Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Cell Riddles Read each description below and then identify the correct vocabulary word. Write your answer on the line provided choosing from the following words: Chlorophyll Organelle Nucleus 1. 5. ,¶PWKHEUDLQRIWKHFHOO Or so they say I regulate activities From day to day What am I? Cytoplasm Chloroplast Mitochondria 0\QDPHPHDQV³JUHHQOHDI´ ,¶PWKHSLJPHQWLQDSODQWFHOO That causes its green color $QGDEVRUEVWKHVXQ¶VHQHUJ\ZHOO ,¶PIXOORIKROHV Flexible and thin I control what gets out As well as what comes in What am I? 8. ,¶PIRXQGRQO\LQSODQWFHOOV ,¶PDVJUHHQDVFDQEH I make food for the plant 8VLQJWKHVXQ¶VHQHUJ\ What am I? 7. What am I? 6. ,¶PWKHIOXLGLQWKHFHOO That fills in the space My main purpose is To hold organelles in place What am I? 4. Cell membrane Cell Wall Vacuole ,¶PVWURQJDQGVWLII Getting through me is rough ,¶PIRXQGRQO\LQplant cells ,¶PZKDWPDNHVthem so tough What am I? 3. ,¶PDUHDO³SRZHUKRXVH´ 7KDW¶VSODLQWRVHH I break down food And release energy What am I? 2. ,¶YHEHHQFDOOHGWKHVWRUDJHWDQN By those with little taste ,¶PDVDFNILOOHGZLWKZDWHU Food, enzymes, and waste What am I? ANSWER KEY Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Cell Riddles Read each description below and then identify the correct vocabulary word. Write your answer on the line provided choosing from the following words: Chlorophyll Organelle Nucleus 1. MITOCHONDRIA 5. CELL WALL CYTOPLASM ,¶PWKHEUDLQRIWKHFHOO Or so they say I regulate activities From day to day What am I? NUCLEUS Cytoplasm Chloroplast Mitochondria CHLOROPLAST 0\QDPHPHDQV³JUHHQOHDI´ ,¶PWKHSLJPHQWLQDSODQWFHOO That causes its green color $QGDEVRUEVWKHVXQ¶VHQHUJ\ZHOO CHLOROPHYLL ,¶PIXOORIKROHV Flexible and thin I control what gets out As well as what comes in What am I? CELL MEMBRANE 8. ,¶PIRXQGRQO\LQSODQWFHOOV ,¶PDVJUHHQDVFDQEH I make food for the plant 8VLQJWKHVXQ¶VHQHUJ\ What am I? 7. What am I? 6. ,¶PWKHIOXLGLQWKHFHOO That fills in the space My main purpose is To hold organelles in place What am I? 4. Cell membrane Cell Wall Vacuole ,¶PVWURQJDQGVWLII Getting through me is rough ,¶PIRXQGRQO\LQSODQWFHOOV ,¶PZKDWmakes them so tough What am I? 3. ,¶PDUHDO³SRZHUKRXVH´ 7KDW¶VSODLQWRVHH I break down food And release energy What am I? 2. ,¶YHEHHQFDOOHGWKHVWRUDJHWDQN By those with little taste ,¶PDVDFNILOOHGZLWKZDWHU Food, enzymes, and waste What am I? VACUOLE