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World War I Essay: Causes, Consequences, and Nationalism

In the novel, the young soldiers soon lose faith in their cause and are killed senselessly, one by one. The
work conveys war’s ultimate futility; though some critics have claimed that it romanticized World War I,
it seems more of an indictment of war. It is hard to see the protagonists’ premature deaths and loss of
faith in their nation’s leadership as romantic, especially since nothing positive emerges from their
The Russian Civil War remains one of the more brutal wars in Russia’s history. Considering the brutal
combat that the Russian army faced in the horrid conditions of World War One and World War Two, to
refer to the Russian Civil War as a more brutal endeavor is a grand claim; however, when one considers
the cost of lives and the tearing apart of the homeland, it is not a stretch to lay that claim on the
shoulders of the Civil War. What complicates the Bolshevik involvement in the Russian Civil War is the
fact that the Bolsheviks prescribed to a state central authoritarian system of government.
There were more deaths than there were volunteers and the soldiers should not have to die in vain;
therefore, conscription was the right course of action for Canada during World War 1. In the beginning
of World War 1, people were excited and more than willing to volunteer to fight as soldiers in the war
but as the war progressed, people realized that the war was really extremely antagonizing and
muderous. Once people stopped voluteering to be in the war, there were not enough people to replace
the dead on the battlefield.
A definition of a total war is a war in which the all of the resources of a nation such as manpower’s,
industry, weapons and raw materials are used in the national interest and which the attack is made not
only on the armed forces of the enemy, but also (subject to certain limitations) on all its civilian people
and industry. Total wars have total aims such total destruction of your enemy, total destruction on a
total geographical scale, which leads to total participation of all countries as well as total destruction of
the world. Now compared to World War Two, it has been argued whether ort not the First World War
was total or not as the second d World War had an even greater impact on the world than the first one.
Question Two For some, World War One was thrilling because it was novel and adventurous; it marked
an escape from the easy, materialistic, somewhat self-indulgent life many urban European males then
lived (and thought themselves trapped within). They believed that the Spartan, brutal experience of war
could restore their spirits and virility, and felt that way even as they witnessed the war’s horrors. In All
Quiet on the Western Front, the young protagonists are enthusiastic about the war because of
Kantorek’s empty exhortations.
Seeking to understand the historical explanations and discuss the role that nationalism has played in the
outbreak of the First World War, this essay has explored the antecedents for conflict in 1914. Important
preconditions, precipitants and triggers have accounted for the emergence of this conflict. Nationalism,
although an important factor which can help explain the emergence of World War One, is actually only
one aspect of the overall conditions which lay the groundwork for World War One.
Seeking to understand the historical explanations and discuss the role that nationalism has played in the
outbreak of the First World War, this essay has explored the antecedents for conflict in 1914. Important
preconditions, precipitants and triggers have accounted for the emergence of this conflict. Nationalism,
although an important factor which can help explain the emergence of World War One, is actually only
one aspect of the overall conditions which lay the groundwork for World War One.
World War II was a global war that started in 1939 and ended in 1945. I believe this war started because
of unresolved issues from World War I. World War II in my opinion was a war where different nations
fought against each other, but I believe the center focus was on Germany. One of the major
consequences World War II had on the United States was the economy.
When global war broke out in 1914 dreams of world peace and prosperity were shattered. Accordingly,
the First World War was arguably one of the most traumatic episodes in the history of international
affairs. Geopolitically speaking, the First World War (also described as WWI in this essay) was
unprecedented in both scale and sheer loss of human life.
When global war broke out in 1914 dreams of world peace and prosperity were shattered. Accordingly,
the First World War was arguably one of the most traumatic episodes in the history of international
affairs. Geopolitically speaking, the First World War (also described as WWI in this essay) was
unprecedented in both scale and sheer loss of human life. [Original source: