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AS/400 System Training: Commands, Libraries, and Hardware

CRTOUTQ – will create a new output queue if a user desires to process the job in a new output queue.
Control language command names consist of Verb and Subject abbreviations.
Lesson 1
o AS/400 (Application System) is general purpose computer that utilize technology to
support business and data processing application.
o AS/400 Traditional units:
 9402: compact size, the processor CEC (Central Electronic Complex) and disk
drive are internal as its battery operated clock, communication and external
modem is also provided; Tape as backup, optional 5 ¼ inch Diskette ; internal
UPS can be installed. (Control panel description page 1.5)
 9404: compact in size and lot of HW features, CEC, disk drives and battery clock
are internal, communication and modem provided as well, tape as standard
backup media; with optional 8 or 5 ¼ inch diskette drive: internal UPS can be
installed. (Control panel description page 1.7)
 9406: unit are housed in 9309 Racks, CEC are contain in its own unit with
addition room for I/O adapter and memory cards. The modular design permit
additional rack and HW to be added as needed. (Control panel description page
o AS/400 Traditional units:
 9401 (Advanced Portable P02-P03): small to take on a business trip, designed to
be use for demonstration and presentation and training; used laptop size
computer as console with emulator; can attached to up to 3 device using
Twinaxiel cable; all devices are external but hold up 2 internal disk units(DASD).
Has multifunction I/O processor card to control hard disk and peripherals
 9401 Advanced Entry (floor- stand unit model 150): much more power than the
portable unit, 64bit RISC processor, up to 14 Twinaxial WS can attached to one
Twinaxial controller; support 2 LANs which can connect up to 64 WS, DASD can
be expanded to 16.7 GB, up to memory card up to capacity up to 96 MB, CDROM and 1/4 inch tape drive. (Control panel description page 1.12).
 9402 middle size advance unit: internal disk unit, a multifunctional I/O processor
that support the system processor and all internal and external devise, 8 port
WS controller, optional external UPS, door and key lock on the control panel
from security. (Control panel description page 1.14)
 9406: it has base unit, both storage and unit tower can be expanded. (Control
panel description page 1.6)
o System unit control panel consist of the switches and indicator used by the system
operator to start up the system and monitor it for problems
o The standard Backup Media AS/400 Units are Tape (cartridge or reel)
o All AS/400 has different hardware but using the same Operating System called OS/400.
Support Twinaxial (attached or twisted pair), ASCII, PC, PS/2 directly connected to LAN
through emulation, Apple Macintosh through Local Talk communication and wide range
of standard and intelligent interface printers are supported
AS/400 use Single Level Storage, which permit the system to manage its own memory
and disk, treating them both as single area of storage.
AS/400 is an Object Oriented Architecture system, object called by its name and each
has it type to add level of object integrity and used as intended.
A Library is a special type of object that contain the names and address of other objects,
a library act as a directory to point to other objects and don’t actually contain them.
Libraries are typically used to group objects by category or application.
QSYS System Library is a special system library that contain OS Programs, commands
and other objects and system and user libraries.
All libraries that are created will be automatically located in a QSYS and unlike most
other object, they cannot be relocated to other library, only exception is QSYS, its
unique because it reside on a disk not library.
Object name may not exceed 10 characters and should start with a letter or a character
not a number or a blank.
Object cannot have the same type and name if they reside on the same library,
possible if different names or types, and may have the same names or types if they
reside in a different libraries.
System operator responsibilities may vary depends on the installation, or the operator
duties, but some basic functions that a system operator should be able to do are: save
and restore (for backup), Message and Spooled Files handling, jobs and Devices; when
necessary, shutting and starting up if needed.
Tape are the standard AS/400 Backup Media, diskette (8’’ or 5 ¼’’) are an option as well.
The AS/400 can connect to ASCII workstation, PCs, PS/2s and Apples.
Lesson 2: Control language commands
o AS/400 Control Language is used by system operator to perform functions like
monitoring the system, backup and manipulate objects.
o CL is the single Machine Interface that contains Menus, high-Level Languages, Program
Products and System Utilities between the AS/400 and user, perform tasks such as
creating files, start spooling devices, changing operational priorities and initiating work.
o CL Commands are consist of a Verb and Subject abbreviations, that is used to describe
the action to be performed and the object they use (Common Verbs an Subject Abbrev
on page 2.6).
o A verb followed by [*] list all possible operation.
o Some command contain 2 subjects such as “WRKUSRJOB”.
o If library is deleted [DLTLIB], the system will delete its objects as well.
o To deletes library objects, [CLR] command is used.
o Explicitly describe an object avoid similar objects name in different libraries or ensure
object created in the correct library by specifying the library name then the object name
separated by [/] (syntax: Library/object); i.e. [DLTF FILEA][DLTF ARLIB/FILEA].
o F9 key used to retrieve the last command executed, or prior commands by keep
pressing F9 or pointing the cursor on the required command and pressing F9.
o You can access the full command entry display by pressing F11 for longer commands
o [GO MAIN] command to go to AS/400 main menu
o To access command line Entry Display [call QCMD] command is used.
o The Request Level represent the number of request processing program currently
o Request level may be important in diagnose program related problems.
Lesson 3: CL Command Prompting
o Commands are prompted by writing the command and pressing [F4], and [F10]
additional parameters options (none commonly used commands).
o A highlighted field is means a parameters is required for the command to execute.
o The non-required fields, system in most cases uses a typically used defaults parameters.
o 3 periods […] indicate that some additional permissible values that are does not fit on
the screen and can be displayed by pressing [F4] on the field.
o Keywords are assigned to each parameters in a command line (like ‘Type’, ‘Text’
parameters; i.e. type (*test), text (‘test text’).
o F24 will list F11 option (Keywords) which will display alternative screen with keywords.
o Keyword notation are used to label command parameters and parameters values must
be within parentheses and no space between the keyword and parentheses.
