ONE AFRICA ONE ROAD MAP RAP-AAPA ALL AFRICAN PEOPLE’S ALLIANCE Registered in Florida USA Attention We are pleased to accept your services as a volunteer for All Africa People’s Alliance (AAPA). We are delighted to offer you the position of……………………………. This is a volunteering position; no wages of salary will be paid for these your services. Your working hours will be as defined your job and as needed by the AAPA and according to the time availability you offered to serve. This position is temporary unless confirmed as permanent and approved by the management or the AAPA board. The position is subject to performance and commitment and can be transferred or terminated when the management is not satisfied for any reason. We would like you to start work as soon as this letter is signed and returned. Your services with the All-Africa People’s Alliance is at-will and either party can terminate the relationship at any time without consequences to either party. Please sign the enclosed copy of this letter and return it to me to indicate your acceptance of this offer. We are confident you will be able to make a significant contribution to the success of our goals as All Africa people’s alliance and look forward to working together to build a new Africa together. VOLUNTEER Name………………………………………. Date……………………. Signature…………………………………………... Name ……………………………… ORGANIZATION Signature …………………………… Date…………………….