Uploaded by Aaron Byers

Movie/Book Comparison Worksheet

OMAM – Movie/Book Comparison
Period:____ Date:_____________
Directions: Complete the following activities completely. Give specific supporting details to support your
1. COMPARE: List three things that you think the movie portrayed accurately (in other words, list three scenes
in the movie that you think were very close to what you read in the book.)
b. ________________________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________________________
2 CONTRAST: List three things that you think were different in the movie than in the book.
b. ________________________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Choose one of the things that you listed above, and describe it in detail for someone who may not have seen
the movie or may be unfamiliar with the book.
4. In your opinion, why do you think the director of the movie decided to portray the scene that you described in
Question #3 in the way that he did? What kinds of decisions did he have to make in order for that scene to
express what he wanted to express to the audience–an audience that may or may not have read the book?
5. What was your favorite part of the movie and why? _____________________________________________
6. What was your least favorite part of the movie? Why?____________________________________________
7. If you could change one thing about the movie, what would it be and why? ___________________________