 Because the keyword are used to label each parameters, order is not important,
and if no value specified the default value is used.
o Positional Notation Parameters are not labeled with keywords and must be specified in
the same sequence in which they are presented by the command separated by blanks
and cannot be skipped.
 Positional Notation parameters may be specified with or without parentheses.
Some command limit the number of positional parameters (like [CRTLIB] limit
parameters to 2), in this case use Keywords notation to specify additional parameters
o In Combining Keyword and Positional Notation parameters in Positional Notation must
be specified before the parameters in Keyword Notation, and the syntax for each are
o It’s a good practice to prompt command until you are familiar with it.
o During prompting a command, [F11] used to display the keyword for the library
Lesson 4
o AS/400 provide easy and extensive series of menus which organize by topic and
function, it considers an alternate way of performing function if you are not familiar
with commands to it.
o AS/400 General System Task menu list commonly used functions by system operators.
o Menus provides paths you can search when your unclear about the function to perform
or don’t know the command name.
o [GO] command is a shortcut to get to different AS/400 menus if you already know its
name i.e. GO PRINTER.
o Returning points: each time a menu is called, [F3] can be used to returned to the
previous menu; to judiciously setting a Return Points *YES or *NO is added after the GO
Command (GO PRINTER*YES  GO JOB*NO  GO FOLDER*NO), in this case [F3]
command will return directly to the LIBRARY MENU; [F12] can still be used to return to
previous menu in order.(Keyword RTNPNT or prompting GO commands)
o Command grouping menus categorizes commands by verbs and subjects, mostly it start
with “CMD” and followed by a verb or subject abbreviation (CMDLIB, CMDCRT.
CMDFILE), theses command used to prompt command that is associated with that verb
or subject.
[GO VERB, GO SUBJECT] grouping commands are also used to show related command
that are a verb or a subject.
o Generic menu names [Letter*]: used to list a generic Menu Names that start with
specific letters (i.e. [go S*]), menu can be selected by typing 1 in the option field and
Lesson 5: Working with Libraries and Object
o AS/400 provide set of “Work With” commands which allow the user to perform several
commonly user functions with one commands.
o Generic entry: You can search for or list libraries by typing set of character followed by
‘*’ (i.e. ATS*), and it will select all libraries start with that set of characters.
o Work with Library WRKLIB command shows a list of libraries and allows to do
operations on them.
o The command [WRKLIB] default value is [*LIBL] which all list all libraries defined the
current library list.
When working with libraries, F5 used to refresh the screen, F11 make it easy to work to
lot of libraries by hiding the text (description).
o WRKLIB screen: CPYLIB (option 3) to copy lib entire objects, CHGLIB (option 2) to change
library text or type.
o In WRKOBJ you can access “Service Description” option by prompting the description
o Prompting WRKOBJ in WRKLIB to be more selective on object criteria (only files or
generic entry)
o Other Commands to manipulate objects that are not on WRKOBJ menu are: move
object MOVOBJ and create duplicate object CRTDUPOBJ
o Create duplicate object [CRTDUPOBJ] (Copy Object with WRKOBJ and Duplicate
command have the same function but some options are locked in Copy option in
WRKOBJ Display; so you get more flexibility with duplicate.
o CRTDUPOBJ: Parameter ‘TO Library’ option ‘FROMLIB’, will result the duplicate to
happen in the same library and parameter ‘New Object’ option ‘*OBJ” will keep the
original object name.
o To Display OUTQ object, use command [WRKOUTQ]
Lesson 6: Library List
o AS/400 provide a structure that cause your commands to search a specific group of
library for the objet you wish to use, it called a Library List
o A library list is list of libraries that a system will search one at time to locate the object.
o A library list is libraries that system searches to locate an object anytime they are not
explicitly described.
o The 4 section of a Library List are: System Library List (QSYS is the first to be searched),
Product Library List, Current Library and user library List.
 System Library List: standard list of system supplied libraries that contain
commands and other objects that required to perform basic AS/400 functions,
will always proceed all other libraries in search.
 Product Library List: is a temporary library, whenever a system product is used
the library that contain the object for that product is automatically inserted in
the Product portion of the library List, as soon the job exit the system product,
that product library is then removed from that list.
 Current Library: treated as the default library for many of AS/400 commands.
 User Library List: most commonly manipulated by the user to ensure to locate
the proper object.
o The Default library List used by a job is determined by values that is predefined in the
system Values; system portion of the library is used by all the system jobs.
o The initial System and User portion (QGPL, QTEMP) of the library list is defined using a
special system storage area call System Value.
o System Values are used to display and defined the AS/400 system configurations.
o Change system library list CHGSYSLIBL command used to change system lib of the
current job, but usually it’s not delegated to the System Operator.
o System Library list: is defined within system value, and unlike the rest, the same system
library list will be used by all job on the system; and change library command
[CHGSYSLIBL] is used to add or remove a library from system library list of the current
o Product Library List: contain the objects for program products; does not have a
command to manipulate it but the product library is dynamically added to the Product
Library List when a command is executed or use the product; product library is removed
o Current Library: Change current library CHGCURLIB command changes the Current
library or remove it from the library list; Change the library list CHGLIBL command
changes the current Library and the user portion of the library list.
o CHGCURLIB screen: permissible value CRTDFT removes the library from the list.
o If no current library is specified for a library list, and an object is created in the current
library, System Library [QGPL] is used as the default Current Library.
