Module name and code Marketing Communications – 5PROM001C Portfolio weighting 100% Lecturer setting the task with contact details Rahat Ullah, PhD; Submission deadline Results date and type of feedback Week 12 Within three weeks after the deadline The CW checks the following learning outcomes: 1. Examine a range of marketing communications methods and techniques with a specific accent on emerging techniques in the digital context. 2. Explore the role of emerging technologies in marketing communications (SMM, SEO, DMdirect marketing, IMM-instant messaging, IMC) 3. Critically examine and apply appropriate theoretical concepts to practical marketing communications situations. 4. Critically review the roles of the marketing department and agencies be able to effectively manage the communication between the two in developing and delivering IMC campaigns. 5. Construct appropriate tools to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing communications. Task This is a hands-on portfolio, requiring full involvement of students in the entire marketing communications process. This portfolio is aimed at promoting a brand in by using the power of IMC. It is a group task requiring preparation of integrated marketing communication plan. The Submission will consist of three sub parts: 1) Task 1 (Individual Written Task): Students chose a brand, analyse it and develop a “task” for a marketing agency. (Students are performing function of the brand Manager). Identify relevant branding problems. For Example, Why product “ABC” brand is not well known in country? Choose proper communication strategy and the goals the brand will achieve with it? Words limit is 1000. Score 25% [Deadline: 21 February 2022] 2) Task 2 (Individual Presentation): Students “pitch” various ideas on how to achieve those goals on behalf of the Marketing agency. Score 25% [Deadline: Week 7 and 8] 3) Task 3 (Group Report): Students will form groups and each one can put their individual ideas based on task1. Next is that students can mutually agree on one brand and prepare detail group written report, including Communications plan for 12 months period, media planning, budgeting and setting KPIs and how to achieve those goals by implementing various MC tools and theories. [2500 ~ 3000 Words] Score 50% [Deadline: 11 April 2022] During Presentation 4) Stay focused: ONLY present directly relevant information. 5) Provide an argument for your decisions. For example, if you are going to charge $20 for your product / service, also states WHY you think that price is reasonable or optimal. 6) To the point 7 minute presentation 7) 3 minute Q&A 8) Each student will be scored individually based on their presentation skills as well. 9) Please upload the Pdf version of your slides on the Blackboard 10) Creative thinking is encouraged, must be realistic and executable. To complete the Group task, you are suggested to take the following steps: 1. Choose what you would like to promote. It can be any Business/Brand or a Social Cause (Drive safe; Eat healthy; Cure cancer). You are recommended not to use huge global brands (as your work has to be original, not just what has been done by the same company in another countries.) 2. Do a brand analysis: Make sure you use some of the brand analysis tools we have covered in the lectures and implement them in your analysis. 3. Review Scholarly articles, papers and best practice case studies in the relevant field, summarize them in the beginning of the word file as a literature review with full referencing/citation. Use reference style (Harvard or APA). 4. Explain your decisions in steps 5-8 using marketing theories and best modern practices 5. Determine the communication objectives; Brainstorm and develop a creative concept (the idea around which you will build your IMC campaign). 6. Identify the TARGET AUDIENCE / CUSTOMERS (TA) for your campaign based on the relevance of your message to the audience. 7. Work out the CORE MESSAGE that needs to be communicated (i.e. Slogan of your campaign: what exactly you want to communicate). Make sure it is coherent with Target Audience, Communication Objectives, and the Creative Concept 8. Main product of the Portfolio will be proposal of Campaign including background information, description of what will be promoted, Marketing Communication objectives, and Marketing Communication mix, mechanics of the campaign (what, how, when? where?), visualization/description of each Marketing Communication element (ex. Video ads, brochures, e-banners, Facebook page content, social media…etc. You are expected to have at least 4-6 elements). Additionally, you are required to assess each touch point that you plan to communicate in terms of relevance (fit) and effectiveness. Moreover, you are required to include timeline, KPI’s, budgeting (a call to a marketing company/agency will get you the info you need). 9. Your e-Portfolio must be delivered in a form of Word Document. Layout. Check that the e-PORTFOLIO has a standard cover page, table of contents, page numbers and bibliography. Put your name and ID numbers on the cover page and only ID numbers on every other page. Group work Process The project will proceed in several stages: 1. During the first week, students has the option to decide the groups by their choice and handover the final list to their class representative. There must be 5 students in each group. The class representative will hand over the list to professor as soon as possible (probably in the next class after he/she receives the list of student’s names in week 1). After this processes if some students are missing and not assigned to the groups will be randomly assigned to the groups. 2. The professor will upload this information to the class once finalized. This will be your group for the entire semester. You may not leave it once joined. You will need to learn to work together. Group members should exchange their phone numbers and set up a time and place to meet. 3. Once the team is formed, MEET AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, discuss ideas for your team project (perhaps think of your experiences as a consumer and what you would like to know), and choose someone to be the team coordinator (group leader). That person will have the slightly added responsibility of moving the project along, calling meetings, coordinating activities, and maintaining contacts. By writing “slightly added responsibility” I mean to emphasize that everyone else in the group also bears the responsibility of moving the project along. If needed, you will be required to evaluate the contribution of the other members in your group at the end of the semester. If required in the form of any complaint received from any student within the group, the anonymous team member evaluations will determine the Individual Contribution portion of the group project grade. Team members who are judged by their peers not to have done their fair share of the work during the semester can have their grade dropped. 