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Fourth Year Project Proposal Guide 2021

Fourth Year Project Proposal Guide
Prepared by Mercy Chinyuku
Format of the Proposal
Double spaced, times new Roman, size 12
1.0 Introduction
Give an abstract of the project, which is a summary of the proposal.
Example template:
Abstract ~150 – 200 words
Due to <motivation and background>, this paper investigates <problem statement> since
<literature review result>. In attaining <aim and objectives>, this paper utilises
<methodology> to realise <results and significance>. The results enjoys the <benefit> but
suffers <limitations> which is outweighed by <main contribution>, which brings <wider
2.0 Background
Provide enough background(Bisandu, 2019) to understand what the project is all about. Provide
some background research on the topic on what is already known. What has already been
concluded by other researches? Include some references. Provide evidence that there is a problem.
3.0 Problem Statement
A problem statement is usually one (Ferworn, 2007; Setzer, 2015; Younis and Abdelaziz, 2018)
or two sentences to explain the problem your project will address.
What problem are you solving? First state the problem you intend to solve. Indicate how it might
be useful. What is the ideal scenario? How do you propose to solve? What is the underlying issue
that led to proposing this project? Is there a strong need for the application (WHY), or is there a
gap in the knowledge of how to apply a given algorithm or methodology?
4.0 Objectives
Identify the objectives associated with each of the research questions. Objectives are the successive
steps you need to take in order to answer your research question. What do you want to know,
prove, demonstrate, analyse, test, investigate or examine? List your project aims and objectives in
a logical sequence. State clearly what is to be accomplished?
The aim of the project is to develop an automatic home intruder detector
The objectives of the project is to :
Analyse intruder detector algorithms
Design an android based detector system
Implement an android based detector system
Evaluate android based detector system
5.0 Roles
Each team member will be responsible for specific roles in order to complete the project on time.
Identify subtopics within a topic and assign to teams members e.g.
Iris Rusike
Mataza Ngoni
Description Sub problem/ system
Design and implement the assessment module for the online
Design and implementation of the online course evaluation
Design and implement notification system for the intruder
detection system
NB. Every member should play a role in the design and implementation of the whole system.
Your supervisor should help you to come up with various sub problems/system
6.0 Justification
Why are you solving the problem? What is its contribution to societal problems? Academic body
of knowledge?
7.0 Limitations Delimitations
A limitation is a constraint or challenge beyond your control. What are the constraints on the
approach to be adopted? Usually you identify some challenges that you meet during the course of
the research.
Delimitations are boundaries or the scope of your project. What aspects of your system are you
going to change what are going to remain? Your problem statement should guide you.
8.0 Literature Review/ Related Work
See how to craft literature review as presented Fourth Year Project Documentation Guide 2021
How does this relate to other work in this area? What work does it build on? Describe any theory
associated with the problem area. What are the existing solutions relevant to the problem area, and
why these are unsuitable or insufficient in this particular case; At least 5 published articles from
journals and textbooks that provide the current problem. Any published work, both general and
specific, that relates to the problem and past solutions to the problem.
Organise your literature in a tabular form (for presentation purposes only) as follows
Author Country Methodology Findings Advantages Disadvantages
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9.0 Methodology
See how to craft methodology as presented Fourth Year Project Documentation Guide 2021
The methodology is the general strategy that outlines the way in which the project is to be
undertaken and, among other things, identifies the methods to be used in it.
How do you anticipate achieving project objectives? What do you need (specify any special
equipment, software or material)? Can you access necessary data or expertise from open sources
or you need to purchase them? What are the likely stakeholders within the problem area; Do you
require particular resources? Are there barriers or pitfalls? Expected outcomes, significance or
rationale Why is it important? What do you expect it will deliver? What is the plan for evaluating
your methodology? What needs to be done to build on the foundation of the work that has been
cited in the literature review? Describe the software and hardware that you will need in order to
complete the project.
Organise your objectives in a tabular form (for presentation purposes only) as follows
Analyse existing Journals, books,
programs, Algorithm
worst case,
best case etc
Research on different types of methodologies that are used in computer science
10.0 Work Plan
Indicate the timeframe for each broad stage considering literature surveys, data collection,
production, modeling, review, analysis, testing, reporting, chapters for thesis/project
writing, and submission. Specify dates by which you intend to complete each stage.
11.0 Conclusion
Provide a summary of what you have done or contents of the proposal, what is your next
12.0 Reference List
References at least 10 published articles using Harvard referencing style.
Bisandu, D. B. (2019) ‘Design Science Research Methodology in Computer Science and
Information Systems’, International Journal of Information Technology, (November
2016), pp. 1–7.
Demeyer, S. (2011) ‘Research methods in computer science’, in 2011 27th IEEE
International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM). IEEE, pp. 600–600. doi:
Ferworn, A. (2007) ‘Choosing a Computer Science research problem’, in Research
Methods for Computer Science. Department of Computer Science, Ryerson University,
pp. 10–14.
Freitas, R. (2009) ‘Scientific Research Methods and Computer Science’, in MAPI
Seminars Workshop 2009. Available at: http://map.edu.pt/i/2008/map-i-researchmethods-workshop-2009/RicardoFreitasFinal.pdf.
Setzer, A. (2015) ‘Research Methodologies in Computer Science’, Computer Science.
Younis, F. and Abdelaziz, T. M. (2018) ‘Writing IT Project Proposal document’.