o CHGLIBL screen: the values on parameter “Libraries for current thread” supplied from
the user portion of your current Library List
o Commands that change the User portion of the Library List: CHGLIBL, ADDLIBLE,
RMVLIBLE, EDTLIBL (permit you to change the whole User Lib list, and allow to modify
the list not retyping it).
o Display object description DSPOBJD command used to display the system information
that is documented for the AS/400 objects.
o The only time a library can be specified more than once in the library list is if it’s the
current lib, it’s also appears in the User library
Lesson 7: Tape
o Initializing [INZTAP] a tape dose don’t typically remove all the information from the
tape, instead a notation is made that’s make all the data invisible to system (??? maybe
the clear parameter is meant here), permitting it to be over written.
o Initializing [INZTAP] a tape typically do not erase it, but make the data invisible to the
system, if data “Clear” option is checked (for security concerns) it may take to time to
o INZTAP screen: Parameters “New Volume” and “New Owner” Identifier are used specify
identifiers for the tape, these values are to ensure the proper volume is loaded.
o INZTAP screen: parameter “Volume identifier” Specifies the existing volume identifier of
the tape being initialized for use.
o INZTAP screen: Parameters “Volume Identifier” parameter is used to inter the volume
identifier that should be verified from the tape prior to attempting to initialize it;
‘*MOUNTED’ will accept any identifier.
o INZTAP screen: Parameters “check for active files” is form of a safety check, each file
written on tape is given an expiration date will permit the file to be overwritten, if
selected the system will ensure all the files on the tape are expired before initialize it.
o INZTAP screen: Parameters “Tape Density” each tape have density value, ‘*DEVTYPE’
will the assign comparable to your device (works on most cases).
o Magnetic Media should not be removed while the drive in use indicator is on
o DSPTAP Prompt: “File Label parameter” used to select a specific file to be displayed;
“Sequence number” used to select a file according to its position on the tape (???files
order on the tape).
In DSPTAP Prompt, “Data type” to specify the type of information on the tape, ‘*labels*
in this case; ‘*SAVRST’ used in case Save and Restore operation used.
o Copy to tape CPYTOTAP prompt: ‘’From file” file to be copied, “Tape file” refer to a tape
device file which used to contain standard description about how information will
copied to this file (copied records), QTAPE is the default “Tape File” name and sufficient
for most cases in CPYTOTAP prompt menu.
o CPYTOTAP prompt: “File sequence number” the sequence where this file will be placed
on tape.
o CPYTOTAP prompt additional parameters: the volume identifier can be set from the
additional parameters.
o Copy from tape CPYFRMTAP prompt: parameter “Tape Label” is the name given to the
file on the tape; “Replace or add records” this determine if the record copied from the
tape should replace or be added to the exiting records database file.
o CPYFRMTAP prompt additional parameters: the volume identifier can be set from the
additional parameters.
o CPYFRMTAP prompt additional parameters: “”Number of records to copy” the default
value will copy all the value in the file, this command can limit the copy to a specific
number of records.
Lesson 8: Diskette
o Initializing a diskette will erase all of the existing data on the diskette.
o QDKT is the default Diskette file name.
o DLTDKTLBL command used to delete a file on a diskette.
Lesson 9: Save/Restore
o Save\restore select object for backup through the AS/400 library and object structure
o Save and Restore process on AS/400 gives flexibility on what media to use, type of files
and other options to save and restores.
o Save command used to save or backup objects form AS/400 storage to on a “tape”
“diskette” or “save file”
o Restore command are used to take object backup form the media and return them to
the system, does not require to restore all the object backed from the media, you can
select by the provided parameters.
o Save operations are also flexible on selecting the information to backup, special save
options are possible like Saving Sys libraries and objects (including device configuration,
security and user profiles), Saving all non sys libraries and OBJs, saving office folders and
documents and Saving only those objects changed since last backup.
SAVLIB (save Library) (up to 50 Specific Lib): save lib and their objects, *NONSYS value will only backup nonSystem Libraries.
SAVDLO (save document library object): save fodders and documents used by OfficeVision/400. Object are only
stored only in library QDOC
SAVSAVFDTA (save save file data): save the contents of a save file to external media
SAVSTG (save storage): save everything on system in one operation, individual objects can’t be restored,
intended for disaster recovery backup.
SAVCFG (save configuration): save device configuration objects and system resources management object
without requiring dedicated system.
SAVOBJ (Save objects): save objects form one or more libraries.
SAVSYS (save system): save all system libraries and objects, including user profiles system security, device
configuration and OS objects.
SAVCHGOBJ (save changed objects): save only objects which have been changed since the last backup.
SAVSECDTA (save security data)
o SAVLIB Prompt: when specify a device as backup media, by pressing Enter additional
parameters will shows according to that media type.
o SAVLIB Prompt addition Parameters: “Target release” Parameter allow you to save data
to use ether with current or prior release of OS/400; “Update history” parameter for
recording date and time from when objects is backed up, it’s a recommended practice;
“Object Pre-check” will check the object for damage or whether it’s being used by
another job and if you have the appropriate authority for the operation; “Save active,
save active time and save Active message queue)” used when backing up object that’s
already in use; “Save access paths” is used when have database files, its permit you to
save the access path along with the file (file will be used faster when restored, but
backup will take longer); “Save file data” pertain only for a special object called Save File
o When DSPTAP data that is backed up by the SAVE commands (save command record
information on media in different format than the Copy command), specify ‘Data Type’
parameter to [*SAVRST]. By pressing Enter Key copied data will get displayed screen by
o Save Object SAVOBJ addition parameter: “File member” used to cause specific file
member to be backed up for database file selected.
RSTLIB: Restore a lib form a save file or external media, Libs saved with [NONSYS] option when backing
up, will only restore that libs.