4. Don’t let time slip away. If time allows you will also need to develop a PowerPoint to be used by your team when making its in-class presentation. How to Prepare Your Document? 1. Cover Page (Title of report, date, names of group members and student numbers.) 2. Table of Contents 3. Literature review and educated hunches. Cite literature using author(s)’ last name(s) and year of publication, e.g., Smith and Jones (2007). Place the full citation in Reference List 4. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE IDEAS OR WORDS (7 words in a row = plagiarism; taking someone else’s idea without attributing them to the source = plagiarism)!!! 5. Word document consisting of a comprehensive 12-month long IMC plan, which also includes a review of articles/best practices as well as conclusions, font Times New Roman/ Arial 12, all slides should be printed - 1 slide per page, on A4 paper. 6. Add a link to an online source if you have developed a video clip. 7. Maximum number of pages should not exceed 20 for the MC plan, and no more than 12 PPT slides for creative agency/group presentation. The page count excludes cover page, content, bibliography and appendices. 8. Pages should be numbered. 9. Use Harvard or APA method of referencing in word document, indicate the source of all information obtained/researched. Assignments you submit will be checked by the Turnitin plagiarism detection service against a database of all prior submissions to Turnitin, current and archived Web pages, periodicals, journals, and publications, and will become part of Turnitin's database. Submission requirements Submission of Word documents and PPT slides is electronic, via the link created by your instructor in the LMS, under Course Work. WIUT Registrar’s Office has the responsibility to put both parts of the Portfolio through the Turn-it-in anti-plagiarism software before submission. Assessment criteria. Outline of the assessment criteria for group report. Score 50% Criteria Description and level of Mark knowledge of the chosen brand/organization, Target audience analysis, value proposition, use of using marketing theories (12%) 90100% Excellent work done, shows evidence of an advanced professional/academic comprehension with outstanding completeness and consistency. The background research on the brand/organization is excellent. The cited sources are reliable and actual. Wellstructured discussion by referring to relevant literature/best practices, draws quality conclusions. CORE MESSAGE Timeline, KPI’s that needs to be and budgeting communicated (i.e. (12%) Slogan of your campaign: what exactly you want to communicate) is coherent with Target Audience (12%) The level of detailed Referencing/citation of analysis, knowledge work, information, and effort put into the graphs…etc. (12%) marketing communication plan/campaign (12%) The core message is excellently communicated, professionally done with outstanding completeness and consistency. As well as coherent with target audience. Excellent level of analysis, knowledge of the brand, message reliability and quality of work, approach to create a campaign, effort attempted/made to synthesise information and comeup with effective project reflecting 12 weeks of learning. Excellent, complete ,professionally, with outstanding timeline, KPI's and budgeting structure, analysis and justification Excellent level of referencing/citation of relevant work and sources of information, graphs, and relating work to theories discussed in class and seminars. 80-89% The background research on the brand/organization shows evidence of a high level of professionalism, and realism. The core message is Demonstrates a high level of professionalism as well as coherent with target audience. There is an exceptional illustration with outstanding timeline, KPI's and budgeting structure, analysis and justification is evidence of a sophisticated and very comprehensive approach, level of analysis, knowledge of the brand, message reliability and quality of work, approach to create a campaign, effort attempted/made to synthesise information and comeup with effective project reflecting 12 weeks of learning. References have excellent understanding level of referencing/citation of relevant work and sources of information, graphs, and relating work to theories discussed in class and seminars 70-79% The background research on the brand/organization shows good understanding of the issues. The core message is Demonstrates a comprehensive with an excellent understanding as well as coherent with target audience. There is an good illustration of timeline, KPI's and budgeting structure, analysis and justification Clear and provides insights, knowledge of the brand, message reliability and quality of work, approach to create a campaign, effort attempted/made to synthesize information and comeup with effective project reflecting 12 weeks of learning. Overall structure, Grammar and references have professionally done with comprehensive understanding. 60-69% The background research on the brand/organization is complete shows clarity and consistently. The core message understanding is very good and coherent with target audience. There is at least one insight with a good level of understanding. and of timeline, KPI's and budgeting structure, analysis and justification Very good knowledge Overall structure, of the brand, message Grammar and references reliability and quality of have is very good. work, approach to create a campaign, effort attempted/made to synthesise information and comeup with effective project reflecting 12 weeks of learning. 50-59% The background research on the brand/organization and understanding of the problems is complete. The core message understanding is good with an emerging level of understanding and coherent with target audience. There is contains some understanding and of timeline, KPI's and budgeting structure, analysis and justification. Good knowledge of the brand, message reliability and quality of work, approach to create a campaign, effort attempted/made to synthesise information and comeup with effective project reflecting 12 weeks of learning. Overall structure, Grammar and references is good with some omissions. 