ENGL 1213 Dr. Lane Fall 2018 Essay 2: Analysis of Argument (2 parts) This assignment is divided into 2 parts. These parts have separate due dates. Please make note of both due dates to avoid confusion. Part I: In a 400-500 word formal essay, analyze an editorial (of your choosing), discussing the following: o What approach does the editorial take—Toulmin, Rogerian, something else? o How does the editorial present and address opposing viewpoints? o In what ways does the editorial use ethos? How does it build credibility? o In its appeal to pathos, does the editorial connect with needs and values? o What is the editorial’s main claim? Is it a claim of truth, value, or policy? o What arguments does the editorial offer to support that claim? Is the reasoning logical? Are the warrants behind the reasoning sound? o What types of evidence does the writer provide to support his or her reasoning? o How would you characterize the overall success or failure of this argument? A works cited page must be provided including (at a bare minimum) the editorial and your text book for primary and secondary sources. Final draft of part I due on BB by midnight on Friday, October 5, 2018. MLA format only. Process: 1. Find an editorial on a topic that interests you. Read it and start taking notes about the argument being laid out. Answer as many of the questions above that you can. 2. Meet in the library to work on your paper on Thursday, October 4th. (Bring your laptop if you have one available.) 3. WRITE. WRITE. WRITE. 4. Run essay through Grammarly.com to check grammar before submission. Here’s the link: https://www.grammarly.com/grammar-check. 5. Additionally, you may run it through “The Writer’s Diet” for additional feedback. Here’s that link: http://writersdiet.com/test.php. 6. Revise as needed and submit final draft to BB by midnight on Friday, October 5th. Point Breakdown for Part I: 50 points for final draft, including works cited page. NEXT: Start brainstorming for Part II and pulling research. Part II: In a 500-750 word formal essay, answer one of the following prompts: “Like Gladwell, consider policies, practices, or behaviors with which you disagree. Conversely, look at an issue that you support but is critiqued by others. Write your own commentary as a reply to a position on that policy, practice, or behavior” (Van Rys & et al 312). “Fossil-fuel divestment is just one issue on which people are susceptible to thinking fallaciously. With what other contentious, difficult issues would people make logical errors? Choose such a topic, research what other people think about it, and write an expose of the common fallacies people make” (Van Rys & et al 329). Utilize 3 research sources from library databases for this essay. You should cite (either through paraphrase, summary, or direct quotation) each of your three research sources. Provide a works cited page. MLA format only. Process: 1. For Tuesday, October 9th, students should have a topic selected and have begun researching. Practicing summary, paraphrase, and direct quotation in class. Students will be encouraged to use their own research for assignments. 2. Thursday, October 11th, class will meet in the library so students may work on their drafts. Instructor will be available for questions. 3. Rough draft due on BB by midnight on Friday, October 12th. Rough draft must contain works cited page and be at least 75% completed for full credit. 4. Paper copy of draft due for class meeting on Tuesday, October 16th. Drafts will be returned to students before the end of class to complete the almighty asterisk assignment. (3 bonus points for any drafts submitted by 4 p.m. on Monday, October 15th.) 5. NOTE: October 16th students will be assisting with a norming exercise—for completion—during our class meeting worth 50 points. This assignment cannot be made up. 6. Final drafts are due on BB by midnight on Monday, Sept. 22nd. In preparation for Tuesday’s class meeting (10/23), please read Chapter 18 in the textbook. Point Breakdown for Part II Per our course syllabus, each formal writing assignment is worth 125 points. As this assignment is broken into 2 parts, here’s the point breakdown for part II: 15 pts. possible for rough draft w/works cited page 10 pts. for revised draft—due Tuesday, Oct. 16th. 50 pts. possible for final draft of essay with w/works cited page.