RSTOBJ: restore one or more objects from a single lib with selection option.
RSTDLO: restore docs and folders to Lib QDCO
RSTAUT: restore object authority to user profiles, restores from [SAVSYS] backup.
RSTCFG: restore one or more device configuration objects, from [SAVSYS]
RSTUSRPRF: restore one or more user profiles, from [SAVSYS}
o Before deleting a lib, make sure it’s not on the library List [DSPLIBL] (cannot be deleted
o Restore library RSTLIB Addition Parameter “Option and Data base member option” are
used to determine which object to be restored to the system based on object that
already exist; import in case the library being restored are already exist on the system.
o Restore library RSTLIB Addition Parameter “Allow object differences” IF the object
already on the system and *NONE is selected, will prevent an object from restore if it
has different ownership or creation date from the one being restored.
o RSTLIB prompt screen: parameter “Restore to library” Value ‘*SAVLIB’ indicate to
restore to the same Lib it was saved from.
o Libraries can be also saved on a disk aside from Tape or Diskette, and its backed up to a
special type of file called a [SAVE FILE], can save time or work schedule (a save on a
SAVE FILE is faster than when its performed on a Tape or a Diskette); it should get
backed up on external media in case of a disaster [using SAVSAVFDAT], once it saved on
external media, objects can be restored directly to disk from media.
If a Diskette is used to save an objects instead of tape, diskette should be formatted as
*SAVRST during initializing (bigger sectors size in this format).
Backed Up With:
Can Be Restored With:
Lesson 10: System Start-UP and Shut Down
o The process of bringing the system up called Initial Program Load (IPL).
o During the IPL process the AS/400 perform several processes which include:
 Hardware Checking
 Load OS/400
 Synchronize System Objects
 Start-UP Procedures
o The 2 types of IPL on AS/400 are Attended, Unattended and Manual:
 Attended IPL: Provides screens to permit you to change system option as part of
the IPL process.
 Unattended IPL: Accepts Current system option; just brings the system up.
 The IPL process may differ from model to model but basically it the same
o If Both IPLs assumed the system is powered off and performed from the system control
o If assumed that both IPL performed on Powered off system and from system control
 In an unattended IPL process:
 Make sure the power is supplied to the system by checking the
Emergency Power Switch.
 The key Switch is turned to Normal.
 To start the IPL process turn the Power Switch Upward, this
automatically start the process.
 In the advanced units a magnetic key should be inserted to enable
control panel operation, and Mode push button pressed until Normal
Mode is selected.
 In other advanced unit, it has panel door lock to the access to control
panel, and to select the normal IPL mode, use the Select button to
choose and press Enter button.
 The visible process of an unattended IPL are: Powered Off  Set IPL to
Normal Sign on Screen to all Workstations System is ready.
An Attended IPL is almost initiated the same way as Unattended IPL, the
different is the key Switch is set to Manual.
 Attended IPL require Operator attention, the AS/400 will display several
screen which permit the operator to perform functions prior to start the
system such as installing the OS, applying Program Temporary Fix (PTF),
setting system options or changing other configurations and system
object; to prevent user from interfere with this process, a Sign-on
screen only provided to console early in this process.
 Attended IPL: Powered Off  Set IPL Mode to Manual Power on
System IPL/Install the system  List IPL steps  Sign on Screen from
only console (Optional: PTFs) IPL Options(Optional: Set Major System
Options; Define or Change the System at IPL)  Respond to system
Operator Messages  Sign on Screen to all work stations  System is
When Power on button is to pressed to initiated to start the IPL, system reference code
are displayed (on the function and data display) to report the steps and status of the
AS/400 as its perform its IPL process; if any error occurred during the process, the
System Intention indicator will lit and system reference code displayed will specified the
type of error encountered (error code are documented on the AS/400 Guide).
IPL or install system Menu option “Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST) used to configure
system disk devices that require a dedicated system.
IPL or install system Menu typical option to select is “Perform an IPL”, then an IPL screen
(IPL Step In progress) will appear to inform you of the IPL process that being performed;
and sign-on screen will get displayed.
Messages reporting status or errors detected during IPL are sent to the system Operator
message queue.
After signing in with system operator credential, if any PTF have been added to the
system but not permanently applied, you will receive a list of licensed program products
which PTFs can be applied permanently, temporarily or removed; option ‘1’ is selected
to work with PTFs or F21 to select them all.
IPL Options Menu used to control the startup process that will be performed, “Major
system configuration” and “Define or change system at IPL” can be selected from this
Major system configuration menu: enabling or disabling automatic devices
configuration can be set.
Define or change system at IPL menu:
 Configuration commands: prompt the commands required for the AS/400
configuration object such as communications line, control unit and device
description (Config workstation, printer devices, config objects for APPN
 Change user profile: prompt to change user profile commands to change the
description and options for AS/400 user prior to start the system.
 System value commands: prompt command that display, change or work with
system values, system Values are used to store special values that determine
the system configuration(reset the system date and time, change the sys default
environment, change the default library list)
 Network attribute commands: prompted commands to display to change the
attribute defined to the sys as it used with a communication network (change
current system name, view or change APPN description).
 General object commands: prompt general object commands used to locate and
manage object authority or file attribute.
Edit Rebuild of Access Paths Menu: out of this course scope.
Following theses screens the AS/400 will start bring up the system, as it attempt to
locate and communicate with its devices, messages will be sent to the operator message
queue that are automatically displayed on the consoles and they stops the IPL process
until it get response, mostly by pushing Enter then initial screen for the system will
The last thing to do is to turn on the Key (or magnetic keys on the advance units after
changing the mode to Secure) to the “Secure” Position to lock the keys and buttons on
the control panel from IPLing the system and prevent accidents (anytime you’re not
actively working with the control panel)
Manual IPL can be also be performed assuming the unit is switched on (details on Book
2 page 10.31-32).
