CHAPTER 1 REQUIREMENTS: 1. Chapter report – Write a summary of the chapter based on how you understood the lesson, you may write your learnings in paragraph and bullet form, and you may also use the Filipino language. Your output in this activity must have a minimum of 2 pages. 2. Assignment – Interview a. State the name of your Municipality and Province b. Ask someone from your household or neighborhood to enumerate and describe the economic developments that happened in your municipality or province when more businesses started to be established. Do they believe that these businesses contributed to the improvement of the economic life of people in your community? Why? 3. Quiz – Answer the following questions briefly and comprehensively. a. Among the different theories that explains how economies grow, which do you think would be applicable to your community? Explain your answer. b. Given the 5 benefits of entrepreneurship discussed in this chapter, choose one (1) and explain which you think benefited you the most. c. Do you think the Philippines is a conducive place to start and operate a business? Justify your answer. Chapter 2 REQUIREMENTS: 4. Chapter report – Write a summary of the chapter based on how you understood the lesson, you may write your learnings in paragraph and bullet form, and you may also use the Filipino language. Your output in this activity must have a minimum of 2 pages. 5. Assignment – a. Interview one (1) online seller and ask the following: - What made them decide to start e-marketing (online selling)? - How long has she/he been doing e-marketing? - What are the advantages of doing online selling? Disadvantages? - What advice can they give to people who also want to start an online enterprise? - How long do they see themselves doing online selling? b. Name one (1) business establishment in your municipality or province and describe the characteristics of their owners. 1. Quiz – Answer the question briefly and comprehensively. a. How enterprising Filipinos are? Explain your answer. Chapter 3 REQUIREMENTS: 6. Chapter report – Write a summary of the chapter based on how you understood the lesson, you may write your learnings in paragraph and bullet form, and you may also use the Filipino language. Your output in this activity must have a minimum of 2 pages. 7. Assignment and Quiz – Generate a Business Idea (letters a to d) Please refer your answers to the lessons discussed in this chapter. a. If you are going to start a business today, what do you think may be your compelling reason for starting a business? (income?, passion?) Explain b. Identify at least 3 business opportunities which may be established in your barangay, or municipality or province using the suggested ways in identifying business opportunities. c. Screen your identified business opportunities using the 12 Rs in screening opportunities. Follow the opportunity screening grid provided below: No. 1 Business Opportunity________________________ Criteria Very High Average Low Very High Low Rating 5 4 3 2 1 Relevance Resonance Reinforcement Revenue Etc Etc Etc No. 2 Business Opportunity________________________ Criteria Very High Average Low Very High Low Rating 5 4 3 2 1 Weight Score Weight Score Relevance Resonance Reinforcement Revenue Etc Etc Etc The weight would mean the level of importance of this criteria for you…you may assign a number from 1 to 4, 1 as the least important criteria and 4 as the highest level of criteria. SAMPLE: Using this screening process, the identified business opportunity with the highest rating or score will be deemed as the business you will pursue throughout the subject. d. Determine the mode on how you would like to start your business. Explain.