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Life, Animated: ASD Documentary Review Assignment

Writing Assignment: Documentary Review of Life, Animated
Description: You will watch the documentary, Life, Animated, and answer questions related to diagnosis,
etiology, treatment, and the impact of the media. Life, Animated is available for free on YouTube
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVMcYkRHtcU), it is available to rent on Amazon Prime and most
movie streaming platforms. You can also borrow a copy of the DVD through interlibrary loan at Gelman.
You are to consult and integrate course materials (e.g., textbook, DSM-5) to arrive at your own responses.
You are welcome to consult outside educational resources (websites, notes from other classes) if you need
to supplement your understanding of the concepts assessed. However, if an outside resource conflicts with
what was taught in this class, defer to what has been presented in the materials from this course. And
always use citations where appropriate (see Academic Integrity and Citations sections).
Due Date: 3/24/22 at 11:59pm. See Due Dates & Lateness policy re: accepting late work.
Submitting: Submit your paper on Blackboard. Go to “Writing Assignments.” Under this tab, click on
the Documentary Review folder and click on the “Documentary Review” heading. Attach your file then
“submit.” Emailed papers will not be accepted. Plan ahead to ensure you have internet access.
Save/upload assignments in a file format readable by Blackboard. If your submission can’t be opened, it
can’t be graded. If you have to be asked to resubmit for this reason, 6.4 points (i.e., 10% of total
assignment points) will be deducted from your final grade. See Submitting Assignments policy for more
Check to make sure you received an email confirmation confirming your upload was successful. Save this
email in case there is a problem with Blackboard.
Academic Integrity:
 These assignments are to be completed individually with no conversation or consultation from
another person.
 DO NOT copy ideas, phrases, or text from articles, the textbook or other sources without
acknowledging the source.
 DO NOT copy direct phrases or text from articles, the textbook or other sources without using
 Note that this assignment will be cross-checked using SafeAssign.
 Please talk to the instructor or TA if you have questions about plagiarism, paraphrasing, using
quotations, or collaborating with others on your writing assignments.
 All graded work must be completed in accordance with The George Washington University Code
of Academic Integrity (https://studentconduct.gwu.edu/code-academic-integrity).
 Approximately 5-7 pages (8 max), typed, double-spaced, no cover page. Practice writing that is
being complete but concise!
 Use the 12-point size of a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri); 1-inch margins
on all sides
 Number your responses using the question number (i.e., 1, 2, 3…), but given this is a writing
assignment, be sure to use complete sentences and fully answer each question.
 Do not include the text from the questions themselves in your paper, just the question #.
 When you add the question numbers, pay attention to whether your computer is automatically
indenting all of your answers (you are essentially making the margins now 2 inches instead of 1
inch so you could have a problem staying within the page limit)
 Save/upload as a .doc, docx, .rtf, .txt, or .pdf or other file format readable by Blackboard (not
.pages) https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Student/Ultra/Assignments/Supported_File_Types
 There is no need to formally cite the documentary for this assignment but be clear if you are
presenting ideas from the film as opposed to your own ideas (e.g., “According to the film…” or
“In the documentary…”).
 Cite your textbook, the DSM-5, or other sources as needed. Examples:
o The biological model for anxiety disorders is… (Sue et al., 2017).
o According to the DSM-5 (2013), the most effective treatment for schizophrenia is…
 For any other source referenced, use in-text citations and a full reference at the end of the
assignment. See https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples .
 No full reference section (i.e., bibliography) is needed unless you cite a source other than the
film, your textbook, the DSM, or class.
Grading: This assignment is worth 64 points. The points listed after each question and in the grading
rubric are out of 40 for ease of grading; your score out of 40 will be multiplied by 1.6 so that your total
score for the assignment will be out of 64 points.
*Review rubric for breakdown of points and make sure that you have each required component in your
Note: it would help to review the questions below prior to watching the documentary, so that you know
what to look for when watching.
A) Before answering questions:
 Watch the documentary Life, Animated. It is available for free on YouTube
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVMcYkRHtcU). You can also borrow a copy of the DVD
through interlibrary loan at Gelman.
 Review pp. 436-441 in your textbook
 Read the section in the DSM-5 on autism spectrum disorder. Instructions for accessing the DSM5 are in the Course FAQ discussion board on Blackboard.
 See complete instructions on the previous pages and in the rubric that follows the questions.