The AS/400 can be automatically IPL in the event of power failure by date, time or from
a remote site.
Performing an Automatic IPL ON BOOK 2 Page 10.33>>>>to be reviewed.
In shutting down the AS/400, the operator should ensure there is no job running on the
system, including all workstation users.
The first thing to do is using command send break message [SNDBRKMSG] to send a
message to all workstation that will immediately be displayed on each WS displays.
To verify that there no active jobs, Work with Active Jobs [WRKACTJOB] command is
used to list all subsystem and active jobs on the system; these different type of jobs and
not all of them needed to ceased.
When ready to turn off the system, option can be selected from the general System Task
(More system task options) [PWRDWNSYS]; in “How to end” parameter option
‘*IMMED’ all job will canceled and subsystems terminate immediately, and ‘*CNTRLD’
will power the sys down in controlled manner, it will prevent any new jobs and wait for
current job to end prior to shutting down, parameter “Delay time if *CNTRLD” timer to
force canceling the jobs.
Parameter “Restart after power down” used for maintenance IPLs, YES will cause the
system automatically to IPL itself as soon as it has completed shut down.
In case any situation that the system cannot execute the shutdown command, you can
force the system to shut down using the power switch on the panel downward to the
Delayed OFF Position (may take time), Emergency switch may also shut down the
system but should only use when absolutely necessary to shut the system immediately.
In advanced models a delayed power off can be done by pressing the power push
button while the system in Manual Mode, this will display Zero and question Mark on
the display and pressing the push button down again the system will start to shut in
controlled way, to force quick shutting from select display (08) and enter it, this will
display sys reference code “A1008008” then power button pressed 2 times
PWRDWNSYS (Power down system command)
Force Power Down (power Switches)
Requires system resources to initiate the process
Interrupts the system initiate the process
Allows no new tasks to become active
Allows no new tasks to become active
May allow additional time for active tasks to
Will force immediate termination of all
complete execution
task and subsystems, suspending all accessed
Will terminate all tasks and subsystems in a
Will terminate OS/400 processing
controlled manner allowing the files and work areas to be
closed normally
Will terminate OS/400 in controlled fashion
Will force down all I/O devices in a
controlled manner
Will power down all I/O devices in a controlled
May cause objects to become damaged or
pointers to be lost
Lesson 10: Work Management
o Subsystem is an independent environment defined in the AS/400, these environment
are where all the system work is performed, each subsystem use its resource to process
the work is assign to it independent from other subsystems.
o AS/400 System Supplied Subsystems (shipped with)
 QBASE: General purpose subsystem. Supports all interactive, batch and
communication jobs. Act as the controlling subsystem so it’s automatically start
at IPL, used to process majority of work performed by the system, will
automatically start QSPL.
 QSPL: Spooling subsystem. Supports spooling jobs. Spooling jobs are used to
move a stream of information between the system and a device (i.e. Print
Writer which move data stream from the system to printer to produce as
o All other type of work performed within the QBASE subsystem
o AS/400 provide an alternative set of subsystem which can be used in place of the
default configuration, each define specific environment for each the main type of work
performed by the system.
o Alternate Subsystem Descriptions:
Controlling subsystem. Will start all of the following subsystems
Interactive subsystem. Supports interactive jobs
Batch subsystem. Support batch jobs
Communication subsystem. Support
Spooling subsystem. Supports spooling jobs.
QSYSWRK System subsystem. Will start system jobs
o The default subsystem configuration provided for simplicity, less management of system
resources is required since all work performed handled by 2 subsystems.
o The multiple subsystem configuration makes it more easer to allocate system resource
by type of work.
o Configuration determined by your installation requirements.
Each piece of work performed within subsystem is call a Job, with every job there is 2
type of information required to define the processing to perform.
 Job Attributes: descript the environment used to perform the work (i.e. Job
name, library list and Output Queue)
 Job Execution Statement: the command that executed to perform the
processing, while its limited to a single statement, the command can be used to
execute a program that will execute multiple programs or operations.
Most AS/400 Jobs are either Interactive or Batch types Job:
 Interactive Job (also called workstation jobs): requires continual communication
with user, user provide the information or response required form his
workstation (i.e Order entry where a data entry operator use his workstation to
type order information)
 Batch Job: once initiated does not require any communication with user to
perform its processing (i.e. program that input information from a file already
on the system and uses it to produce a report), typically initiated for a
workstation and performed on the system background; command used to
initiate a Batch job is SBMJOB.
Job Description: A job attributes and execution statement are stored in an object call a
Job Description, useful when the same set of attributes are required for repeated or
commonly used tasks.
Job description can be used to ensure that jobs are executed with a proper environment
or to coordinate your operation (i.e a Job description can be used to provide a special
library list for a group of users or to cause all printed output for a department to be sent
to specific printer).
The attribute in JOBD can be also used as a base for a similar jobs, and the contradicting
attributes can specified in the SUBJOB command attribute to override them to replace
the values in the JOBD.
When a batch job is submitted, it’s first placed in an object call Job Queue not directly to
subsystem for execution.
A job queue is holding area where jobs are accumulated until the subsystem are ready
to execute them, when resource are available, the system automatically take the next
available job from JOBQ to the subsystem for execution.
When a JOBD is specified in the command submitting a job, the attribute are copied to
the job by the time it’s placed in the job queue, so any changes to the JOBD object after,
will have no effect on the job attributes.
