Medical School Interview Study Guide (TTUHSC EAP) TTUHSC Mission: As a comprehensive health sciences center, our mission is to enrich the lives of others by educating students to become collaborative health care professionals, providing excellent patient care, and advancing knowledge through innovative research. TTUHSC Vision: Transform health care through innovation and collaboration TTUHSC Values: One Team | Kindhearted | Integrity | Visionary | Beyond Service Keywords: Innovation & Collaboration, interprofessional collaboration, working together, transforming healthcare Facts: - TTUHSC serves 108 counties - about three million people across West Texas - TTUHSC founded in May 1969 and this will be 52nd year - Dr. Steven Berk is Dean of School of Medicine 1. Tell me about yourself Who am I? What do I do for fun? 2. Why do you want to be a doctor? 3. Why EAP and Texas Tech? 4. What values are important to you? 5. What drives and motivates you? 6. How do other people see you? 7. How do you see yourself? 8. What is unique about you? How would you bring diversity to TTUHSC SOM? 9. Why do we want you? 10. What are your strengths? 11. What are your weaknesses? 12. Tell me about a time when you acted unprofessionally. 13. Tell me about your research 14. Why didn’t you pursue MD/PhD? Or any other dual degree program? 15. Why didn’t you want to do the FMAT or pursue family medicine? 16. Tell me about your leadership experiences 17. Tell me about your clinical experiences (shadowing, etc.) 18. How do you handle stress? 19. How do you study? How do you manage your time? 20. Tell me about a time when you acted unprofessionally 21. What should be done about the shortage of doctors and adequate resources in rural settings? 22. Teach me something that most people do not know how to do. 23. If you could be any utensil in the kitchen, what would you be and why? 24. If you could be any item in a salad, what would you be and why? 25. Tell me about a time you did not get along with a superior. 26. Tell me about a time when you disappointed yourself or someone else. 27. What is success? How do you measure it? 28. Tell me about a hard decision you had to make and how you handled it. 29. Tell me about a setback you faced and how you handled it. 30. What will you do if don’t get into medical school? If you could not be a doctor, what would you be? 31. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 32. What accomplishment are you most proud of? 33. If you were selected to choose three items for a time capsule to be opened in 500 years, what would you pick? 34. What makes a good medical student and what qualities do you have that would make you a good student? 35. What books have you read recently? 36. Who is your favorite author? 37. Tell me about someone you admire 38. Tell me about someone you’ve mentored or coached 39. What is one thing you wish more people knew about you? 40. What is the biggest issue facing medicine today and what can we do to fix it? 41. Why don’t you want to pursue other healthcare professions? 42. Why did you decide to choose medicine and not some other field where you can help others, such as nursing, physical therapy, pharmacology, psychology, education, or social work? 43. What are you excited about in the future regarding medicine? (technology?) 44. What concerns you about medicine? 45. What specialty are you thinking of? Why surgery? 46. What makes you mad? 47. What makes you happy? 48. What is your favorite song? Favorite band? 49. Favorite superhero? Flash 50. If you could be an animal what would you be and why? Cheetah 51. Pet peeve? What do you dislike doing? Cutting my nails lol 52. What is something that you regret – not taking AP Spanish in high school 53. What do you think will be your greatest challenge in completing medical school and becoming a medical doctor? 54. Do you read any medical publications? Look up JAMA 55. If you were to do anything differently in your preparation for medical school, what would that be? 56. What is your concept of the doctor/patient relationship? 57. Do you think that doctors are being paid too much or too little? Why? 58. Thoughts on abortion? 59. Thoughts on euthanasia and medically assisted suicide? 60. Thoughts on universal healthcare? 61. How do you think national health insurance affects physicians, patients, and society? 62. Thoughts on Medicare, Medicaid, Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), and health insurance? 63. What do you think is wrong with the current health care system in the US? 64. What are three things you want to change about yourself? Or areas of growth? 65. Which college class interested you the most? 66. Tell me about the most difficult period of your life. How did you deal with this? 67. How do you handle adversity? 68. Describe a situation where you worked with people from different backgrounds 69. How do you deal with irritating or bossy people? 70. Is there any particular type of populations you would like to work with? 71. Tell me about a time you had to step up as a leader and it didn't turn out well 72. What does integrity mean to you? 73. What is professionalism? 74. How do you handle failure? 75. What superpower would you have if you could pick one? 76. Name an uncomfortable situation you previously found yourself in. How did you deal with it? 77. What are you afraid of seeing in medicine? 78. What are some of the current trends in healthcare today? 79. What do you feel are the negative or restrictive aspects of medicine from a professional standpoint? 80. What do you consider an important/the most important social problem facing the United States today and why? 81. Can you think of any examples in our society when healthcare is a right? When is it a privilege? When is it not clear? 82. What different feelings and issues might you experience with a terminally ill patient, as opposed to other patients? 83. How would you feel about treating a patient who has tested positive for HIV? 84. How would you feel about treating a patient who has tested positive for HIV? 85. Assume there are limited resources available and you must make decisions in a major emergency with a wide assortment of patients from all ages, backgrounds, and degree of injury. Assume also that there is no “right answer” to this question, only considered and unconsidered responses. Who would you direct to receive the treatment first and why? Questions to ask interviewer: