EG1311: Design & Make Week 2 Dr. Jason S. Ku Energy • Transform Energy Chemical —> Electrical —> Mechanical Battery Motor 2 Mechanics • Newton’s 2nd Law • Work Energy • Power 3 Electricity • Ohm’s Law 4 Electricity • Ohm’s Law 5 Electricity • Ohm’s Law 6 Electricity • Ohm’s Law • Power 7 Multimeter • Measurement - Voltage - Current - Resistance 8 Multimeter • Measurement of Voltage 9 Multimeter • Measurement of Voltage Parallel 10 Multimeter • Measurement of Current 11 Multimeter • Measurement of Current Series 12 Multimeter • Measurement of Resistance 13 Multimeter • Measurement of Resistance Isolated 14 Demo DC Motor Motor Gearbox 27 DC Motor DC Motor DC Motor Magnet Brush Commutator 30 ` Lorentz Force aw: When current I runs through a wire W in the presen F is produced on the wire. • Current in magnetic field creates a force Z F=I d` ⇥ B = I ⇥ B W 31 DC Motor F=I Z W d` ⇥ B = I ⇥ B 32 DC Motor 33 oves in the magnetic field, the magnetic flux through the wire d form relates the of thebut change of the magnetic field of the magnetic fieldintegral is constant the area of the field spanned Law ⌃, Faraday’s and the line integral of the electric field around the boundary @⌃ I ZZ d E · d` = B · dA @⌃ VE = `vdt⇥ B⌃ d ven a wireBack W , theEMF voltage Vdifference across a wire is the negative lin = E B dt eld along the wire. I varies linearly with torque ⌧ (from • Change in magnetic creates voltage Zflux Lorentz) V I= I E · d` s f` I(⌧ ) = · ⌧ + If ⌧s ce law: When current I runs through a wire W in the presence o ce F is produced on the wire. MF V is proportional to angular velocity ! (from Faraday) E Z V = k · ! E m F=I d` ⇥ B 34 DC Motor 35 DC Motor 36 DC Motor Output Torque Angular Speed Efficiency No Load Power Out @5V Current [A] Stall 37 EG1311: Design & Make Week 2 Dr. Jason S. Ku Computer: What is it? 39 Computer: What is it? Memory (Storage) CPU (Brain) Byte Addressable Logic Unit Word Register 40 • A sequence of bits can be interpreted as a binary number in base-2 — Ex: 8 bits 10100111 represents the base-10 number 167 in base-2 Computer: • Memory accessed byBinary referencing its numerical address in the memory array 2. Processor: a device that can process small amounts of memory quickly (brain) • •Like base-10, binary mostwords significant on left Processes memory in chunks called machine • A processor has fixed word size (number of bits in a machine word) = 8 bits [0, 255] • •1Abyte processor contains some word-sized memory slots called registers • Processor manipulates register data by executing a program • •Machine code (assembly) instruction set A program is a set of machine instructions stored in memory • There are 3 main types of machine instructions: - (a)Data Transfer (read and write memory) Data transfer: instructions that transfer data between registers and memory — Ex: read data at memory address X and write it to register Y (b) Data manipulation: instructions that changing the data in registers — Ex: add data in register A to data in register B and store result in register C (c) Program flow: instructions that change which instruction to execute next — Ex: move to program line at address X if data in register A is zero - Data Manipulation (change memory) - Program Flow (change next execution) Processor ATmega328P Intel i7 4 On-Board Memory 32 KBs 16,000 KBs Electronics Word Size 8 bits 64 bits Registers 32 16 Instructions 131 1503 Processor Speed ⇠ 1 MIPS ⇠ 100,000 MIPS 41 Programming: C • Higher level language than assembly • One line can be many assembly instructions • Written in text rather than bytes (ASCII) • Compiler converts to assembly 42 Programming: Variables & Types • Variable: text name for address in memory • Type: organization and size of memory • Variables must be declared before use char a; // 8 bits Comments int b; // 16 bits unsigned long u; // 32 bits float c; // 32 bits 43 Programming: Assignment • Assignment denoted by equal sign ( = ) • Can declare and assign on same line • All statements end with semicolon ( ; ) a = ‘a’; // assign int d = a; // declare & assign int e = 128; // 97 128 char f = e; // -128 128 = a; // ERROR 44 Programming: Own Types • Struct and Class Objects struct Student { // define int age; int grade; }; Student jason; // declare jason.age = 34; // assign jason.grade = 83; // assign 45 Programming: Operators • Manipulate one or two numbers - Arithmetic + - * / % - Comparison == != < <= > >= - Logic ! && || - Bitwise & | ^ ~ << >> int g = 6 + 12; // 18 int h = (g == 5) || (g < 5); // 0 46 Practice int a = 14; int b = ‘a’; b = a - b; // ? 47 Practice int a = 14; int b = ‘a’; b = a - b; // -83 48 Practice int c = (1 << 15) - 1; // ? 49 Practice int c = (1 << 15) - 1; // 32767 50 Practice int c = (1 << 15) - 1; // 32767 c = c + 1; ? // 51 Practice int c = (1 << 15) - 1; // c = c + 1; 32767 // -32768 52 Practice int d = !(10 & 6) || (‘a’ % 3); // ? 53 Practice int d = !(10 & 6) || (‘a’ % 3); // 1 54 Programming: Conditionals • Change program flow based on Boolean if (a < b) { // do something } else { // do something else } 55 Programming: Loops • Repeat lines while (a < b) { // do something // repeatedly } 56 Programming: Loops • Repeat lines int i = 0; while (i < 50) { // do something once i = i + 1; } 57 Programming: Loops • Repeat lines int i = 0; while (i < 50) { // do something once i++; } 58 Programming: Loops • Repeat lines for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { // do something once } 59 Practice int a = 100; while ((a >= 0) || (a % 2)) { a--; } int b = a; // ? 60 Practice int a = 100; while ((a >= 0) || (a % 2)) { a--; } int b = a; // -2 61 Programming: Functions • Parametrically reusable code • Inputs —> one output int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } int c = add(a, b); 62 Programming: Functions • Parametrically reusable code • Inputs —> one output void wait() { // code to delay execution } 63 Programming: Best Practices • Write detailed comments • Be clear and simple (don’t be cryptic) • Use descriptive variable/function names • Indent code properly, align curly braces • Use variables instead of hard-coded values 64 EG1311: Design & Make Week 2 Dr. Jason S. Ku