Job execution statement is provided by RQSDTA parameter; “Job name” by JOB; “out
queue” by OUTQ and “initial libraries” by INLLIBL
SBMJOB prompt: “Command to run” is another method to specify the execution
statement for the job (other than RQSDTA); “Job description parameter” a JOBD who is
attributes are adopted for this job; additional parameters can be used to specify
parameters like initial library
SBMJOB prompt: typing “Call” on the “command to run” and prompting will produce a
screen; CALL command is used to execute a program.
Work with all job queue [WRKJOBQ] command: “Hold (HLD)” and “release (RLS)” option
are used to prevent a JOBQ Jobs form being sent to its associate subsystem for
execution, releasing it allowing it to be sent.
o Only JOBQ with no waiting jobs in it can be deleted
o Change job (option 2 on work with job queue WRKJOBQ screen) command CHGJOB
used to change jobs attributes.
o CHGJOB prompt additional Parameters: Job queue can be changed to another JOBQ;
other way to change attribute is from WRKJOBQ screen is by typing the command
directly after selectin the required option i.e. JOBQ(QGPL/QBATCH)
o Work with job WRKJOB most options are applicable if the job are active (being
o Work with Users Jobs WRKUSRJOB list all the jobs that initiated with the User ID no
matter the Job status is.
o Work with Users Jobs WRKUSRJOB prompt: Working with spooled files options show
files that are spooled by a job, typically done ether to check on its progress or to
attempt to locate it if not sure where files is being sent.
o Some of the work with Jobs options are:
DSP job status attributes
Information about the execution of the job such as start and end
date, subsystem and the type of job.
DSP job definition attributes
DSP job run attributes
Information such the run priority, and maximum CPU time and
temporary storage.
Work with job spooled files
List of printed output produced by the job.
DSP the job log
Job logs are created for each job executed on the system, its records
the command executed by each job, sys messages and responses.
DSP call stack
AS/400 use it execute and control the tasks it performs.
Work with job locks
Displays the objects that are locked by this job, job locks an object to
ensure its availability for it use during its processing, but do not have
to exclude other jobs form using it.
DSP library list
Job current library list
DSP open files
Files that are opened and currently in use of this job.
DSP all file overrides
Permit program to use the same file in several different ways.
DSP commitment control status
Facility used by programmers to help ensure the integrity of data on
the system.
DSP communications status
List the status information for the communication connection that
your job has with another program.
DSP Activation group
Collection of attribute for a program such as storage for program
variables, commitment control definition and open files that can be
Work with job Mutexes (mutual
A method of ensuring that shared variable and other type of data
are not accessed more than once process at a time.
o When Ending an active job, consider what the job is doing at time and if may affect
o Interactive Jobs: in system perspective it just look like a batch job; both have job
attribute, job execution statement and it executed within a subsystem.
Interactive job are initiated when the user sign in to a work station and ended
when signed off.
 The processing performed by the interactive job commands and programs
executed by the user (i.e the command and menu options we selected
previously has been a processing we were using to perform this lesson exercise).
 The attributes for an interactive job are obtained from an object called a “User
Profile” that contain a list of values used to control interactive job, the user
profile is referenced by the system using the user ID and Password during sign
on, among the values in the user profile is a JOBD who’s attribute will adopted
for the interactive job; the execution statement of the job sometimes defined in
another user profile value called the “Initial Program”, this program maybe use
to produce the screen or menu that user will use to perform their task.
o Interactive jobs name adopt the WS device name were it was initiated
o The job name adopted by the interactive job is taken from the WS device name were it
was initiated.
o You can locate (from where it initiated) and work with an interactive job from
WRKUSRJOB with option “Work with” (or in command line “WRKJOB”, it will default to
the current active job from which is executed).
o Some interactive job attribute can be changed with command CHGJOB.
o CHGJOB prompt: “Job name” parameter used to specify the job to be change, the
default value “Asterisk” will change the attribute of the job executing the command (the
current interactive job).
o Work with all active job WRKACTJOB Statistics used to monitor the job activity on the
Lesson 12: Working with Printer Output
o AS/400 jobs share the printer devices that used to produce reports, documents and
other printer materials, the facility used is called Spooling.
o Data output to a printer is placed in an object called a Spool File, which contain the data
to be printed and control information such as the form type, and number of copies.
o Spool file placed within another OBJ called Output Queue, which accumulate spooled
files and sequence them for printing (typically FIFO).
o Actual printer output created with system supplied program called a Spool Writer (also
called a Printer Writer), it execute its job with subsystem called QSPL.
o WRKOUTQ Prompt: Description option used to display the description of the OUTQ,
information include the status of Spool Writers working with OUTQ, specify which user
will be able to view and use the spool file within the OUTQ and the order which spool
file will be sequenced.
o CHGOUTQ prompt additional option: “Display any file” parameter will ether permit
users or not to DSP files within the OUTQ.
o Holding an OUTQ will prevent a spool writers from moving any of the spooled file from
the OUTQ to the printer.
o Change spooled file attributes CHGSPLFA prompt: permit you to change the printing
priority, OUTQ, form type and copies; in additional parameters “Page range to print” to
start printing form a specific page, “save file” to keep a copy from the spooled file in
QOUT and other printing options.
WRKOUTQ Prompt: You can change the spool file by prompting the change option, or
entering the command (i.e. copies(#of copies)); OUTQ can be changed as well by
command (OUTQ(LIB/OUTQ)).
Work with spool file WRKSPLF: to locate unknown spool files location.
