Sandy Booker March 1, 2022 CLASS RULES 1. Listening ears and listening bodies 2. Raised hands 3. Quiet mouths 4. Walking feet 5. Helping hands 6. Caring hearts 7. Do your BEST RATIONALE 1. When we turn our listening ears and bodies on, we can hear what someone else is saying. 2. When we raise our hands, we are being respectful to those around us. 3. When we close our mouths, we are giving someone else the chance to speak. 4. When we have walking feet, we are being careful. 5. When we have helping hands, we are being kind to others. 6. When we have caring hearts, we are being respectful and kind to others. 7. When we do our best, we are setting ourselves up for success! CONSEQUENCES 1. Verbal Warning 2. Move seats 3. Loose a DOJO point 4. Loose a BUCK 5. Parent Contact 6. Office Referral REWARDS 1. DOJO point 2. BUCK 3. Name on the board for lunch Friday!