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CW MM2021 2022 16th of December

Module name and code
Portfolio weighting
Lecturer setting the task with contact
details and office hours
Zamira Ataniyazova, zataniyazova@wiut.uz
Submission deadline
Entry 1 – 20th of October (to be confirmed)
Dildara Gapparova, dgapparova@wiut.uz
Entry 2 – TW7(for some in TW8 as they lag)
Entry 3 – 16th of December.
Results date and type of feedback
Within 3 working weeks after submission
Portfolio type
Individual work with some group components
The CW checks the following learning outcomes:
1. Explain the role and practical skills and knowledge of a marketing manager.
2. Apply various marketing management tools, integrated marketing communications, to
connect, attract and build relationships with customers.
3. Analyze marketing databases and their application in building loyalty.
4. Identify and apply trending marketing management methods to explore contemporary
5. Develop marketing presentations and be able to present and rationalize a marketing plan
as a team.
As a marketing manager, you are challenged to strengthen the market position of a chosen Brand (not
a company). You need to choose a brand that is present both locally and internationally.
The module will be assessed by a portfolio (100%). This task provides an opportunity to experience
challenges marketing managers face.
Entry 1 requires students to conduct marketing research in teams to identify challenges and
opportunities. The output is to be submitted in written form. Research evidence is a must.
Entry 2 requires an in-depth analysis of the research undertaken in entry 1. The output
to be presented in groups orally.
Entry 3 to formulate an annual marketing plan in written form.
To accomplish Entry 1 you are suggested to undertake the following steps:
1. Group allocation. TW1
2. Module leaders have allocated you into groups of 4-5, please check intranet grouping on the
Please note that it is not group coursework, you just work as a group but will be assessed individually. Only
10% will depend on the group effort (see marking scheme for details). So, please no requests to change
groups. If you want, you can swap but only within your seminar group!
If some people are not showing up, continue working without them.
3. Brand Selection: Choose a brand that exists in Uzbekistan and abroad with your group
members and confirm it with your seminar tutor by the end of the TW2 (For some groups it
will be seminar 2 in the TW3). Only after receiving confirmation, you can go to the next
4. Preliminary research: Conduct marketing research as a team based on the chosen brand.
You are suggested to start desk research, you will have plenty of information as you are
required to choose a brand that exists not only in Uzbekistan but abroad as well.
 For the Desk research you are suggested to read about:
o Brand positioning of your chosen brand
o Brand communications – review brand pages in social media
o Strength and weaknesses vs. the competitors
o Opportunities and market threats within chosen industry/area.
Your desk research is expected to help in constructing the research instrument (survey questions)
which is described below:
For primary research, each student must undertake marketing research as will be
assessed upon it individually. Each of you suggested undertaking 3 in-depth
interviews with customers of your chosen brands and 3 people that use competitor
products. (For example, if you have chosen iPhone, you can survey 3 iPhone users
and 3 people that use either Samsung, Huawei, or any smartphone brand). You
should not interview MM students! In world practice, Marketers do not participate in
marketing surveys as they might provide biased info. You will be highly penalized for
interviewing friends from the Business Management faculty who are not regular
customers or users of the chosen brand. You can interview students from other
courses (economics, law, BIS) if they are your target audience. You cannot just send
google links or do a group chat in telegram. You must do a proper interview face-toface, over the phone, using zoom, or any other means. The only requirement is you
must record each interview! Do not duplicate (copy/paste, change the name of the
recording), if you do that you will be submitted to academic offense or get 0 for entry
To start your research:
- (TW3) Design the questionnaire that aims to gather both qualitative and quantitative data.
A sample will be provided in one of the workshops, where you will need to design yours
and upload it for feedback to the discussion board. (Deadline will be Monday of TW4 for
the majority, ) You should work on designing the questionnaire in groups. Please do not
leave it up to 1 person. The quality of your questionnaire and gathered data significantly
impact the quality of the marketing plan!
Your marketing research should cover the following areas (you might include other points
as well):
o Identifying customer wants and needs, habits, preferences, likes, and dislikes of
the chosen brand and close competitors.
o Identifying positions of the brand and each competing brand, and also you need to
map out the perceptual map (or spider web using multi-tools)
o You also need to measure loyalty rate, why people like your brand, what type of
people like/love the brand, what are their interests/passions in life.
o You need to understand what are the purchase criteria.
o Consumer/customer perception and attitudes towards the marketing campaigns
that have taken place in 2020. You need to show 1 tv ad + 1 poster and ask for
perceptions, likes, and dislikes. (if no TV ad, any other marketing activity could be
This entry results should be submitted to the intranet in TW5 the deadline will be
announced by the registrars. Please note that each student should submit
evidence of research in video or audio format. Each student is to be assessed
individually for entry1.
Entry 2:
To accomplish this entry you are required to analyze the collected data and present it as a group.
Please note that you need to merge all the findings and present them collectively. Each member should
not present their findings separately. Therefore, you will need to listen to each other interviews and
analyze the results together. Moreover, it is very important to conduct additional secondary research
and connect results to the theory covered (you might have done good desk research in entry 1 which
will be helpful). As you need to present not just numbers, but also some conclusions and implications
of your findings. You will be presenting during seminar times, the schedule is to be communicated 2
weeks in advance with exact dates and timings. You should expect to present in the TW7-8. The
duration of the presentation is expected to be 20 mins per group 5-10 mins per Q&A and
Your presentation should provide an answer to the following questions and cover the bullet points listed
in entry 1 research:
- Who is your main consumer/customer? What are their likes, dislikes? Why did they
choose your brand?