WRKSPLF prompt: the default parameter values will list all spool files by user name,
printer device, form type, user data or combination of parameters.
o Change job (CHGJOB) permit the default printer and OUTQ for the spooled output
produced by the interactive job.
o Work with all printers (accessed form general system task menu): inactive printer is
those with status “END” to start a spool writer by prompting option 1 or start printer
writer command (STRPRTWTR).
o Change writer (CHGWTR) command used to change the status of an active printer after
it have been started, the prompt used to change the processing options for the OUTQ,
form type and file separators; for “when to change writer” parameter, ‘*NORDYF’
changes when all ready spooled files are processed, ‘*FILEEND’ changes when the
current copy of the spooled file has been processed.
o Hold writer(HLDWTR) command (option 3 on work with all printer screen ): to stop
spool writer, temporarily stopped by holding them; can be release from the Release
Writer (RLSWTR) command (or option 6); End Writer (ENDWTR) command (or option 4)
to stop the spool writer and return the printer device to status END
o “Work with” (option 5 on work with all printer screen): will permit you to work with
specific printer, the produced screen will encompasses all of the other printer functions.
o All printed output will be sent to the default printer if no other attribute specified to
change this; the default system printer name is specified within system value QPRTDEV.
Lesson 13: Sending and Receiving Messages
o Messages are composed and delivered to other on system through CL command such as
SNDMSG, when delivered its stored in repository like object called Message Queue, can
be displayed on WS screen by DSPMSG command.
o AS/400 create and Message Queue for each user named by User ID on the sys name and
create a workstation Message Queue for each with WS name.
o Aside from sending a message to a user profile, you can send a message to a WS by the
additional parameters “To message queue” in SNDMSG prompt screen.
o Informational messages just provide a text to inform you of a condition or just a
message, other type of message is Inquiry message which require the user to replay on
the messages, replay in input in a field supplied with the MSG; a copy of the replay is
also logged in Replay Message Queue.
o SNDMSG prompt screen: message type can be changed from the additional parameters
“Message type” as well the “Message queue to get replay”.
Break message (SNDBRKMSG): is a type of message that will immediately appear on the
WS screen, can be only sent to WS.
System Operator Message Queue receives the errors and condition messages,
messages can be sent from any device or a job on the system; operator Messages can be
viewed form any workstation.
AS/400 issue messages to inform you of condition occurring on the system and some
require corrective action.
AS/400 “Help” can provide information and details to identify, interpret and locate the
source of the error by positioning the cursor over the error message and pressing “Help”
AS/400 Message ID syntax consist of 7 alphanumeric characters, 3 character and 4 digit
(CPF3012); alphabetic character represent the message condition type and digit
represent the specific condition.
Character field represent the message condition type:
 CPF: control program facility
 RPG: execution time.
 MCH: AS400 instruction interface.
Numeric fields represent specific condition.
Some errors condition is reported with an inquiry type message that require an action
from system Operator.
Messages have different level of severity, the higher the more severe; lvl 30 to 100
considered severe, lvl 10 -20 a warning messages, lvl 00 an informational messages.
Message severity can be used as a filter to cause job to accept a default replay message
that they produced under certain severity lvl (example page 13.29).
A job log is a system generated report that document the command used and the
messages that occurred within the execution of the job, logs are useful in tracing and
reproduce the errors.
Lesson 14: Local Device Configuration
o There is a limit of devices that can be connected directly to different models of AS/400;
some device are connected directly while other connect to a controller unit.
o The 2 ways to attached devices to the AS/400
 Locally: directly connected using a cabling system, usually close proximity to the
 Remotely: on remote site and connected through telephone line or other ways
of communication hardware and communication line.
o Devices are configured to the system through configuration objects, which is created
for each device; a configuration object that act as the device blueprint contain the
definition that uniquely identify each device to the system; the system communicate to
the hardware devices using these objects.
o The device connected to AS/400 are configured to the system using 3 types of
configuration objects:
 Line Description: for devices used from a remote site, it describe the attribute
of the telephone or communication line used to make the connection to the
remote site.
Control unit description: describe the controller attributes to the system;
control unit is used to control several devices (i.e workstation controller)
 Device description: it created for each device on the system, it describe the
device name, type and other specific attribute such as keyboard type or printer
character set.
Device configuration can be obtained by allowing the AS/400 to create them for you
with its auto-configuration feature by creating configuration object using default names
and definition for each device it detects, these default are sufficient for most devices.
Auto-configuration is enabled by setting the system values, physically attach the
device, setting the device address and powering the device on.
Auto-configuration does not perform all the operation require to maintain system
devices configuration; some consideration are:
 Create config objects for new devices that are attached and powered on.
 Recreate the config objects for WS that replaced by other device using the same
address; system will do this by deleting the existing objects then recreating
 System will not change the device configuration address. If changed, an
additional object will be created to support the new address
 will not delete the configuration object if is no longer being used
 If a configuration object is deleted for an existing device with auto-configuration
enabled, a new object is created in its place. However, it will not become active
until either the device is powered off and on again or the system is IPLed.
System main menu which is lead menu for all AS/400 options (CL: GO MAIN) and were
you can find the ‘Define or change the system’ option to change system values (or
command WRKSYSVAL).
There is 2 main system values that the AS/400 use to control auto-configuration:
 QAUTOCFG: enables or disables auto configuration. ‘1’ for enabling, ‘0’ for
 QDEVNAMING: determine the naming convention used by configuration objects
created through auto-config. ‘*S36* uses the system/36 naming, ‘*NORMAL’
uses AS/400 native naming, ‘*DEVADR” incorporate WS controller, port and
address in the naming (not applied to TAP and DSK as it’s not connected
through a controller).
System values are the means to control a large number of features that can affect how
system operate, decision to change the value should come from a management lvl.
WS and printer are connected to the AS/400 through a Twinaxial or a substitute cable.
