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Networking Review Pack - Term 2 Exam

Review Pack
Term 2 Final - Exam
Review / Unit 1
)Cambridge International Schools(
Q1 –Write “true” next to the correct sentence and “false” next to the wrong sentence:
1- Computers are used for working and learning.
2- Connecting two computers together won’t make them better.
3- We use networks to connect computers together.
4- The internet is the smallest network in the world.
5- Your school has a network.
6- You can connect to a network using a wired connection only.
7- The rules that we have for our network are called protocols.
8- Internet services include Emails and Streaming.
9- Security systems are connected to the internet.
10- You can use a computer to access all internet services.
11- Smart devices aren’t connected to the internet
Q2- Choose the correct answer:
12- This server helps you to print your files.
a- Print server
b- Email server
c- File server
13- This server makes sure your documents are saved correctly.
a- Print server
b- Email server
c- File server
14- This server makes sure your emails reach the right people.
a- Print server
b- Email server
c- File server
15- These devices connect the network to the internet.
a- Hubs
b- Routers
c- Switches
16- These devices decide which cable the data needs to reach its destination.
a- Hubs
b- Routers
c- Switches
Q3- Write the letter of the correct answer next to the sentence: (See the example in black and white)
17- WWW
18- WAN
19- LAN
20- WAP
21- Wi-Fi
Answer Meaning
a- World Wide Web
b- Wireless Access Point
c- Wide Area Network
d- Wireless connection
e- Local Area Network
Q4- How do you keep your password safe?
Q5- Create a strong password from this password (milk shake). (Show your work).
1234Q6 – What happens when we send an email? fill in the gaps using these words:
(Send – home – Internet – Switch – Router – Email)
You press
send the
email to a
The email
server sends
the ………… to
the ………….
The router
sends the
email to the
Your email
your ………….
Q6- Pick the right word from the word cloud to complete each of these sentences.
Local area network (LAN)
wide area network (WAN)
World wide web
file server
1. _______________________ is the part of the internet that contains all the websites and
webpages in the world.
2. A _______________________ is a powerful tool that we use for working and learning.
3. _______________________ server makes sure your documents are saved correctly.
4. _______________________ is a group of computers is connected together and they can
share data and resources.
5. A _______________________ joins computers in a single building.
6. A_______________________ joins computers and local area networks together across long
7. A_______________________ is a type of switch.
8. _______________________ a device that that connects a local area network (LAN) to the
9. A _______________________ is a powerful computer used in a network.
10. _______________________ is another term for a wireless connection.
Q7- Write 4 Internet services:
1. __________________________.
2. __________________________.
3. __________________________.
Q8- Write 4 advantages of networks:
b. _________________________.
c. _________________________.
d. _________________________.
Q9- The 2 Main types of network:
b. _________________________.
Q1- Where are network devices stored?
_________________________________________________ .