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Hotel Bell Desk & Guest Service Procedures Manual

Step 1: When a guest arrives, the doorman buzzes the Bell captain’s desk for a bell boy.
Seep 2: The Bell Captain will initiate the Arrival Errand Card by giving the bell boy (who is
attending to the guest) an identity number.
Step 3: The Bell Boy wishes the guest/s and unloads the baggage from the transport. He brings
the baggage via the baggage entrance beside the main door He places the baggage at the bell
desk and awaits instructions from the receptionist to move the baggage to the guest room.
Hotels may have tags to identify baggage.
Step 4: The Bell Boy will inform the receptionist or Lobby Manager in case a guest has scanty
baggage. Hotels have a separate policy for guests with scanty baggage.
Step 5: The receptionist will confirm to the bell boy that the guest has been registered into the
hotel by signing the arrival errand card and gives the name and room number of the guest. The
receptionist will also hand the allotted room key to the Bell Boy.
Step 6: The Bell Boy will bring to the attention to the guest any pre-damage to the baggage to
absolve the hotel responsibility for it.
Step 7: Lead the guest to his/her room with the baggage. Some hotels will have separate
baggage elevators in which case the guest is given the direction to the room and the Bell Boy
follows in the baggage elevator.
Step 8: The Bell Boy will open the door and let the guest enter the room first. He follows and
places the baggage on the luggage rack provided in each room. He leaves the room key on the
dresser or allotted place at the entrance in modern hotels.
Step 9: The Bell Boy explains the following features in the room:
The console from where room lights are operated
The television controls and how to operate it
Internal locking system
Mini-bar operation
Telephone controls include messaging facility
Internet connection points
Display of fire-exit rules
Safety locker (if provided in the room) and how to operate it
Air-conditioning/heating thermostat and how to operate it
Step 10: Wish the guest a pleasant stay and leave. Though it is an international practice to give
tips, Bell Boys should not solicit it.
Step11: Return to the bell desk and complete the baggage information on the arrival card and
surrender it to the bell captain.
Step 1: Receiving and Registration
Receive the guest in front of the house
Receive the guests at the reception
Register the guest - Complete the registration card or register the guest
Step 2: Allocation of the room
Allocation of the room means assigning a vacant and ready (VR) room to the guest for
staying (if this was not done already).
For repeat guest assign room as per the preference.
In order to allocate a guest room, accurate room status information is required. For this
purpose, a room status board or room rack is kept in the reception.
When the room has been allocated, the reception should; Block or code the room as
Prepare key card of related room number by entering the arrival and departure date, rate
and offer it to the guest for signature.
Give the room key to either the guest or the bellboy.
Record guest arrival on daily arrival list.
Step 3: Secure Advance Payment
Advance payment should be done for security purpose. It is usually done by accepting
a cash deposit or taking a credit card.
While handling advance deposit, whether cash/ cheque, always:
Issue a receipt for cash/ cheque and record the payment in the guests ‘ledger.
Accept credit card and evaluate for its credit limit and availability.
Get the imprint of the card and obtain a guest signature.
Get a pre-authorization (pre-auth) from the Credit Card company or EDC machine for
the required amount and record the same to the reservation.
Step 4: Information Service
Acknowledge the guest about the hotel's activities, facilities, and service with direction
and location.
Enquire if the guest requires a wake-up call. If so, record it correctly.
Step 5: Complete the check-in formalities
The bellboy should escort the guest up to the allocated room.
Inform other departments and sections about the guest arrival by arrival notification
Step 6: Open the guest folio
Open guest bill/ folio/folder and clear any old bill copies.
Record the key information for billing purpose (room rate, number of nights, departure
date and mode of payment).
File the bill in the guests' folio box together with the completed registration card.
Step 1: The bell boy informs bell captain and receptionist about guest with scanty baggage.
Step 2: Receptionist will also stamp scanty Baggage in Registration form.
Step 3: The receptionist gets lobby manager to see registration card. Lobby manager will ask
for entire room charges in advance or deposit that covers at least one night charge.
Step 4: The bell captain fills scanty baggage register and gets it signed by lobby manager.
Step 5: Housekeeping and Security are informed guest room number and keep watch.
Step 1: Guest requests checkout.
Step 2: Desk clerk inquiries about quality of products and services.
Step 3: Guest returns key to desk clerk.
Step 4: Desk clerk retrieves hard copy of electronic folio.
Step 5: Desk clerk reviews folio for completeness.
Step 6: Guest reviews charges and payments.
Step 7: Guest determines method of payment.
Step 8: Guest makes payment.
Step 9: Desk clerk inquiries about additional reservations.
Step 10: Desk clerk files folio and related documents for the night audit.
Step 11: Desk clerk communicates guest departure to housekeeping and other departments in
the hotel if necessary.
Step 1: Uploading and loading the luggage
Step 2: Handling guest luggage on arrival and departure
Step 3: Escorting and directing guest
Step 4: Rooming the guest
Step 5: Arranging transportation
Step 6: Delivering message, mail or parcel to the guest’s room
Step 7: Handling lost and found items
Step 1: Before accepting the luggage, it is checked whether the guest has settled his bill or not.
Step 2: Check the baggage of the guest if it is properly locked or not.
Step 3: In case the baggage is damaged then the guest must be informed and note for the same
must be made in the receipt.
Step 4: Luggage stickers should be pasted on all luggage pieces.
Step 5: A proper receipt must be made, signed by both guest and bell captain and handed over
to the guest.
Step 6: Enter the details in the left luggage register with the expected date the luggage will be
picked up by the guest.
Step 7: Fill in all details regarding the item on the Long Term Luggage or Storage Form.
Step 8: Keep the luggage in the left luggage room under lock and key.
Step 9: When the guest comes to pick up his luggage pieces from the left luggage room then
the following procedure is carried out.
Step 10: The guest is requested to give the receipt.
Step 11: In case the guest has lost the receipts than the guest is requested to sign in the left
luggage register.
Step 12: Check the receipt and bring out his luggage pieces from the left luggage room.
Step 13: Make an entry in the left luggage register entering the date luggage pieces delivered.
Step 14: Stick hotels stickers for publicity.