Some WS controller attachment has 8 ports and some 2 separate unit with 4 ports
however, it make up as single WS controller; each port are assigned to a unique
sequential address from 0-7.
Cable-Trough feature: Each device does not require its own cable attached to system
unit, and able to connect up to 7 device on single line.
Methods of setting WS Addresses (values are limited to 0-6):
 Hardware Switches: through physical switches.
Software Switches: keyboard key, printer control panel or display station
emulation software.
o Terminator switches must be ‘ON’ for the last WS connected to a single port line to
avoid unpredictable problem on WSs connected to the port (termination ether with HW
switch or spring loaded switches).
o Ports on T-connectors are not interchangeable, ports are labeled with ‘In’ or ‘Out’.
Lesson 15: More about Local Device Configuration.
o Auto-configuration Vs. Manual Configuration: in manual config you need to understand
the parameters and values required for each type of device yet it gives you great
flexibility (i.e some device require a non-default attributes for the naming and definition
that come with auto-config).j
No knowledge of device definitions
Knowledge of device definitions is required
Uses default device naming and attributes. 
Provides ability to create configuration objects
according to specific requirements
Little ability to maintain device
Full ability to maintain the device configuration
In Tape and diskette descriptions and attachments are so restricted that autoconfiguration will do in most cases.
Information needed to configure a device manually: how’s the device is attached to the
system unit, device type and model, the name of the controller it work through, port
number and address assigned to it.
A meaningful device naming conventions could be assigned to better identify the
location or the device user.
Command and option to gives you the ability to maintain configuration object by
changing port or address of existing device description, view, delete, create with nondefault values, copy definition from existing, print attributes, print the addresses of the
devices attached to a WS controller and retrieve the source of config object and place it
in a CL source member.
Work with control description screen command (WRKCTLD): not all attribute can be
changed once a controller description has been created.
Controllers are intermediate device allowing displays and printer to communicate with
the AS/400
Create controller description (local WS)(CRTCTLLWS): this set of parameters are used to
specify the primary definition for the controller (most of this information should have
been prepared prior to the configuration process).
‘CRTCTLLWS’ additional parameters screen: option ‘Attached devices’ permit to specify
a list of devices that should be attached to this controller (or instead controller can be
also specified when creating the device description object).
Rename object RNMOBJ can be used to change controller Description name.
Work with Device Description WRKDEVD: used to configure devices connected to a
WRKDEVD: most devices description are by selecting the system default value only few
are commonly changed.
o Change device description CHGDEVD screen (option 2 from WRKDEVD): certain desc can
be changed from this screen once the config object created; port number and address
can be changed.
o WRKDEVD screen option 3(Copy command) can be useful to create multiple device
description for the same type of workstation; typically the device name, port and switch
setting need to be changed.
o Printers devices description can be changed from command CHGDEVPRT (or option 2 on
WRKDEVD screen)
o Printer devices description can be created by command CRTDEVPRT or F6 on WRKDEVD
Lesson 16 Managing Devices
o Work with configuration screen: devices can be “Vary ON- OFF” in its not active: this
option can be also used to reset a WS if encounter errors of hanged up (Failed status).
o Work with job screen (option 5 on work with configuration status screen) can be used to
examine the interactive job attribute and activity.
o Work with configuration status WRKCFGSTS: will permit you to work with all devices
regardless of type (i.e TO display only printers using this command WRKCFGSTS
Lesson 17: Status Menus and System Values
o Status menu permit you Monitor and manage all the jobs on the system.
o Work with configuration Status WRKCFGSTS screen allows you overlook all devices
configured to your system.
o Operational Assistant (GO ASSIST) is an AS/400 feature that used by System operator an
user function, is present status information in full descriptive text.
o Assistance Level can be found by Pressing F24 from more options until ”F21=Select
assistance level” shows
o Assistance levels can be set for user profile, and for specific screens when F21 is
 Basic Assistance Level: shows type of displays that provide most assistance.
Basic assistance level supports the common user and operators task without
computer terminology.
 Intermediate Assistance level: shows the type of displays that supports all the
system task using computer terminology, complicated tasks can be done using
this level.
o System Values WRKSYSVAL provides a way to control certain aspect of the system and
how it operate.
 The AS/400 lets you insert and delete characters at the command line the same
way you would in a text editor. Pressing the Insert key turns on insert mode;
everything you type is inserted at the cursor position, moving the characters to
the right of the cursor further to the right.
 The asterisk must go at the end of a generic name. Remember, a name that
starts with an asterisk is very different from a generic name—it is a predefined
value, which is a special string that represents a specific value defined by the
operating system.
Each library holds a group of related objects. For example, there is one library
for each user ID,
several for the operating system, one or more for each installed application, and
so forth. If the
concept of a library sounds similar to the concept of a directory on other
operating systems,
you're right, but there is one crucial difference: the QSYS library (one of the
operating system libraries)
is the only one that can contain other libraries. You cannot create libraries
within your libraries
the way you can create subdirectories on UNIX, VMS, and DOS. As a general
rule, only
the system administrator can create new libraries, whether they are for new
users or for new application
is an object. Files and other objects are stored in libraries (which are also objects). A file can be
subdivided into groups called members. A group of members in the same file usually have the
same format and purpose, similar to a group of files with the same file extension in UNIX or
DOS or files with the same file type in VM/CMS or VMS. The whole arrangement will look
familiar to MVS users, who will recognize a strong resemblance to the concept of partitioned
data sets.
When you want to run a program or use a data file, you don't always have to specify the library
where it is located. How does OS/400 know where to find it? By searching the library list. The
list is a list of libraries that tell OS/400 where to look for objects and in
what order.
Go support command to access user and education screen