1 2 3 4 5 6 7 lower upper rest legs push pull rest paused squats 3x6 paused bench 3x8 x hamstring curl 3x(10-12) paused bench 3x6 pullups 3x(6-8) x leg press 3x(8-10) pullups 3x(6-8) x paused squats 3x6 incline dumbbell 3x(8-10) seated row 3x8 x hamstring curl 3x(10-12) tricep pushdowns 3x(10-12) x split squats 3x(8-10) lateral raises 3x(10-15) single arm row 3x10 x leg extension 2 x failure bicep curls 3x(10-12) x leg extension 2 x failure tricep pushdowns 3x(10-12)bicep curl 3x10-12 Squat Max: Bench Max: 185 135 ^CHANGE this to ur squat max ^CHANGE this to ur bench max Squat Working Weight (3x6) Bench Working Weight (3x6) 138.75 101.25 ^this will automatically change based on max ^this will automatically change based on max notes: dm me on insta for any questions! :) Touch your chest on bench. insta: @risavroy_ Go all the way down on squats and pullups. ^ also linked on my tiktok Train super close to failure on all exercises! The weight measurements work in pounds AND kilos! x