40-49% The background research on the brand/organization there is a general understanding of the task, It is rather long and does not cover some important insights. There are some noticeable gaps and inconsistencies. The core message have some level of understanding and coherent with target audience. There is some understanding and provides at least one insight with noticeable gaps and inconsistencies of timeline, KPI's and budgeting structure, analysis and justification. Fair knowledge of the brand, message reliability and quality of work, approach to create a campaign, effort attempted/made to synthesise information and comeup with effective project reflecting 12 weeks of learning. Overall structure, Grammar and references is fair with many elements missing. The report lacks details with some noticeable gaps and inconsistencies 30-39% The background research on The core message the brand/organization, the task indicates only a and issues may be understood, general understanding. but it is unclear what has been reflected in the report. The report content and structure is inconsistent and incomplete. There is poor understanding noticeable gaps and inconsistencies of timeline, KPI's and budgeting structure, analysis and justification. Poor knowledge of the brand, message reliability and quality of work, approach to create a campaign, effort attempted/made to synthesise information and comeup with effective project reflecting 12 weeks of learning. Overall structure, Grammar and references is poor and provides inconsistent insights, with little details. 20-29% The background research on the brand/organization the study of the topic and largely unfocused providing an unclear message of the report. It is lacking in many important details. The core message shows clear attempt but the process is very unfocused, incomplete, and inconsistent. Basic understanding is not good with serious misunderstandings and errors. There is poor understanding noticeable gaps, unfocused, incomplete, and inconsistent of timeline, KPI's and budgeting structure, analysis and justification. Unclear knowledge of the brand, message reliability and quality of work, approach to create a campaign, effort attempted/made to synthesise information and comeup with effective project reflecting 12 weeks of learning. Overall structure, Grammar and references is of the topic and largely unfocused providing inconsistent insights. It is lacking in many important details. 10-19% The background research on the brand/organization shows No or very confused understanding of the task and identification of the issues is hardly understandable. While there is some attempt to The core message but it is very little success. There is very little relevant understanding of the timeline, KPI's and budgeting very little relevant knowledge of the brand, message reliability and quality of work, approach to create a campaign, effort attempted/made to synthesise information and come-up with effective project reflecting 12 weeks of learning. Overall structure, Grammar and references, While there is some attempt to but it is very little success. 0-9% The background research on the brand/organization shows limited attempt to write about the topic and problem identification. The core message shows Very little attempt and almost complete absence of understanding of the task. There is No attempt to know and almost complete absence of understanding of the task. Limited attempt very little relevant knowledge of the brand, message reliability and quality of work, approach to create a campaign, effort attempted/made to synthesise information and come-up with effective project reflecting 12 weeks of learning. Overall structure, Grammar and references have Limited attempt with an almost complete absence of understanding of the task. Outline of the assessment criteria for Individual presentation. (25%) Criteria Mark 25 Excellent group Presentation, overview of the proposed marketing campaign that you outlined in the PPT document that you submitted and convince your instructor of your plan for the chosen company/brand. Outlining what tools, marketing channels and mediums they will use to send. 20 Good group Presentation, overview of the proposed marketing campaign that you outlined in the PPT document that you submitted and convince your instructor of your plan for the chosen company/brand. Outlining what tools, marketing channels and mediums they will use to send 15 satisfactory group Presentation, overview of the proposed marketing campaign that you outlined in the PPT document that you submitted and convince your instructor of your plan for the chosen company/brand. Outlining what tools, marketing channels and mediums they will use to send 10 Weak group Presentation, overview of the proposed marketing campaign that you outlined in the PPT document that you submitted and convince your instructor of your plan for the chosen company/brand. Outlining what tools, marketing channels and mediums they will use to send Outline of the assessment criteria for Individual written task. (25%) Criteria Mark 25 Excellent work done, shows evidence of an with outstanding completeness. The problem identified for the brand/organization is excellent. The cited sources are reliable and actual. Well-structured discussion by referring to relevant literature/best practices, draws quality conclusions. 20 Shows evidence of a high level of professionalism. The problem identified for the brand/organization is very good. The cited sources are reliable and actual. Well-structured discussion by referring to relevant literature/best practices, draws quality conclusions. 15 Shows satisfactory level of professionalism. The problem identified for the brand/organization is good. The cited sources are reliable and actual. Well-structured discussion by referring to relevant literature/best practices, draws quality conclusions. 10 Shows limited and poor level of professionalism. The problem identified for the brand/organization is poor. The cited sources are reliable and actual. Well-structured discussion by referring to relevant literature/best practices, draws quality conclusions.