B) Answer each question below (1-10) in your own words and using supporting information from the
film, textbook, DSM-5, and any other material from the course:
1. Provide one paragraph describing the synopsis of the documentary in your own words.
2. Owen was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as a child. Review the diagnostic criteria
for ASD in the DSM-5. For diagnostic criteria A, B, and D specifically, specify whether Owen meets
each criteria or not based on what is depicted in the film. Provide specific evidence/examples from
the film based on what is required to meet each criterion.
3. Review the table in the DSM-5 describing Severity levels for ASD. How would you describe Owen’s
current (as an adult young man) severity level, and why?
4. In what ways was Owen a typical child/young adult? In what ways was he not a typical child/young
adult? How are these characteristics related to his diagnosis of ASD?
5. What are the risk and protective factors associated with Owen’s diagnosis or prognosis (outcome) of
ASD? Describe at least one risk and one protective factor portrayed in the film.
6. What intervention(s) did Owen receive? Assess both the success of the intervention(s) and the extent
to which these are evidence-based interventions as described in the textbook.
7. Treatment for ASD can be particularly expensive. Describe the role that Owen’s social class played in
contributing to his current level of functioning. How could his treatment progression have differed if
he were from a different social class?
8. This film highlights a paradigm shift in the autism field: a move away from a deficit view of
“nonfunctional perseverations” to a strengths-based view of “special interest areas” or affinities. How
was this strengths-based view portrayed in the film? Do you agree with this perspective? Why or why
not? Please use evidence from the film to support your answer.
9. Walter Suskind discussed his thoughts about becoming Owen’s sole family member once their
parents pass away. Discuss how neurodevelopmental disorders can impact siblings and other family
members; include the impact on their role as caregivers.
10. Reflections:
a) How did the information presented in the film compare to your understanding of ASD
(based on what you read in the textbook and the DSM-5, and/or based on prior personal
b) What techniques/styles were used in this film to portray this story of ASD? How effective
were these techniques in your opinion?
c) In general, what do you see is the value of a documentary format to illustrate psychiatric
disorders and/or influence attitudes toward individuals living with disorders?
PSYCH 2011: Documentary Review Rubric
1. Synopsis of the documentary
2. Evidence from the film for DSM-5 ASD diagnosis
- Describe whether the criteria are met/not met for Criterion A (i.e., A1,
through A3) using evidence/examples from film (3 pts)
- Describe whether the criteria are met/not met for Criterion B (i.e., two
or more of B1 through B4), using evidence/examples from film (2 pts)
- Describe whether the criteria are met/not met for Criterion D, using
evidence/examples from film (1 pt)
3. Severity level using DSM-5
- Indicate level as a young man (1 pt)
- Provide rationale based on film (1 pt)
4. Characteristics
- How is Owen a typical child/young adult? (1 pt)
- How is he not a typical child/young adult? (1 pt)
- How are these characteristics related to his diagnosis of ASD? (1 pt)
5. Risk and protective factors associated with Owen’s diagnosis ASD
- Describe one risk factor (2 pts)
- Describe one protective factor (2 pts)
6. Intervention
- Identify the intervention(s) Owen received (1 pt)
- Assess the success of the intervention (s) (2 pts)
- Discuss the extent to which these are evidence-based interventions (i.e.,
compare to your understanding from the chapter) (2 pts)
7. Social class role in functioning and prognosis
- Describe role social class played in current level of functioning (2 pts)
- How could prognosis differ if Own was from a different social class?
(1 pt)
8. Paradigm shift in the autism field: deficit to strengths-based view
- Discuss how strengths-based view portrayed in the film (2 pts)
- Do you agree with this perspective? (1 pt)
- Why or why not? Use evidence from the film to support your answer.
(1 pt)
~ ½ page
~ 1-1 ¼
a few
~ ½ to ¾
~ ¼ page
~ ¾ - 1 page
~ ½ - ¾ page
~ ¾ - 1 page
9. Impact on family/caregivers
- Discuss how disorders can impacts families and siblings (1 pt)
- Discuss role family members play as caregivers (2 pts)
10. Reflections
a) How does this compare to your understanding? (2 pts)
b) - Techniques/styles used to portray story (1 pt)
- How effective were they? (1 pt)
c) Value of a documentary format (2 pt)
Formatting, Writing style, Mechanics
- Follows formatting and citations instructions (1 pt)
- Writing/ideas are organized and clear (1 pt)
- General good writing mechanics (e.g., grammar, spelling, punctuation)
(1 pt)
~ ½ - ¾ page
~ ¼ page for
part a)
a few
sentences for
parts b) and
c) each
Score conversion (multiplied by 1.6)