1. Module number CSI11800/CSI11100/CSI11200 2. Module title Business Intelligence and Reporting for Enterprises 3. Module Leader (first point of contact for students) Debbie Meharg (d.meharg@napier.ac.uk) 4. Module tutors& assessors Debbie Meharg and Ben Guthrie 5. Assessment Coursework 2 – Dashboard and Presentation Learning Outcome 3 and 4 in the Module Descriptor are assessed in this assignment. 6. Weighting 50% of module assessment 7. Size and/or time limits for assessment 8. Deadline of submission 15 minute Presentation and Power BI materials Trimester 2, Wednesday 27th April at 5pm Your attention is drawn to the penalties for late submission 9. Arrangements for submission 10. Assessment Regulations 11. The requirements for the assessment 12. Special instructions 13. Return of work 14. Assessment criteria CSI11800/CSI11100/CSI11200 Coursework 2 You should submit online using the assignment dropbox on the Moodle site for the module. No paper submissions are required and submission by email will not be accepted. You must also keep your own copy of the submission. All assessments are subject to the University Regulations. Follow normal academic conventions for acknowledging sources. Assessment details are described in section 4.0&5.0 below. None Feedback will be provided within three weeks of submission Assessment criteria are described in section 6.0 below. Page 1 of 4 CSI11800 Business Intelligence and Reporting for Enterprises COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENT2– Dashboard creation and demonstration (First Diet) 1.0 Coursework Aim To enable students to critically evaluate business intelligence tools and technologies for a suitable scenario and to construct, from a given dataset, a performance dashboard and business intelligence report. And to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding during a presentation. 2.0 Assessment The following module learning outcomes are assessed in this coursework assignment: LO3 Critically compare, analyse and evaluate business intelligence and reporting technologies. LO4 Construct a performance dashboard and business intelligence report from a given data set using industry standard tools and techniques. 3.0 Coursework Assignment This coursework assignment isan individual piece of work. Copying from any source and collusion between two or more students are serious offences and will be dealt with through Academic Conduct procedures. Reference all sources using the guide in Moodle. Details of the marking scheme are detailed in section 6.0 below, use this as a guide to the content you will include when preparing your report. 4.0 Submission requirements Your coursework grade will be determined from the individual performance dashboard and business intelligence report you create and the PowerPointpresentation/demonstration. Marks are awarded for your PowerPoint presentation, Performance Dashboard, the BI suite of reports (individual BI charts/graphs/visualisations). If you have any questions about what is required, please ask the Module Leader during class time or you may contact the Module Leader by email. 5.0 Case-study Your assignment is to be based on the following adapted business scenario and builds from the information given in assignment 1 (this is available in Moodle for reference). CSI11800/CSI11100/CSI11200 Coursework 2 Page 2 of 4 Background HomesForAllhave recently upgraded their IT system and now have improved data at their fingertips. They would like to understand the benefits that data mining could bring to thecompany. Like much of the data that other companies store in data warehouses, interest in this historically lies in trying to discover patterns within it. The updated systemsretain records of construction sites, clients, costs, risks, contractors and employees. Currently monthly programme and project reports are prepared manually, taking on average 4 working days to collate, draft review and coordinate. This means that the information presented at the monthly scheduled project meetings is at least 1 working week out of date. This has led to known critical issues not being reported at appropriate times and innovative business opportunities being missed. Dashboard Objectives Developing standardised programme and project level dashboard report templates which use live data will increase confidence ofsenior management team and enable project resources to be proactively directed to managing the projects.It is also hoped it will enable project managers to deploy their skills to adding client value, rather than reporting out of date information. It is envisaged that the reports should not only display data but also develop sufficient depth of data that insights and analysisof trends will become possible. Enabling earlier risk identification and a focus on mitigation actions. In addition, quicker decisions will aid budgets being spent efficiently and ensure people are being used productively. Dashboard Requirements The company board would desire the report to have a separate page for the programme level (i.e. ALL projects), enabling a drill down into project levels information and are open to any additional pages which provide insight to Time / Cost and Quality. The programme and project level reports should serve as a summary and do not need to contain all of the information from every table. Instead they might show just summary data. As a starting point, a detailed cost spreadsheet for the Dalkeith project has been supplied. The HomesForAll board expect theDashboard to be aimed primarily at Board/SMT for strategic decision making. The Project Reportsshould be aimed more are PMs / Programme Managers for Project Management & Governance. You will be supplied with a data set Your task: 1. Produce a suitable performance dashboard and business intelligence reports using the dataset provided. This should provide insight for the HomesForAll board and allow them to shape their activities going forward to better serve their clients. CSI11800/CSI11100/CSI11200 Coursework 2 Page 3 of 4 2. Produce a PowerPoint presentation which compares, analyses and evaluates suitable business intelligence and reporting tools for HomesForAll. 6.0 Marking grid and award of marks The marking grid for awarding points for each of the assessment criteria is as follows: BI tools and technologies (LO3) Dashboard (LO4) None 0points BI Suite of Reports (LO4) None 0points None 0points Substantial work required 4points Substantial work required 6points Substantial work required 6points More work required 8points More work required 11points More work required 11points Satisfactory 12points Good 16 points Very good 20points Excellent 24 points Exemplary 28 points Outstanding 30 points Satisfactory 15points Good 19 points Excellent 27points Exemplary 31points Outstanding 35points Satisfactory 15 points Good 19 points Very good 23 Points Very good 23 points Excellent 27 points Exemplary 31 points Outstanding 35points 5.1 Marking Scheme The award of points in this grid is based on the following general guide: None - this criterion has not been met. Substantial work is required - An attempt has been made but there is a significant lack of detail and missing information. The dashboard and report are not fit for purpose and/or the evaluation of BI and reporting is weak. More work is required – Greater details is required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding the specific topic. The content and layout of the dashboard and report require more work. Satisfactory (Pass)– The items produced demonstrate satisfactory skill in the use of the tool and have resulted in an appropriate dashboard and report. Greater understanding of the dataset, the design and implementation could have resulted in a higher grade. Good - There is good evidence of knowledge and understanding of the theory and the appropriate BI tools. Very good - There is strong evidence of knowledge and understanding of the theory and the appropriate BI tools. Excellent - Excellent outputswhich demonstrates knowledge and understanding of relevant area. Excellent evaluation of suitable BI tools. Exemplary - Exemplary knowledge and understanding of the theory and practice of the subject material which is backed up with a high quality Dashboard and Report. The presentation/demoshow a high level of critical and creative thinking and practice. The student demonstrates a significant contribution to their own learning. Outstanding - Outstanding knowledge and understanding of the theory and practice of the subject material which is backed up with a high quality Dashboard and Report. The presentation/demoshow a high level of critical and creative thinking and practice. The student demonstrates ahigh level of initiative and analytical and innovative thinking. CSI11800/CSI11100/CSI11200 Coursework 2 Page 4 of 4