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Yamnaya Culture: Origins, Migrations, and Genetic Legacy

Tracking down the Origin: Yamnaya Culture
Source: (wikye.com)
If you love learning about human history, this is another interesting culture that
doesn’t exist anymore. Well, not at least in its pure form. Yamnaya culture, also
known as Yamna, drove out, almost all the population of locals in Spain about
5000 years ago. This genocide in Spain by the Yamnaya culture took place during
the bronze age. These East European emigrants, reportedly had excellent tools
than other tribes at that time.
These people wiped out almost all the male population of whichever place they
entered. Archeologists know the Yamnaya people for their Genocide in the
European and South Asian part of the world. Currently, there are certain places in
the world where we still have descendants of this tribe. The Yamnaya tribe is
mostly represented with their r1b DNA.
Source: (rhesusnegative.net)
Origin of Yamnaya Culture:
When there wasn’t enough research, it was interesting for people to know where
did Yamnaya people come from. But now, even after so much evidence, it still
baffles many people. Likewise, they still wonder how they were able to do it.
Archeologists believe that the Yamnaya people were initially from the Eastern
European Part of the world. They started to migrate to other parts of the world
around 5000 years before.
The group then expanded around the world like no other culture. They had
domesticated horses, which at that time was not heard of in other parts of the
world. Yamnaya Culture tribe was able to completely wipe out the male
population in Spain with their tools and newly invented wheels. Most of the
European people today are primarily related to this culture.
Source: (rhesusnegative.net)
The Yamnaya Culture Genetics:
At present, historians have understood that most of the European population at
present consists of the genes of the Yamnaya people. The genetic components of
the people were found out through DNA research by Haak et al.
As per this researches, the people from Yamnaya culture were tall with dark hair
and moderately light-colored skin. One of the primary reasons why they were so
successful in defeating people from other regions could also be due to their
physical stature.
Now among many Europeans, the most common DNA found is Haplogroup r1b.
This DNA is the same as the ancient Yamnayan genes.
Source: (rhesusnegative.net)
Yamnaya Culture Migrating from the east map:
From their homeland in the Western part of steppe, the Yamnaya culture spread
to all the adjoining areas. They landed in the Eastern part of India to the Central
part of Europe. Moreover, they dominated most of the Indian and the European
region. As a result, the group of people we know as Indo-European people
settled all over the region.
Their current population:
The Yamnaya Culture people have migrated to places in the European and South
Asian region. The most recent group of Yamnaya people were called the ProtoIndo-European people. Additionally, these people have a common linguistic
origin, which is the Proto-Indo-European Language.
Major languages like Spanish, English, Hindi, Portuguese, Persian, Russian,
German, reportedly are all descended from the mother language. Unlike
other undecipherable cryptic texts, we can trace back the origins of these
So, we can trace the current population in these language-speaking areas:
Central and South Asia:
The North-Western Indian and Pakistani population is one of the largest carriers
of Yamnaya culture ancestry. Other areas of Asia, like Kazakhstan and Tuva, are
the best example of this group of people. Today among the modern Indians,
much of the higher caste people are believed to be the descendants of the
Yamnaya people. Similarly, the Pashtuns also seem to have a great lineage to this
Eastern Europe:
As per the research by Jones et al. (2017), they found that the majority of the
population in Eastern Europe carry Yamnayan genetics. 46.8% of the Russian
people have Yamnaya genes in them compared to Ukrainians, who have 42.8%.
Among all these groups of descendants, Finland has the highest percentage of
Yamnayan genes. Almost half of the population in Finland (50.2%) have Yamnaya
contributions in them.
Western Europe:
There have been varying degrees of Yamnaya DNA found among the European
people. Some of the places have a high amount of Yamnaya gene contributions.
Surprisingly, in research, it was found that more than 70% of the genes found in
skeletons in Germany were from Yamnaya Culture.