from a pension or feel an impact from business …
Reforming business for the 21st century: a framework
for the future of the corporation
What this report seeks to do is draw together the substantial body of
knowledge and insights that the thirteen research projects provide on the
current challenges that confront businesses, governments and societies
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Future of the Corporation | The British Academy
around the world. While setting out key principles for the future of the
corporation, the report is primarily …
Future of the Corporation Research Summaries
13 groups of academics were commissioned by the British Academy Future
of the Corporation programme to conduct research into the ten themes
identified by the programme as critical to the future relationship between
business and society. The resulting research papers are each summarised in
this booklet alongside an introduction from …
The Voice of Business
The ‘Voice of Business’ is a collection of views from senior business leaders
on the purpose of business, its role in society, and the challenges they face
from disruptive change. It captures the views of sixteen leaders of companies
of different types and sizes in a range of sectors, including …
The future of the corporation: Towards humane
Published by The British Academy
Findings from the first phase of the British Academy’s ‘Future of the
Corporation’ research programme, edited by Colin Mayer, posted to Journal
of the British Academy, volume 6, supplementary issue 1, in 2018
For-Benefit Business and the Future of the Corporation
This report explores the application of the Principles to for-benefit business
as an illustration of how the Future of the Corporation framework can assist
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Future of the Corporation | The British Academy
business with delivering benefit for people and planet. It concludes by
highlighting a research agenda for future examination of these ideas.
Partner publications
Enacting Purpose Within the Modern Corporation: A
Framework for Boards of Directors
A report providing guidance to boards of directors on how to enact purpose.
It draws on research findings from different academic disciplines together
with best practice insights from some of the UK and continental Europe’s
leading businesses and institutions.
Partners and Supporters
The British Academy would like to thank the following partners and supporters for their
support of the Future of the Corporation programme.
If you would like more information about becoming a partner or supporter of the
programme, please contact Michelle Waterman, Head of Development on 020 7969 5290.
Principal supporters
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Future of the Corporation | The British Academy
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Corporate partners
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2022/4/8 上午11:19
Future of the Corporation | The British Academy