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of your brand vs the competitors?
- What are the habits and preferences of consumers (when they buy? What? How often?
Packaging/service preferences?
- How loyal are your consumers? Why?
- Which segment is your brand occupying, vs competitors (you can do additional secondary
research to provide a more extensive answer)?
- What are the perceptions, pluses, and minuses of their marketing activities (previous
- Conclude by outlining challenges and opportunities.
Please note that currently all presentations are planned for offline mode, and in case of any
risks of Covid-19 they might be rescheduled to an online mode. Therefore, please make sure to
keep your email on regular basis for any updates.
Entry 3:
For this entry, you need to produce a marketing plan individually based on the chosen brand,
undertaking research and analysis. Your marketing plan should include:
General market analysis (please use entry 1 and 2 results)
Brand performance vs. competition (please use entry 1 and 2 results)
Segmentation of the market that includes your brand and competitors (Please compare and
contrast the segments in the market that exist abroad and in Uzbekistan – you can use an
example of any country, vs. Uzbekistan). Describe every segment and show which segments
are occupied by which brands.
5. Targeting technique, target audience, and detailed customer profile.
6. Positioning – propose brand positioning by taking into account desk research and the primary
research done. Include a positioning statement that suits chosen customer profile and
positioning map by considering brand competitors in the market.
7. Marketing Communication strategy
a. Start by providing an overview of marketing activities done by the company in 2020 and
2021 (September to September). Please provide comments explaining how the
communication was helping to build a better brand, address challenges, build higher
loyalty, and/or what could have been done better.
b. Considering recent marketing campaigns developed a (1) new idea of experiential
marketing should be proposed!!! This does not mean repeating the same campaigns
from previous years.
i. Create an experiential marketing campaign idea by taking into account chosen
positioning of the brand.
ii. Do not forget that this campaign should be relevant to the target audience and
customer profile of the chosen brand.
iii. Before constructing experiential marketing activity, you need to identify one
challenge or opportunity identified in entry 2, as your experiential marketing should
address it.
iv. Set aims for the experiential marketing to reach.
v. Suggest the place for the experiential marketing, time, frequency, and duration.
vi. Design storyboards and other visuals to present experiential marketing campaign
vii. Select the Communication Channels and frequency (to show the experience
undergone by participants).
viii. Media coverage and event timetable of experiential marketing should be
developed for 2022 (if relevant).
ix. Establish the Total Marketing Communications Budget (only for 1 experiential
marketing activity).
8. Conclusions and recommendations for the brand – make sure to justify using the desk and
primary research undertaken.
For the above-mentioned points, you are suggested to apply theories and concepts used in the lectures,
seminars, and workshops. However, there are no limitations if you would like to use any other ways to
present STP and Communication for the chosen brand.
Formatting and submission:
Entry 1: audio or video recording the marketing research evidence. Submitted individually to the
Entry 2. Group oral presentation during seminars.PPT to be submitted to the intranet.
Entry 3 The marketing plan should be written in a word document but not as a regular report using just
words. Instead, you should input ppt slides provide comments underneath each slide as shown in this
The demographic environment is of major interest to marketers because it involves
people, and people make up markets.
Marketers keep a close eye on demographic trends and developments in their
markets and analyze changing age and family structures, geographic population
shifts, educational characteristics, and population diversity.
Number of resident population: As of as of April 1, 2018, the resident population
Republic of Uzbekistan was 32763.7 thousand people and for the current period of
2018 increased by 107.0 thousand people or by 0.3%. In particular, the urban
population was 16583.0 thousand people (50.6% of the total population), the rural
population - 16180.7 thousand people (49.4%).
Analysis by regions of the republic showed that as of April 1, 2018, the largest
population was observed in the Samarkand region - 3733.7 thousand people (the
share in the total population of the republic is 11.4%) and in the Fergana region 3631.0 thousand people (11.1%), and the smallest population was observed in Navoi
region - 961.3 thousand people (2.9%) and in Syrdarya region - 818.4 thousand
people (2.5%). In terms of regions, the largest increase in population with the same
period of 2017 was observed in Surkhandarya region (by 2.1%), in Samarkand and
Kashkadarya regions (by 1.9%), in Djizak, Namangan regions and Tashkent (by
1.8%), the lowest growth rate was registered in the Tashkent region (at 1.1%), in the
Republic of Karakalpakstan and the Bukhara region (by 1.4%).
The maximum number of words should not exceed 2,000 words. The suggested number of slides is
30. Pages should be numbered. Please do not submit any loose pages. Use the Harvard method of
referencing. Content page and bibliography must be written in font Arial, size 12.
Assessment criteria:
Justifying marketing plan by appropriate primary/secondary research and analytics
Application of relevant marketing theories and concepts in formulating the marketing plan
Ability to present information/content clearly and succinctly in written and oral forms
The breadth of knowledge relating to core marketing theory